When you need to review the controls in an assessment, you'll find the information organized into several sections on the assessment control details page. These sections help you easily access and understand the relevant information for your task.
The following procedure assumes that you have previously created at least one assessment. If you haven’t created an assessment yet, you won’t see any results when you follow these steps.
Make sure your IAM identity has appropriate permissions to view an assessment in AWS Audit Manager. Two suggested policies that grant these permissions are AWSAuditManagerAdministratorAccess and Allow users management access to AWS Audit Manager.
To open and review an assessment control details page
Open the AWS Audit Manager console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/auditmanager/home
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In the navigation pane, choose Assessments and choose the name of an assessment to open it.
From the assessment page, choose the Controls tab, scroll down to the Control sets table, and then choose the name of a control to open it.
Review the assessment control details using the following information as reference.
Sections of the assessment control details page
Control details section
You can use the Control details section to see a summary of the assessment control.
In this section, you can review the following information:
Name | Description |
Description |
The description that's provided for this control. |
Control status |
The status of the control.
Evidence folders tab
You can use this tab to see the evidence that's collected for this control. It's organized into folders on a daily basis. From here, you can also take the following actions:
Review an evidence folder – To see details for any evidence folder, choose the hyperlinked folder name.
Add an evidence folder to an assessment report – To include an evidence folder, select it and choose Add to assessment report.
Remove an evidence folder from an assessment report – To exclude a folder, select it and choose Remove from assessment report.
Add manual evidence – For instructions, see Adding manual evidence in AWS Audit Manager.
In this section, you can review the following information:
Name | Description |
Evidence folder |
The name of the evidence folder. The name is based on the date when the evidence was collected or manually added. |
Compliance check |
The number of issues in the evidence folder. This number represents the total number of security issues that were reported directly from AWS Security Hub, AWS Config, or both. If you see Not applicable, this indicates that you either don't have Security Hub or AWS Config enabled, or the evidence comes from a different data source type. |
Total evidence |
The total number of evidence items inside the folder. |
Assessment report selection |
The number of evidence items within the folder that are included in the assessment report. |
If you can't see the evidence folder that you're looking for, change the dropdown filter to All time. Otherwise, you'll see the last seven days of folders by default.
Details tab
In this section, you can review the following information:
Name | Description |
Testing information |
The recommended procedure to test that the control is working as intended. |
Action plan |
The recommended actions to take if the control needs to be remediated. |
Evidence sources tab
You can use this tab to see where the assessment control collects evidence from. The evidence sources can include any of the following:
Name | Description |
Common controls |
These are the common controls that collect evidence to support the assessment control. Common controls collect evidence using underlying data sources that AWS manages for you. For every common control that’s listed, Audit Manager collects the relevant evidence for all of the supporting core controls. Choose a common control to see the related core controls. |
Core controls |
These are the core controls that collect evidence to support the assessment control. Core controls collect evidence by using a predefined group of data sources that AWS manages for you. Choose a core control to see the underlying data sources. |
Data sources |
These are the individual data sources that collect evidence to support the assessment control.
Comments tab
In this tab, you can add a comment about the control and its evidence. You can also see a list of previous comments.
Under Send comments, you can add comments for a control by entering text and then choosing Submit comments.
Under Previous comments, you can view a list of previous comments along with the date the comment was made and the associated user ID.
Changelog tab
You can use this tab to see the user activity for the assessment control. The same information is available as audit trail logs in AWS CloudTrail. With the user activity that's captured directly in Audit Manager, you can easily review an audit trail of activity for a given control.
In this section, you can review the following information:
Name | Description |
Date |
The date and time of the activity, represented in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). |
User |
The user or role that performed the activity. |
Action |
The action that occurred, such as an assessment being created. |
Type |
The object type that changed, such as an assessment. |
Resource |
The resource that was affected by the change, such as the framework that the assessment was created from. |
Audit Manager tracks the following user activity in changelogs:
Creating an assessment
Editing an assessment
Completing an assessment
Deleting an assessment
Delegating a control set for review
Submitting a reviewed control set back to the audit owner
Uploading manual evidence
Updating a control status
Generating assessment reports
Next steps
To continue reviewing your assessment, follow the steps in Reviewing an evidence folder in AWS Audit Manager. This page will guide you through the evidence folders and show you how to understand the information that you see.