Configuring your default export destination for evidence finder - AWS Audit Manager

Configuring your default export destination for evidence finder

When you run queries in evidence finder, you can export your search results into a comma-separated values (CSV) file. Use this setting to choose the default S3 bucket where Audit Manager saves your exported files.


Your S3 bucket must have the required permissions policy to allow CloudTrail to write the export files to it. More specifically, the bucket policy must include an s3:PutObject action and the bucket ARN, and list CloudTrail as the service principal.

Configuration tips for your export destination

To ensure a successful file export, we recommend that you verify the following configurations for your export destination.

AWS Region

The AWS Region of your customer managed key (if you provided one) must match the Region of your assessment. For instructions on how to change your KMS key, see Audit Manager data encryption settings.

Cross-account S3 buckets

Using a cross-account S3 bucket as your export destination isn’t supported in the Audit Manager console. It’s possible to specify a cross-account bucket using the AWS CLI or one of the AWS SDKs, but for simplicity, we recommend that you not do this. If you do choose to use a cross-account S3 bucket as your export destination, consider the following points.

  • By default, S3 objects—such as CSV exports—are owned by the AWS account that uploads the object. You can use the S3 Object Ownership setting to change this default behavior, so that any new objects that are written by accounts with the bucket-owner-full-control canned access control list (ACL) automatically become owned by the bucket owner.

    Although it’s not a requirement, we recommend that you make the following changes to your cross-account bucket settings. Making these changes ensures that the bucket owner has full control of the exported files that you publish to their bucket.

  • To allow Audit Manager to export files to a cross-account S3 bucket, you must add the following S3 bucket policy to your export destination bucket. Replace the placeholder text with your own information. The Principal element in this policy is the user or role that owns the assessment and exports the file. The Resource specifies the cross-account S3 bucket where the file is exported to.

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Allow cross account file exports", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::AssessmentOwnerAccountId:user/AssessmentOwnerUserName" }, "Action": [ "s3:ListBucket", "s3:PutObject", "s3:GetObject", "s3:GetBucketLocation", "s3:PutObjectAcl", "s3:DeleteObject" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::CROSS-ACCOUNT-BUCKET", "arn:aws:s3:::CROSS-ACCOUNT-BUCKET/*" ] } ] }


You can update this setting using the Audit Manager console, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or the Audit Manager API.

Audit Manager console
To update your export destination settings on the Audit Manager console
  1. From the Evidence finder settings tab, go to the Export destination section.

  2. Choose one of the following options:

    • If you want to remove the current S3 bucket, choose Remove to clear your settings.

    • If you want to save a default S3 bucket for the first time, proceed to step 3.

  3. Specify the S3 bucket that you want to store your exported files in.

    • Choose Browse S3 to choose from a list of your buckets.

    • Alternatively, you can enter the bucket URI in this format: s3://bucketname/prefix


    To keep your destination bucket organized, you can create an optional folder for your CSV exports. To do so, append a slash (/) and a prefix to the value in the Resource URI box (for example, /evidenceFinderCSVExports). Audit Manager then includes this prefix when it adds the CSV file to the bucket, and Amazon S3 generates the path specified by the prefix. For more information about prefixes in Amazon S3, see Organizing objects in the Amazon S3 console in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

  4. When you’re done, choose Save.

For instructions on how to create an S3 bucket, see Creating a bucket in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

To update your export destination settings in the AWS CLI

Run the update-settings command and use the --default-export-destination parameter to specify an S3 bucket.

In the following example, replace the placeholder text with your own information:

aws auditmanager update-settings --default-export-destination destinationType=S3,destination=amzn-s3-demo-destination-bucket

For instructions on how to create an S3 bucket, see create-bucket in the AWS CLI Command Reference.

Audit Manager API
To update your export destination settings using the API

Call the UpdateSettings operation and use the defaultExportDestination parameter to specify an S3 bucket.

For instructions on how to create an S3 bucket, see CreateBucket in the Amazon S3 API Reference.