Tutorial: Create a REST API with a Lambda non-proxy integration - Amazon API Gateway

Tutorial: Create a REST API with a Lambda non-proxy integration

In this walkthrough, we use the API Gateway console to build an API that enables a client to call Lambda functions through the Lambda non-proxy integration (also known as custom integration). For more information about AWS Lambda and Lambda functions, see the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.

To facilitate learning, we chose a simple Lambda function with minimal API setup to walk you through the steps of building an API Gateway API with the Lambda custom integration. When necessary, we describe some of the logic. For a more detailed example of the Lambda custom integration, see Tutorial: Create a calculator REST API with two AWS service integrations and one Lambda non-proxy integration.

Before creating the API, set up the Lambda backend by creating a Lambda function in AWS Lambda, described next.

Create a Lambda function for Lambda non-proxy integration


Creating Lambda functions may result in charges to your AWS account.

In this step, you create a "Hello, World!"-like Lambda function for the Lambda custom integration. Throughout this walkthrough, the function is called GetStartedLambdaIntegration.

The implementation of this GetStartedLambdaIntegration Lambda function is as follows:

'use strict'; var days = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday']; var times = ['morning', 'afternoon', 'evening', 'night', 'day']; console.log('Loading function'); export const handler = function(event, context, callback) { // Parse the input for the name, city, time and day property values let name = event.name === undefined ? 'you' : event.name; let city = event.city === undefined ? 'World' : event.city; let time = times.indexOf(event.time)<0 ? 'day' : event.time; let day = days.indexOf(event.day)<0 ? null : event.day; // Generate a greeting let greeting = 'Good ' + time + ', ' + name + ' of ' + city + '. '; if (day) greeting += 'Happy ' + day + '!'; // Log the greeting to CloudWatch console.log('Hello: ', greeting); // Return a greeting to the caller callback(null, { "greeting": greeting }); };
import json days = { 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'} times = {'morning', 'afternoon', 'evening', 'night', 'day'} def lambda_handler(event, context): print(event) # parse the input for the name, city, time, and day property values try: if event['name']: name = event['name'] except KeyError: name = 'you' try: if event['city']: city = event['city'] except KeyError: city = 'World' try: if event['time'] in times: time = event['time'] else: time = 'day' except KeyError: time = 'day' try: if event['day'] in days: day = event['day'] else: day = '' except KeyError: day = '' # Generate a greeting greeting = 'Good ' + time + ', ' + name + ' of ' + \ city + '.' + ['', ' Happy ' + day + '!'][day != ''] # Log the greeting to CloudWatch print(greeting) # Return a greeting to the caller return {"greeting": greeting}

For the Lambda custom integration, API Gateway passes the input to the Lambda function from the client as the integration request body. The event object of the Lambda function handler is the input.

Our Lambda function is simple. It parses the input event object for the name, city, time, and day properties. It then returns a greeting, as a JSON object of {"message":greeting}, to the caller. The message is in the "Good [morning|afternoon|day], [name|you] in [city|World]. Happy day!" pattern. It is assumed that the input to the Lambda function is of the following JSON object:

{ "city": "...", "time": "...", "day": "...", "name" : "..." }

For more information, see the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.

In addition, the function logs its execution to Amazon CloudWatch by calling console.log(...). This is helpful for tracing calls when debugging the function. To allow the GetStartedLambdaIntegration function to log the call, set an IAM role with appropriate policies for the Lambda function to create the CloudWatch streams and add log entries to the streams. The Lambda console guides you through to create the required IAM roles and policies.

If you set up the API without using the API Gateway console, such as when importing an API from an OpenAPI file, you must explicitly create, if necessary, and set up an invocation role and policy for API Gateway to invoke the Lambda functions. For more information on how to set up Lambda invocation and execution roles for an API Gateway API, see Control access to a REST API with IAM permissions.

Compared to GetStartedLambdaProxyIntegration, the Lambda function for the Lambda proxy integration, the GetStartedLambdaIntegration Lambda function for the Lambda custom integration only takes input from the API Gateway API integration request body. The function can return an output of any JSON object, a string, a number, a Boolean, or even a binary blob. The Lambda function for the Lambda proxy integration, in contrast, can take the input from any request data, but must return an output of a particular JSON object. The GetStartedLambdaIntegration function for the Lambda custom integration can have the API request parameters as input, provided that API Gateway maps the required API request parameters to the integration request body before forwarding the client request to the backend. For this to happen, the API developer must create a mapping template and configure it on the API method when creating the API.

Now, create the GetStartedLambdaIntegration Lambda function.

To create the GetStartedLambdaIntegration Lambda function for Lambda custom integration
  1. Open the AWS Lambda console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/lambda/.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • If the welcome page appears, choose Get Started Now and then choose Create function.

    • If the Lambda > Functions list page appears, choose Create function.

  3. Choose Author from scratch.

  4. In the Author from scratch pane, do the following:

    1. For Name, enter GetStartedLambdaIntegration as the Lambda function name.

    2. For Runtime, choose either the latest supported Node.js or Python runtime.

    3. For Architecture, keep the default setting.

    4. Under Permissions, expand Change default execution role. For Execution role dropdown list, choose Create new role from AWS policy templates.

    5. For Role name, enter a name for your role (for example, GetStartedLambdaIntegrationRole).

    6. For Policy templates, choose Simple microservice permissions.

    7. Choose Create function.

  5. In the Configure function pane, under Function code do the following:

    1. Copy the Lambda function code listed in the beginning of this section and paste it in the inline code editor.

    2. Leave the default choices for all other fields in this section.

    3. Choose Deploy.

  6. To test the newly created function, choose the Test tab.

    1. For Event name, enter HelloWorldTest.

    2. For Event JSON, replace the default code with the following.

      { "name": "Jonny", "city": "Seattle", "time": "morning", "day": "Wednesday" }
    3. Choose Test to invoke the function. The Execution result: succeeded section is shown. Expand Details and you see the following output.

      { "greeting": "Good morning, Jonny of Seattle. Happy Wednesday!" }

      The output is also written to CloudWatch Logs.

As a side exercise, you can use the IAM console to view the IAM role (GetStartedLambdaIntegrationRole) that was created as part of the Lambda function creation. Attached to this IAM role are two inline policies. One stipulates the most basic permissions for Lambda execution. It permits calling the CloudWatch CreateLogGroup for any CloudWatch resources of your account in the region where the Lambda function is created. This policy also allows creating the CloudWatch streams and logging events for the GetStartedLambdaIntegration Lambda function.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "logs:CreateLogGroup", "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:region:account-id:*" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "logs:CreateLogStream", "logs:PutLogEvents" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:logs:region:account-id:log-group:/aws/lambda/GetStartedLambdaIntegration:*" ] } ] }

The other policy document applies to invoking another AWS service that is not used in this example. You can skip it for now.

Associated with the IAM role is a trusted entity, which is lambda.amazonaws.com. Here is the trust relationship:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "lambda.amazonaws.com" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] }

The combination of this trust relationship and the inline policy makes it possible for the Lambda function to invoke a console.log() function to log events to CloudWatch Logs.

Create an API with Lambda non-proxy integration

With the Lambda function (GetStartedLambdaIntegration) created and tested, you are ready to expose the function through an API Gateway API. For illustration purposes, we expose the Lambda function with a generic HTTP method. We use the request body, a URL path variable, a query string, and a header to receive required input data from the client. We turn on the API Gateway request validator for the API to ensure that all of the required data is properly defined and specified. We configure a mapping template for API Gateway to transform the client-supplied request data into the valid format as required by the backend Lambda function.

To create an API with a Lambda non-proxy integration
  1. Sign in to the API Gateway console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/apigateway.

  2. If this is your first time using API Gateway, you see a page that introduces you to the features of the service. Under REST API, choose Build. When the Create Example API popup appears, choose OK.

    If this is not your first time using API Gateway, choose Create API. Under REST API, choose Build.

  3. For API name, enter LambdaNonProxyAPI.

  4. (Optional) For Description, enter a description.

  5. Keep API endpoint type set to Regional.

  6. Choose Create API.

After creating your API, you create a /{city} resource. This is an example of a resource with a path variable that takes an input from the client. Later, you map this path variable into the Lambda function input using a mapping template.

To create a resource
  1. Choose Create resource.

  2. Keep Proxy resource turned off.

  3. Keep Resource path as /.

  4. For Resource name, enter {city}.

  5. Keep CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) turned off.

  6. Choose Create resource.

After creating your /{city} resource, you create an ANY method. The ANY HTTP verb is a placeholder for a valid HTTP method that a client submits at run time. This example shows that ANY method can be used for Lambda custom integration as well as for Lambda proxy integration.

To create an ANY method
  1. Select the /{city} resource, and then choose Create method.

  2. For Method type, select ANY.

  3. For Integration type, select Lambda function.

  4. Keep Lambda proxy integration turned off.

  5. For Lambda function, select the AWS Region where you created your Lambda function, and then enter the function name.

  6. Choose Method request settings.

    Now, you turn on a request validator for a URL path variable, a query string parameter, and a header to ensure that all of the required data is defined. For this example, you create a time query string parameter and a day header.

  7. For Request validator, select Validate query string parameters and headers.

  8. Choose URL query string parameters and do the following:

    1. Choose Add query string.

    2. For Name, enter time.

    3. Turn on Required.

    4. Keep Caching turned off.

  9. Choose HTTP request headers and do the following:

    1. Choose Add header.

    2. For Name, enter day.

    3. Turn on Required.

    4. Keep Caching turned off.

  10. Choose Create method.

After turning on a request validator, you configure the integration request for the ANY method by adding a body-mapping template to transform the incoming request into a JSON payload, as required by the backend Lambda function.

To configure the integration request
  1. On the Integration request tab, under the Integration request settings, choose Edit.

  2. For Request body passthrough, select When there are no templates defined (recommended).

  3. Choose Mapping templates.

  4. Choose Add mapping template.

  5. For Content type, enter application/json.

  6. For Template body, enter the following code:

    #set($inputRoot = $input.path('$')) { "city": "$input.params('city')", "time": "$input.params('time')", "day": "$input.params('day')", "name": "$inputRoot.callerName" }
  7. Choose Save.

Test invoking the API method

The API Gateway console provides a testing facility for you to test invoking the API before it is deployed. You use the Test feature of the console to test the API by submitting the following request:

POST /Seattle?time=morning day:Wednesday { "callerName": "John" }

In this test request, you'll set ANY to POST, set {city} to Seattle, assign Wednesday as the day header value, and assign "John" as the callerName value.

To test the ANY method
  1. Choose the Test tab. You might need to choose the right arrow button to show the tab.

  2. For Method type, select POST.

  3. For Path, under city, enter Seattle.

  4. For Query strings, enter time=morning.

  5. For Headers, enter day:Wednesday.

  6. For Request Body, enter { "callerName": "John" }.

  7. Choose Test.

Verify that the returned response payload is as follows:

{ "greeting": "Good morning, John of Seattle. Happy Wednesday!" }

You can also view the logs to examine how API Gateway processes the request and response.

Execution log for request test-request Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Starting execution for request: test-invoke-request Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : HTTP Method: POST, Resource Path: /Seattle Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Method request path: {city=Seattle} Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Method request query string: {time=morning} Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Method request headers: {day=Wednesday} Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Method request body before transformations: { "callerName": "John" } Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Request validation succeeded for content type application/json Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Endpoint request URI: https://lambda.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:GetStartedLambdaIntegration/invocations Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Endpoint request headers: {x-amzn-lambda-integration-tag=test-request, Authorization=****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************338c72, X-Amz-Date=20170831T010725Z, x-amzn-apigateway-api-id=beags1mnid, X-Amz-Source-Arn=arn:aws:execute-api:us-west-2:123456789012:beags1mnid/null/POST/{city}, Accept=application/json, User-Agent=AmazonAPIGateway_beags1mnid, X-Amz-Security-Token=FQoDYXdzELL//////////wEaDMHGzEdEOT/VvGhabiK3AzgKrJw+3zLqJZG4PhOq12K6W21+QotY2rrZyOzqhLoiuRg3CAYNQ2eqgL5D54+63ey9bIdtwHGoyBdq8ecWxJK/YUnT2Rau0L9HCG5p7FC05h3IvwlFfvcidQNXeYvsKJTLXI05/yEnY3ttIAnpNYLOezD9Es8rBfyruHfJfOqextKlsC8DymCcqlGkig8qLKcZ0hWJWVwiPJiFgL7laabXs++ZhCa4hdZo4iqlG729DE4gaV1mJVdoAagIUwLMo+y4NxFDu0r7I0/EO5nYcCrppGVVBYiGk7H4T6sXuhTkbNNqVmXtV3ch5bOlh7 [TRUNCATED] Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Endpoint request body after transformations: { "city": "Seattle", "time": "morning", "day": "Wednesday", "name" : "John" } Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Sending request to https://lambda.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:GetStartedLambdaIntegration/invocations Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Received response. Integration latency: 328 ms Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Endpoint response body before transformations: {"greeting":"Good morning, John of Seattle. Happy Wednesday!"} Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Endpoint response headers: {x-amzn-Remapped-Content-Length=0, x-amzn-RequestId=c0475a28-8de8-11e7-8d3f-4183da788f0f, Connection=keep-alive, Content-Length=62, Date=Thu, 31 Aug 2017 01:07:25 GMT, X-Amzn-Trace-Id=root=1-59a7614d-373151b01b0713127e646635;sampled=0, Content-Type=application/json} Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Method response body after transformations: {"greeting":"Good morning, John of Seattle. Happy Wednesday!"} Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Method response headers: {X-Amzn-Trace-Id=sampled=0;root=1-59a7614d-373151b01b0713127e646635, Content-Type=application/json} Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Successfully completed execution Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Method completed with status: 200

The logs show the incoming request before the mapping and the integration request after the mapping. When a test fails, the logs are useful for evaluating whether the original input is correct or the mapping template works correctly.

Deploy the API

The test invocation is a simulation and has limitations. For example, it bypasses any authorization mechanism enacted on the API. To test the API execution in real time, you must deploy the API first. To deploy an API, you create a stage to create a snapshot of the API at that time. The stage name also defines the base path after the API's default host name. The API's root resource is appended after the stage name. When you modify the API, you must redeploy it to a new or existing stage before the changes take effect.

To deploy the API to a stage
  1. Choose Deploy API.

  2. For Stage, select New stage.

  3. For Stage name, enter test.


    The input must be UTF-8 encoded (i.e., unlocalized) text.

  4. (Optional) For Description, enter a description.

  5. Choose Deploy.

Under Stage details, choose the copy icon to copy your API's invoke URL. The general pattern of the API's base URL is https://api-id.region.amazonaws.com/stageName. For example, the base URL of the API (beags1mnid) created in the us-west-2 region and deployed to the test stage is https://beags1mnid.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/test.

Test the API in a deployment stage

There are several ways you can test a deployed API. For GET requests using only URL path variables or query string parameters, you can enter the API resource URL in a browser. For other methods, you must use more advanced REST API testing utilities, such as POSTMAN or cURL.

To test the API using cURL
  1. Open a terminal window on your local computer connected to the internet.

  2. To test POST /Seattle?time=evening:

    Copy the following cURL command and paste it into the terminal window.

    curl -v -X POST \ 'https://beags1mnid.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/test/Seattle?time=evening' \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -H 'day: Thursday' \ -H 'x-amz-docs-region: us-west-2' \ -d '{ "callerName": "John" }'

    You should get a successful response with the following payload:

    {"greeting":"Good evening, John of Seattle. Happy Thursday!"}

    If you change POST to PUT in this method request, you get the same response.

Clean up

If you no longer need the Lambda functions you created for this walkthrough, you can delete them now. You can also delete the accompanying IAM resources.


If you plan to complete the other walkthroughs in this series, do not delete the Lambda execution role or the Lambda invocation role. If you delete a Lambda function that your APIs rely on, those APIs will no longer work. Deleting a Lambda function cannot be undone. If you want to use the Lambda function again, you must re-create the function.

If you delete an IAM resource that a Lambda function relies on, that Lambda function will no longer work, and any APIs that rely on that function will no longer work. Deleting an IAM resource cannot be undone. If you want to use the IAM resource again, you must re-create the resource.

To delete the Lambda function
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Lambda console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/lambda/.

  2. From the list of functions, choose GetStartedLambdaIntegration, choose Actions, and then choose Delete function. When prompted, choose Delete again.

To delete the associated IAM resources
  1. Open the IAM console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/.

  2. From Details, choose Roles.

  3. From the list of roles, choose GetStartedLambdaIntegrationRole, choose Role Actions, and then choose Delete Role. Follow the steps in the console to delete the role.