Tutorial: Create a REST API as an Amazon Kinesis proxy - Amazon API Gateway

Tutorial: Create a REST API as an Amazon Kinesis proxy

This page describes how to create and configure a REST API with an integration of the AWS type to access Kinesis.


To integrate your API Gateway API with Kinesis, you must choose a region where both the API Gateway and Kinesis services are available. For region availability, see Service Endpoints and Quotas.

For the purpose of illustration, we create an example API to enable a client to do the following:

  1. List the user's available streams in Kinesis

  2. Create, describe, or delete a specified stream

  3. Read data records from or write data records into the specified stream

To accomplish the preceding tasks, the API exposes methods on various resources to invoke the following, respectively:

  1. The ListStreams action in Kinesis

  2. The CreateStream, DescribeStream, or DeleteStream action

  3. The GetRecords or PutRecords (including PutRecord) action in Kinesis

Specifically, we build the API as follows:

  • Expose an HTTP GET method on the API's /streams resource and integrate the method with the ListStreams action in Kinesis to list the streams in the caller's account.

  • Expose an HTTP POST method on the API's /streams/{stream-name} resource and integrate the method with the CreateStream action in Kinesis to create a named stream in the caller's account.

  • Expose an HTTP GET method on the API's /streams/{stream-name} resource and integrate the method with the DescribeStream action in Kinesis to describe a named stream in the caller's account.

  • Expose an HTTP DELETE method on the API's /streams/{stream-name} resource and integrate the method with the DeleteStream action in Kinesis to delete a stream in the caller's account.

  • Expose an HTTP PUT method on the API's /streams/{stream-name}/record resource and integrate the method with the PutRecord action in Kinesis. This enables the client to add a single data record to the named stream.

  • Expose an HTTP PUT method on the API's /streams/{stream-name}/records resource and integrate the method with the PutRecords action in Kinesis. This enables the client to add a list of data records to the named stream.

  • Expose an HTTP GET method on the API's /streams/{stream-name}/records resource and integrate the method with the GetRecords action in Kinesis. This enables the client to list data records in the named stream, with a specified shard iterator. A shard iterator specifies the shard position from which to start reading data records sequentially.

  • Expose an HTTP GET method on the API's /streams/{stream-name}/sharditerator resource and integrate the method with the GetShardIterator action in Kinesis. This helper method must be supplied to the ListStreams action in Kinesis.

You can apply the instructions presented here to other Kinesis actions. For the complete list of the Kinesis actions, see Amazon Kinesis API Reference.

Instead of using the API Gateway console to create the sample API, you can import the sample API into API Gateway using the API Gateway Import API. For information on how to use the Import API, see Develop REST APIs using OpenAPI in API Gateway.

Create an IAM role and policy for the API to access Kinesis

To allow the API to invoke Kinesis actions, you must have the appropriate IAM policies attached to an IAM role. In this step, you create a new IAM role.

To create the AWS service proxy execution role
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/.

  2. Choose Roles.

  3. Choose Create role.

  4. Choose AWS service under Select type of trusted entity, and then select API Gateway and select Allows API Gateway to push logs to CloudWatch Logs.

  5. Choose Next, and then choose Next.

  6. For Role name, enter APIGatewayKinesisProxyPolicy, and then choose Create role.

  7. In the Roles list, choose the role you just created. You may need to scroll or use the search bar to find the role.

  8. For the selected role, select the Add permissions tab.

  9. Choose Attach policies from the dropdown list.

  10. In the search bar, enter AmazonKinesisFullAccess and choose Add permissions.


    This tutorial uses a managed policy for simplicity. As a best practice, you should create your own IAM policy to grant the minimum permissions required.

  11. Note the newly created Role ARN, you will use it later.

Create an API as a Kinesis proxy

Use the following steps to create the API in the API Gateway console.

To create an API as an AWS service proxy for Kinesis
  1. Sign in to the API Gateway console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/apigateway.

  2. If this is your first time using API Gateway, you see a page that introduces you to the features of the service. Under REST API, choose Build. When the Create Example API popup appears, choose OK.

    If this is not your first time using API Gateway, choose Create API. Under REST API, choose Build.

  3. Choose New API.

  4. In API name, enter KinesisProxy. Keep the default values for all other fields.

  5. (Optional) For Description, enter a description.

  6. Choose Create API.

After the API is created, the API Gateway console displays the Resources page, which contains only the API's root (/) resource.

List streams in Kinesis

Kinesis supports the ListStreams action with the following REST API call:

POST /?Action=ListStreams HTTP/1.1 Host: kinesis.<region>.<domain> Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes> User-Agent: <UserAgentString> Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1 Authorization: <AuthParams> X-Amz-Date: <Date> { ... }

In the above REST API request, the action is specified in the Action query parameter. Alternatively, you can specify the action in a X-Amz-Target header, instead:

POST / HTTP/1.1 Host: kinesis.<region>.<domain> Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes> User-Agent: <UserAgentString> Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1 Authorization: <AuthParams> X-Amz-Date: <Date> X-Amz-Target: Kinesis_20131202.ListStreams { ... }

In this tutorial, we use the query parameter to specify action.

To expose a Kinesis action in the API, add a /streams resource to the API's root. Then set a GET method on the resource and integrate the method with the ListStreams action of Kinesis.

The following procedure describes how to list Kinesis streams by using the API Gateway console.

To list Kinesis streams by using the API Gateway console
  1. Select the / resource, and then choose Create resource.

  2. For Resource name, enter streams.

  3. Keep CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) turned off.

  4. Choose Create resource.

  5. Choose the /streams resource, and then choose Create method, and then do the following:

    1. For Method type, select GET.


      The HTTP verb for a method invoked by a client may differ from the HTTP verb for an integration required by the backend. We select GET here, because listing streams is intuitively a READ operation.

    2. For Integration type, select AWS service.

    3. For AWS Region, select the AWS Region where you created your Kinesis stream.

    4. For AWS service, select Kinesis.

    5. Keep AWS subdomain blank.

    6. For HTTP method, choose POST.


      We chose POST here because Kinesis requires that the ListStreams action be invoked with it.

    7. For Action type, choose Use action name.

    8. For Action name, enter ListStreams.

    9. For Execution role, enter the ARN for your execution role.

    10. Keep the default of Passthrough for Content Handling.

    11. Choose Create method.

  6. On the Integration request tab, under Integration request settings, choose Edit.

  7. For Request body passthrough, select When there are no templates defined (recommended).

  8. Choose URL request headers parameters, and then do the following:

    1. Choose Add request headers parameter.

    2. For Name, enter Content-Type.

    3. For Mapped from, enter 'application/x-amz-json-1.1'.

    We use a request parameter mapping to set the Content-Type header to the static value of 'application/x-amz-json-1.1' to inform Kinesis that the input is of a specific version of JSON.

  9. Choose Mapping templates, and then choose Add mapping template, and do the following:

    1. For Content-Type, enter application/json.

    2. For Template body, enter {}.

    3. Choose Save.

    The ListStreams request takes a payload of the following JSON format:

    { "ExclusiveStartStreamName": "string", "Limit": number }

    However, the properties are optional. To use the default values, we opted for an empty JSON payload here.

  10. Test the GET method on the /streams resource to invoke the ListStreams action in Kinesis:

    Choose the Test tab. You might need to choose the right arrow button to show the tab.

    Choose Test to test your method.

    If you already created two streams named "myStream" and "yourStream" in Kinesis, the successful test returns a 200 OK response containing the following payload:

    { "HasMoreStreams": false, "StreamNames": [ "myStream", "yourStream" ] }

Create, describe, and delete a stream in Kinesis

Creating, describing, and deleting a stream in Kinesis involves making the following Kinesis REST API requests, respectively:

POST /?Action=CreateStream HTTP/1.1 Host: kinesis.region.domain ... Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1 Content-Length: PayloadSizeBytes { "ShardCount": number, "StreamName": "string" }
POST /?Action=DescribeStream HTTP/1.1 Host: kinesis.region.domain ... Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1 Content-Length: PayloadSizeBytes { "StreamName": "string" }
POST /?Action=DeleteStream HTTP/1.1 Host: kinesis.region.domain ... Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1 Content-Length: PayloadSizeBytes { "StreamName":"string" }

We can build the API to accept the required input as a JSON payload of the method request and pass the payload through to the integration request. However, to provide more examples of data mapping between method and integration requests, and method and integration responses, we create our API somewhat differently.

We expose the GET, POST, and Delete HTTP methods on a to-be-named Stream resource. We use the {stream-name} path variable as the placeholder of the stream resource and integrate these API methods with the Kinesis' DescribeStream, CreateStream, and DeleteStream actions, respectively. We require that the client pass other input data as headers, query parameters, or the payload of a method request. We provide mapping templates to transform the data to the required integration request payload.

To create the {stream-name} resource
  1. Choose the /streams resource, and then choose Create resource.

  2. Keep Proxy resource turned off.

  3. For Resource path, select /streams.

  4. For Resource name, enter {stream-name}.

  5. Keep CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) turned off.

  6. Choose Create resource.

To configure and test the GET method on a stream resource
  1. Choose the /{stream-name} resource, and then choose Create method.

  2. For Method type, select GET.

  3. For Integration type, select AWS service.

  4. For AWS Region, select the AWS Region where you created your Kinesis stream.

  5. For AWS service, select Kinesis.

  6. Keep AWS subdomain blank.

  7. For HTTP method, choose POST.

  8. For Action type, choose Use action name.

  9. For Action name, enter DescribeStream.

  10. For Execution role, enter the ARN for your execution role.

  11. Keep the default of Passthrough for Content Handling.

  12. Choose Create method.

  13. In the Integration request section, add the following URL request headers parameters:

    Content-Type: 'x-amz-json-1.1'

    The task follows the same procedure to set up the request parameter mapping for the GET /streams method.

  14. Add the following body mapping template to map data from the GET /streams/{stream-name} method request to the POST /?Action=DescribeStream integration request:

    { "StreamName": "$input.params('stream-name')" }

    This mapping template generates the required integration request payload for the DescribeStream action of Kinesis from the method request's stream-name path parameter value.

  15. To test the GET /stream/{stream-name} method to invoke the DescribeStream action in Kinesis, choose the Test tab.

  16. For Path, under stream-name, enter the name of an existing Kinesis stream.

  17. Choose Test. If the test is successful, a 200 OK response is returned with a payload similar to the following:

    { "StreamDescription": { "HasMoreShards": false, "RetentionPeriodHours": 24, "Shards": [ { "HashKeyRange": { "EndingHashKey": "68056473384187692692674921486353642290", "StartingHashKey": "0" }, "SequenceNumberRange": { "StartingSequenceNumber": "49559266461454070523309915164834022007924120923395850242" }, "ShardId": "shardId-000000000000" }, ... { "HashKeyRange": { "EndingHashKey": "340282366920938463463374607431768211455", "StartingHashKey": "272225893536750770770699685945414569164" }, "SequenceNumberRange": { "StartingSequenceNumber": "49559266461543273504104037657400164881014714369419771970" }, "ShardId": "shardId-000000000004" } ], "StreamARN": "arn:aws:kinesis:us-east-1:12345678901:stream/myStream", "StreamName": "myStream", "StreamStatus": "ACTIVE" } }

    After you deploy the API, you can make a REST request against this API method:

    GET https://your-api-id.execute-api.region.amazonaws.com/stage/streams/myStream HTTP/1.1 Host: your-api-id.execute-api.region.amazonaws.com Content-Type: application/json Authorization: ... X-Amz-Date: 20160323T194451Z
To configure and test the POST method on a stream resource
  1. Choose the /{stream-name} resource, and then choose Create method.

  2. For Method type, select POST.

  3. For Integration type, select AWS service.

  4. For AWS Region, select the AWS Region where you created your Kinesis stream.

  5. For AWS service, select Kinesis.

  6. Keep AWS subdomain blank.

  7. For HTTP method, choose POST.

  8. For Action type, choose Use action name.

  9. For Action name, enter CreateStream.

  10. For Execution role, enter the ARN for your execution role.

  11. Keep the default of Passthrough for Content Handling.

  12. Choose Create method.

  13. In the Integration request section, add the following URL request headers parameters:

    Content-Type: 'x-amz-json-1.1'

    The task follows the same procedure to set up the request parameter mapping for the GET /streams method.

  14. Add the following body mapping template to map data from the POST /streams/{stream-name} method request to the POST /?Action=CreateStream integration request:

    { "ShardCount": #if($input.path('$.ShardCount') == '') 5 #else $input.path('$.ShardCount') #end, "StreamName": "$input.params('stream-name')" }

    In the preceding mapping template, we set ShardCount to a fixed value of 5 if the client does not specify a value in the method request payload.

  15. To test the POST /stream/{stream-name} method to invoke the CreateStream action in Kinesis, choose the Test tab.

  16. For Path, under stream-name, enter the name of a new Kinesis stream.

  17. Choose Test. If the test is successful, a 200 OK response is returned with no data.

    After you deploy the API, you can also make a REST API request against the POST method on a Stream resource to invoke the CreateStream action in Kinesis:

    POST https://your-api-id.execute-api.region.amazonaws.com/stage/streams/yourStream HTTP/1.1 Host: your-api-id.execute-api.region.amazonaws.com Content-Type: application/json Authorization: ... X-Amz-Date: 20160323T194451Z { "ShardCount": 5 }
Configure and test the DELETE method on a stream resource
  1. Choose the /{stream-name} resource, and then choose Create method.

  2. For Method type, select DELETE.

  3. For Integration type, select AWS service.

  4. For AWS Region, select the AWS Region where you created your Kinesis stream.

  5. For AWS service, select Kinesis.

  6. Keep AWS subdomain blank.

  7. For HTTP method, choose POST.

  8. For Action type, choose Use action name.

  9. For Action name, enter DeleteStream.

  10. For Execution role, enter the ARN for your execution role.

  11. Keep the default of Passthrough for Content Handling.

  12. Choose Create method.

  13. In the Integration request section, add the following URL request headers parameters:

    Content-Type: 'x-amz-json-1.1'

    The task follows the same procedure to set up the request parameter mapping for the GET /streams method.

  14. Add the following body mapping template to map data from the DELETE /streams/{stream-name} method request to the corresponding integration request of POST /?Action=DeleteStream :

    { "StreamName": "$input.params('stream-name')" }

    This mapping template generates the required input for the DELETE /streams/{stream-name} action from the client-supplied URL path name of stream-name.

  15. To test the DELETE /stream/{stream-name} method to invoke the DeleteStream action in Kinesis, choose the Test tab.

  16. For Path, under stream-name, enter the name of an existing Kinesis stream.

  17. Choose Test. If the test is successful, a 200 OK response is returned with no data.

    After you deploy the API, you can also make the following REST API request against the DELETE method on the Stream resource to call the DeleteStream action in Kinesis:

    DELETE https://your-api-id.execute-api.region.amazonaws.com/stage/streams/yourStream HTTP/1.1 Host: your-api-id.execute-api.region.amazonaws.com Content-Type: application/json Authorization: ... X-Amz-Date: 20160323T194451Z {}

Get records from and add records to a stream in Kinesis

After you create a stream in Kinesis, you can add data records to the stream and read the data from the stream. Adding data records involves calling the PutRecords or PutRecord action in Kinesis. The former adds multiple records whereas the latter adds a single record to the stream.

POST /?Action=PutRecords HTTP/1.1 Host: kinesis.region.domain Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=..., ... ... Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1 Content-Length: PayloadSizeBytes { "Records": [ { "Data": blob, "ExplicitHashKey": "string", "PartitionKey": "string" } ], "StreamName": "string" }


POST /?Action=PutRecord HTTP/1.1 Host: kinesis.region.domain Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=..., ... ... Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1 Content-Length: PayloadSizeBytes { "Data": blob, "ExplicitHashKey": "string", "PartitionKey": "string", "SequenceNumberForOrdering": "string", "StreamName": "string" }

Here, StreamName identifies the target stream to add records. StreamName, Data, and PartitionKey are required input data. In our example, we use the default values for all of the optional input data and will not explicitly specify values for them in the input to the method request.

Reading data in Kinesis amounts to calling the GetRecords action:

POST /?Action=GetRecords HTTP/1.1 Host: kinesis.region.domain Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=..., ... ... Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1 Content-Length: PayloadSizeBytes { "ShardIterator": "string", "Limit": number }

Here, the source stream from which we are getting records is specified in the required ShardIterator value, as is shown in the following Kinesis action to obtain a shard iterator:

POST /?Action=GetShardIterator HTTP/1.1 Host: kinesis.region.domain Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=..., ... ... Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1 Content-Length: PayloadSizeBytes { "ShardId": "string", "ShardIteratorType": "string", "StartingSequenceNumber": "string", "StreamName": "string" }

For the GetRecords and PutRecords actions, we expose the GET and PUT methods, respectively, on a /records resource that is appended to a named stream resource (/{stream-name}). Similarly, we expose the PutRecord action as a PUT method on a /record resource.

Because the GetRecords action takes as input a ShardIterator value, which is obtained by calling the GetShardIterator helper action, we expose a GET helper method on a ShardIterator resource (/sharditerator).

To create the /record, /records, and /sharditerator resources
  1. Choose the /{stream-name} resource, and then choose Create resource.

  2. Keep Proxy resource turned off.

  3. For Resource path, select /{stream-name}.

  4. For Resource name, enter record.

  5. Keep CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) turned off.

  6. Choose Create resource.

  7. Repeat the previous steps to create a /records and a /sharditerator resource. The final API should look like the following:

    Create Records:GET|PUT|PUT|GET method for the API.

The following four procedures describe how to set up each of the methods, how to map data from the method requests to the integration requests, and how to test the methods.

To set up and test the PUT /streams/{stream-name}/record method to invoke PutRecord in Kinesis:
  1. Choose the /record, and then choose Create method.

  2. For Method type, select PUT.

  3. For Integration type, select AWS service.

  4. For AWS Region, select the AWS Region where you created your Kinesis stream.

  5. For AWS service, select Kinesis.

  6. Keep AWS subdomain blank.

  7. For HTTP method, choose POST.

  8. For Action type, choose Use action name.

  9. For Action name, enter PutRecord.

  10. For Execution role, enter the ARN for your execution role.

  11. Keep the default of Passthrough for Content Handling.

  12. Choose Create method.

  13. In the Integration request section, add the following URL request headers parameters:

    Content-Type: 'x-amz-json-1.1'

    The task follows the same procedure to set up the request parameter mapping for the GET /streams method.

  14. Add the following body mapping template to map data from the PUT /streams/{stream-name}/record method request to the corresponding integration request of POST /?Action=PutRecord:

    { "StreamName": "$input.params('stream-name')", "Data": "$util.base64Encode($input.json('$.Data'))", "PartitionKey": "$input.path('$.PartitionKey')" }

    This mapping template assumes that the method request payload is of the following format:

    { "Data": "some data", "PartitionKey": "some key" }

    This data can be modeled by the following JSON schema:

    { "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "title": "PutRecord proxy single-record payload", "type": "object", "properties": { "Data": { "type": "string" }, "PartitionKey": { "type": "string" } } }

    You can create a model to include this schema and use the model to facilitate generating the mapping template. However, you can generate a mapping template without using any model.

  15. To test the PUT /streams/{stream-name}/record method, set the stream-name path variable to the name of an existing stream, supply a payload of the required format, and then submit the method request. The successful result is a 200 OK response with a payload of the following format:

    { "SequenceNumber": "49559409944537880850133345460169886593573102115167928386", "ShardId": "shardId-000000000004" }
To set up and test the PUT /streams/{stream-name}/records method to invoke PutRecords in Kinesis
  1. Choose the /records resource, and then choose Create method.

  2. For Method type, select PUT.

  3. For Integration type, select AWS service.

  4. For AWS Region, select the AWS Region where you created your Kinesis stream.

  5. For AWS service, select Kinesis.

  6. Keep AWS subdomain blank.

  7. For HTTP method, choose POST.

  8. For Action type, choose Use action name.

  9. For Action name, enter PutRecords.

  10. For Execution role, enter the ARN for your execution role.

  11. Keep the default of Passthrough for Content Handling.

  12. Choose Create method.

  13. In the Integration request section, add the following URL request headers parameters:

    Content-Type: 'x-amz-json-1.1'

    The task follows the same procedure to set up the request parameter mapping for the GET /streams method.

  14. Add the following mapping template to map data from the PUT /streams/{stream-name}/records method request to the corresponding integration request of POST /?Action=PutRecords :

    { "StreamName": "$input.params('stream-name')", "Records": [ #foreach($elem in $input.path('$.records')) { "Data": "$util.base64Encode($elem.data)", "PartitionKey": "$elem.partition-key" }#if($foreach.hasNext),#end #end ] }

    This mapping template assumes that the method request payload can be modelled by the following JSON schema:

    { "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "title": "PutRecords proxy payload data", "type": "object", "properties": { "records": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "data": { "type": "string" }, "partition-key": { "type": "string" } } } } } }

    You can create a model to include this schema and use the model to facilitate generating the mapping template. However, you can generate a mapping template without using any model.

    In this tutorial, we used two slightly different payload formats to illustrate that an API developer can choose to expose the backend data format to the client or hide it from the client. One format is for the PUT /streams/{stream-name}/records method (above). Another format is used for the PUT /streams/{stream-name}/record method (in the previous procedure). In production environment, you should keep both formats consistent.

  15. To test the PUT /streams/{stream-name}/records method, set the stream-name path variable to an existing stream, supply the following payload, and submit the method request.

    { "records": [ { "data": "some data", "partition-key": "some key" }, { "data": "some other data", "partition-key": "some key" } ] }

    The successful result is a 200 OK response with a payload similar to the following output:

    { "FailedRecordCount": 0, "Records": [ { "SequenceNumber": "49559409944537880850133345460167468741933742152373764162", "ShardId": "shardId-000000000004" }, { "SequenceNumber": "49559409944537880850133345460168677667753356781548470338", "ShardId": "shardId-000000000004" } ] }
To set up and test the GET /streams/{stream-name}/sharditerator method invoke GetShardIterator in Kinesis

The GET /streams/{stream-name}/sharditerator method is a helper method to acquire a required shard iterator before calling the GET /streams/{stream-name}/records method.

  1. Choose the /sharditerator resource, and then choose Create method.

  2. For Method type, select GET.

  3. For Integration type, select AWS service.

  4. For AWS Region, select the AWS Region where you created your Kinesis stream.

  5. For AWS service, select Kinesis.

  6. Keep AWS subdomain blank.

  7. For HTTP method, choose POST.

  8. For Action type, choose Use action name.

  9. For Action name, enter GetShardIterator.

  10. For Execution role, enter the ARN for your execution role.

  11. Keep the default of Passthrough for Content Handling.

  12. Choose URL query string parameters.

    The GetShardIterator action requires an input of a ShardId value. To pass a client-supplied ShardId value, we add a shard-id query parameter to the method request, as shown in the following step.

  13. Choose Add query string.

  14. For Name, enter shard-id.

  15. Keep Required and Caching turned off.

  16. Choose Create method.

  17. In the Integration request section, add the following mapping template to generate the required input (ShardId and StreamName) to the GetShardIterator action from the shard-id and stream-name parameters of the method request. In addition, the mapping template also sets ShardIteratorType to TRIM_HORIZON as a default.

    { "ShardId": "$input.params('shard-id')", "ShardIteratorType": "TRIM_HORIZON", "StreamName": "$input.params('stream-name')" }
  18. Using the Test option in the API Gateway console, enter an existing stream name as the stream-name Path variable value, set the shard-id Query string to an existing ShardId value (e.g., shard-000000000004), and choose Test.

    The successful response payload is similar to the following output:

    { "ShardIterator": "AAAAAAAAAAFYVN3VlFy..." }

    Make note of the ShardIterator value. You need it to get records from a stream.

To configure and test the GET /streams/{stream-name}/records method to invoke the GetRecords action in Kinesis
  1. Choose the /records resource, and then choose Create method.

  2. For Method type, select GET.

  3. For Integration type, select AWS service.

  4. For AWS Region, select the AWS Region where you created your Kinesis stream.

  5. For AWS service, select Kinesis.

  6. Keep AWS subdomain blank.

  7. For HTTP method, choose POST.

  8. For Action type, choose Use action name.

  9. For Action name, enter GetRecords.

  10. For Execution role, enter the ARN for your execution role.

  11. Keep the default of Passthrough for Content Handling.

  12. Choose HTTP request headers.

    The GetRecords action requires an input of a ShardIterator value. To pass a client-supplied ShardIterator value, we add a Shard-Iterator header parameter to the method request.

  13. Choose Add header.

  14. For Name, enter Shard-Iterator.

  15. Keep Required and Caching turned off.

  16. Choose Create method.

  17. In the Integration request section, add the following body mapping template to map the Shard-Iterator header parameter value to the ShardIterator property value of the JSON payload for the GetRecords action in Kinesis.

    { "ShardIterator": "$input.params('Shard-Iterator')" }
  18. Using the Test option in the API Gateway console, enter an existing stream name as the stream-name Path variable value, set the Shard-Iterator Header to the ShardIterator value obtained from the test run of the GET /streams/{stream-name}/sharditerator method (above), and choose Test.

    The successful response payload is similar to the following output:

    { "MillisBehindLatest": 0, "NextShardIterator": "AAAAAAAAAAF...", "Records": [ ... ] }