Customizing your AWS payment preferences
You can use the Payment
IAM users need explicit permission to access some of the pages in the Billing console. For more information, see Overview of managing access permissions.
You can also use the Payment preferences page to manage your credit cards and direct debit accounts. For more information, see Managing credit card and ACH direct debit and Manage ACH direct debit payment methods.
View your payment methods
You can use the console to view the payment methods that are associated with your account.
To view payment methods that are associated with your AWS account
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Billing and Cost Management console at
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In the navigation pane, choose Payment preferences
Payment methods that are associated with your AWS account are listed in the Payment method section.
Designate a default payment method
You can use the console to designate a default payment method for your AWS account.
If you receive invoices from more than one AWS service provider (seller of record or SOR), you can use payment profiles to assign a unique payment method for each one. For more information, see Using payment profiles.
To designate a default payment method
Open the AWS Billing and Cost Management console at
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In the navigation pane, choose Payment preferences
. Payment methods that are associated with your AWS account are listed in the Payment method section.
Next to the payment method that you want to use as your default payment method, choose Set as default.
More information or actions might be required, depending on your payment method. Additional actions might include completing your tax registration information or choosing a supported payment currency.
Remove a payment method
You can use the console to remove a payment method from your account.
To remove a payment method from your AWS account
Open the AWS Billing and Cost Management console at
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In the navigation pane, choose Payment preferences.
Ensure that your account has another valid payment method set as the default.
Select a payment method to remove, and choose Delete.
In the Delete payment method dialog box, choose Delete.
Changing the currency to pay your bill
To change the currency that you use to pay your bill, for example, from Danish
kroner to South African rand, perform the following procedure. For a full list of currencies supported by AWS, see What currencies does AWS currently support?
To change the local currency that's associated with your account
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Billing and Cost Management console at
. On the navigation bar in the upper-right corner, choose your account name (or alias), and choose Account.
In the navigation pane, choose Payment preferences.
In the Default payment preferences section, choose Edit.
On the Payment currency section, choose the payment currency you want to use.
Choose Save changes.
Adding additional billing contact email addresses
Use additional billing contacts to contact another person about billing related items impacting your AWS accounts. Additional billing contacts will be contacted with the root account contact and alternate billing contact about billing events.
If you use credit or debit cards as your payment method, see Adding or updating alternate contacts.
If you have pay by invoice as your payment method, you can use the following procedure to add additional billing contacts to receive emails.
To add additional billing contacts to your account
Open the AWS Billing and Cost Management console at
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In the navigation pane, choose Payment preferences.
In the Default payment preferences section, choose Edit.
For Billing contact email, enter the additional billing contact email messages that you want AWS to send billing-related email notifications to.
Choose Save changes.