Create an AWS App Runner service. After the service is created, the action also automatically starts a deployment.
This is an asynchronous operation. On a successful call, you can use the returned OperationId
and the ListOperations call to track the operation's progress.
Request Syntax
"AutoScalingConfigurationArn": "string
"EncryptionConfiguration": {
"KmsKey": "string
"HealthCheckConfiguration": {
"HealthyThreshold": number
"Interval": number
"Path": "string
"Protocol": "string
"Timeout": number
"UnhealthyThreshold": number
"InstanceConfiguration": {
"Cpu": "string
"InstanceRoleArn": "string
"Memory": "string
"NetworkConfiguration": {
"EgressConfiguration": {
"EgressType": "string
"VpcConnectorArn": "string
"IngressConfiguration": {
"IsPubliclyAccessible": boolean
"IpAddressType": "string
"ObservabilityConfiguration": {
"ObservabilityConfigurationArn": "string
"ObservabilityEnabled": boolean
"ServiceName": "string
"SourceConfiguration": {
"AuthenticationConfiguration": {
"AccessRoleArn": "string
"ConnectionArn": "string
"AutoDeploymentsEnabled": boolean
"CodeRepository": {
"CodeConfiguration": {
"CodeConfigurationValues": {
"BuildCommand": "string
"Port": "string
"Runtime": "string
"RuntimeEnvironmentSecrets": {
" : "string
"RuntimeEnvironmentVariables": {
" : "string
"StartCommand": "string
"ConfigurationSource": "string
"RepositoryUrl": "string
"SourceCodeVersion": {
"Type": "string
"Value": "string
"SourceDirectory": "string
"ImageRepository": {
"ImageConfiguration": {
"Port": "string
"RuntimeEnvironmentSecrets": {
" : "string
"RuntimeEnvironmentVariables": {
" : "string
"StartCommand": "string
"ImageIdentifier": "string
"ImageRepositoryType": "string
"Tags": [
"Key": "string
"Value": "string
Request Parameters
For information about the parameters that are common to all actions, see Common Parameters.
The request accepts the following data in JSON format.
- AutoScalingConfigurationArn
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an App Runner automatic scaling configuration resource that you want to associate with your service. If not provided, App Runner associates the latest revision of a default auto scaling configuration.
Specify an ARN with a name and a revision number to associate that revision. For example:
Specify just the name to associate the latest revision. For example:
Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 1011.
Required: No
- EncryptionConfiguration
An optional custom encryption key that App Runner uses to encrypt the copy of your source repository that it maintains and your service logs. By default, App Runner uses an AWS managed key.
Type: EncryptionConfiguration object
Required: No
- HealthCheckConfiguration
The settings for the health check that AWS App Runner performs to monitor the health of the App Runner service.
Type: HealthCheckConfiguration object
Required: No
- InstanceConfiguration
The runtime configuration of instances (scaling units) of your service.
Type: InstanceConfiguration object
Required: No
- NetworkConfiguration
Configuration settings related to network traffic of the web application that the App Runner service runs.
Type: NetworkConfiguration object
Required: No
- ObservabilityConfiguration
The observability configuration of your service.
Type: ServiceObservabilityConfiguration object
Required: No
- ServiceName
A name for the App Runner service. It must be unique across all the running App Runner services in your AWS account in the AWS Region.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 4. Maximum length of 40.
Required: Yes
- SourceConfiguration
The source to deploy to the App Runner service. It can be a code or an image repository.
Type: SourceConfiguration object
Required: Yes
- Tags
An optional list of metadata items that you can associate with the App Runner service resource. A tag is a key-value pair.
Type: Array of Tag objects
Required: No
Response Syntax
"OperationId": "string",
"Service": {
"AutoScalingConfigurationSummary": {
"AutoScalingConfigurationArn": "string",
"AutoScalingConfigurationName": "string",
"AutoScalingConfigurationRevision": number,
"CreatedAt": number,
"HasAssociatedService": boolean,
"IsDefault": boolean,
"Status": "string"
"CreatedAt": number,
"DeletedAt": number,
"EncryptionConfiguration": {
"KmsKey": "string"
"HealthCheckConfiguration": {
"HealthyThreshold": number,
"Interval": number,
"Path": "string",
"Protocol": "string",
"Timeout": number,
"UnhealthyThreshold": number
"InstanceConfiguration": {
"Cpu": "string",
"InstanceRoleArn": "string",
"Memory": "string"
"NetworkConfiguration": {
"EgressConfiguration": {
"EgressType": "string",
"VpcConnectorArn": "string"
"IngressConfiguration": {
"IsPubliclyAccessible": boolean
"IpAddressType": "string"
"ObservabilityConfiguration": {
"ObservabilityConfigurationArn": "string",
"ObservabilityEnabled": boolean
"ServiceArn": "string",
"ServiceId": "string",
"ServiceName": "string",
"ServiceUrl": "string",
"SourceConfiguration": {
"AuthenticationConfiguration": {
"AccessRoleArn": "string",
"ConnectionArn": "string"
"AutoDeploymentsEnabled": boolean,
"CodeRepository": {
"CodeConfiguration": {
"CodeConfigurationValues": {
"BuildCommand": "string",
"Port": "string",
"Runtime": "string",
"RuntimeEnvironmentSecrets": {
"string" : "string"
"RuntimeEnvironmentVariables": {
"string" : "string"
"StartCommand": "string"
"ConfigurationSource": "string"
"RepositoryUrl": "string",
"SourceCodeVersion": {
"Type": "string",
"Value": "string"
"SourceDirectory": "string"
"ImageRepository": {
"ImageConfiguration": {
"Port": "string",
"RuntimeEnvironmentSecrets": {
"string" : "string"
"RuntimeEnvironmentVariables": {
"string" : "string"
"StartCommand": "string"
"ImageIdentifier": "string",
"ImageRepositoryType": "string"
"Status": "string",
"UpdatedAt": number
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.
- OperationId
The unique ID of the asynchronous operation that this request started. You can use it combined with the ListOperations call to track the operation's progress.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Fixed length of 36.
- Service
A description of the App Runner service that's created by this request.
Type: Service object
For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.
- InternalServiceErrorException
An unexpected service exception occurred.
HTTP Status Code: 500
- InvalidRequestException
One or more input parameters aren't valid. Refer to the API action's document page, correct the input parameters, and try the action again.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- ServiceQuotaExceededException
App Runner can't create this resource. You've reached your account quota for this resource type.
For App Runner per-resource quotas, see AWS App Runner endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference.
HTTP Status Code: 400
Create a source code repository service
This example illustrates how to create an App Runner service based on a Python source code repository.
Sample Request
$ aws apprunner create-service --cli-input-json "`cat`"
"ServiceName": "python-app",
"SourceConfiguration": {
"AuthenticationConfiguration": {
"ConnectionArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:connection/my-github-connection/e7656250f67242d7819feade6800f59e"
"AutoDeploymentsEnabled": true,
"CodeRepository": {
"RepositoryUrl": "",
"SourceCodeVersion": {
"Type": "BRANCH",
"Value": "main"
"CodeConfiguration": {
"ConfigurationSource": "API",
"CodeConfigurationValues": {
"Runtime": "PYTHON_3",
"BuildCommand": "pip install -r requirements.txt",
"StartCommand": "python",
"Port": "8080",
"RuntimeEnvironmentVariables": [
"NAME": "Jane"
"InstanceConfiguration": {
"CPU": "1 vCPU",
"Memory": "3 GB"
Sample Response
"OperationId": "17fe9f55-7e91-4097-b243-fcabbb69a4cf",
"Service": {
"CreatedAt": "2020-11-20T19:05:25Z",
"UpdatedAt": "2020-11-20T19:05:25Z",
"ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa",
"ServiceId": "8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa",
"ServiceName": "python-app",
"ServiceUrl": "",
"SourceConfiguration": {
"AuthenticationConfiguration": {
"ConnectionArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:connection/my-github-connection/e7656250f67242d7819feade6800f59e"
"AutoDeploymentsEnabled": true,
"CodeRepository": {
"CodeConfiguration": {
"CodeConfigurationValues": {
"BuildCommand": "pip install -r requirements.txt",
"Port": "8080",
"Runtime": "PYTHON_3",
"RuntimeEnvironmentVariables": [
"NAME": "Jane"
"StartCommand": "python"
"ConfigurationSource": "Api"
"RepositoryUrl": "",
"SourceCodeVersion": {
"Type": "BRANCH",
"Value": "main"
"InstanceConfiguration": {
"CPU": "1 vCPU",
"Memory": "3 GB"
"NetworkConfiguration": {
"IpAddressType": "IPV4",
"EgressConfiguration": {
"EgressType": "DEFAULT"
"IngressConfiguration": {
"IsPubliclyAccessible": true
"ObservabilityConfiguration": {
"ObservabilityEnabled": false
Create a source image repository service
This example illustrates how to create an App Runner service based on an image stored in Elastic Container Registry (ECR).
Sample Request
$ aws apprunner create-service --cli-input-json "`cat`"
"ServiceName": "golang-container-app",
"SourceConfiguration": {
"AuthenticationConfiguration": {
"AccessRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-ecr-role"
"AutoDeploymentsEnabled": true,
"ImageRepository": {
"ImageIdentifier": "",
"ImageConfiguration": {
"Port": "8080",
"RuntimeEnvironmentVariables": [
"NAME": "Jane"
"ImageRepositoryType": "ECR"
"InstanceConfiguration": {
"CPU": "1 vCPU",
"Memory": "3 GB"
Sample Response
"OperationId": "17fe9f55-7e91-4097-b243-fcabbb69a4cf",
"Service": {
"CreatedAt": "2020-11-06T23:15:30Z",
"UpdatedAt": "2020-11-06T23:15:30Z",
"ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/golang-container-app/51728f8a20ce46d39b25398a6c8e9d1a",
"ServiceId": "51728f8a20ce46d39b25398a6c8e9d1a",
"ServiceName": "golang-container-app",
"ServiceUrl": "",
"SourceConfiguration": {
"AuthenticationConfiguration": {
"AccessRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-ecr-role"
"AutoDeploymentsEnabled": true,
"ImageRepository": {
"ImageIdentifier": "",
"ImageConfiguration": {
"Port": "8080",
"RuntimeEnvironmentVariables": [
"NAME": "Jane"
"ImageRepositoryType": "ECR"
"InstanceConfiguration": {
"CPU": "1 vCPU",
"Memory": "3 GB"
"NetworkConfiguration": {
"IpAddressType": "IPV4",
"EgressConfiguration": {
"EgressType": "DEFAULT"
"IngressConfiguration": {
"IsPubliclyAccessible": true
"ObservabilityConfiguration": {
"ObservabilityEnabled": false
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: