Organizational view for AWS Trusted Advisor - AWS Support

Organizational view for AWS Trusted Advisor

Organizational view lets you view Trusted Advisor checks for all accounts in your AWS Organizations. After you enable this feature, you can create reports to aggregate the check results for all member accounts in your organization. The report includes a summary of check results and information about affected resources for each account. For example, you can use the reports to identify which accounts in your organization are using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) with the IAM Use check or whether you have recommended actions for Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets with the Amazon S3 Bucket Permissions check.


You must meet the following requirements to enable organizational view:

Enable organizational view

After you meet the prerequisites, follow these steps to enable organizational view. After you enable this feature, the following happens:

  • Trusted Advisor is enabled as a trusted service in your organization. For more information, see Enabling trusted access with other AWS services in the AWS Organizations User Guide.

  • The AWSServiceRoleForTrustedAdvisorReporting service-linked-role is created for you in the management account in your organization. This role includes the permissions that Trusted Advisor needs to call Organizations on your behalf. This service-linked role is locked, and you can't delete it manually. For more information, see Using service-linked roles for Trusted Advisor.

You enable organizational view from the Trusted Advisor console.

To enable organizational view
  1. Sign in as an administrator in the organization's management account and open the AWS Trusted Advisor console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Preferences, choose Your organization.

  3. Under Enable trusted access with AWS Organizations, turn on Enabled.


Enabling organizational view for the management account doesn’t provide the same checks for all member accounts. For example, if your member accounts all have Basic Support, those accounts won’t have the same checks available as your management account. The AWS Support plan determines which Trusted Advisor checks are available for an account.

Refresh Trusted Advisor checks

Before you create a report for your organization, we recommend that you refresh the statuses of your Trusted Advisor checks. You can download a report without refreshing your Trusted Advisor checks, but your report might not have the latest information.

If you have a Business, Enterprise On-Ramp, or Enterprise Support plan, Trusted Advisor automatically refreshes the checks in your account on a weekly basis.


If you have accounts in your organization that have a Developer or Basic support plan, a user for those accounts must sign in to the Trusted Advisor console to refresh the checks. You can't refresh checks for all accounts from the organization's management account.

To refresh Trusted Advisor checks
  1. Navigate to the AWS Trusted Advisor console at

  2. On the Trusted Advisor Recommendations page, choose the Refresh all checks. This refreshes all checks in your account.

You can also refresh specific checks in the following ways:

Create organizational view reports

After you enable organizational view, you can create reports so that you can view Trusted Advisor check results for your organization.

You can create up to 50 reports. If you create reports beyond this quota, Trusted Advisor deletes the earliest report. You can't recover deleted reports.

To create organizational view reports
  1. Sign in to the organization's management account and open the AWS Trusted Advisor console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Organizational View.

  3. Choose Create report.

  4. By default, the report includes all AWS Regions, check categories, checks, and resource statuses. On the Create report page, you can use the filter options to customize your report. For example, you can clear the All option for Region, and then specify the individual Regions to include in the report.

    1. Enter a Name for the report.

    2. For Format, choose JSON or CSV.

    3. For Region, specify the AWS Regions or choose All.

    4. For Check category, choose the check category or choose All.

    5. For Checks, choose the specific checks for that category or choose All.


      The Check category filter overrides the Checks filter. For example, if you choose the Security category and then choose a specific check name, your report includes all check results for that category. To create a report for only specific checks, keep the default All value for Check category and then choose your check names.

    6. For Resource status, choose the status to filter, such as Warning, or choose All.

  5. For AWS Organization, select the organizational units (OUs) to include in your report. For more information about OUs, see Managing organizational units in the AWS Organizations User Guide.

  6. Choose Create report.

Example : Create report filter options

The following example creates a JSON report for the following:

  • Three AWS Regions

  • All Security and Performance checks

Screenshot of how to create an organizational view report in Trusted Advisor.

In the following example, the report includes the support-team OU and one AWS account that are part of the organization.

Screenshot of the AWS organization filter options for organizational units (OUs).
  • The amount of time it takes to create the report depends on the number of accounts in the organization and the number of resources in each account.

  • You can't create more than one report at a time unless the current report has been running for more than 6 hours.

  • Refresh the page if you don't see the report appear on the page.

View the report summary

After the report is ready, you can view the report summary from the Trusted Advisor console. This lets you quickly view the summary of your check results across your organization.

To view the report summary
  1. Sign in to the organization's management account and open the AWS Trusted Advisor console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Organizational View.

  3. Choose the report name.

  4. On the Summary page, view the check statuses for each category. You can also choose Download report.

Example : Report summary for an organization
Screenshot of an example report summary for Trusted Advisor.

Download an organizational view report

After your report is ready, download it from the Trusted Advisor console. The report is a .zip file that contains three files:

  • summary.json – Contains a summary of the check results for each check category.

  • schema.json – Contains the schema for the specified checks in the report.

  • A resources file (.json or .csv) – Contains detailed information about the check statuses for resources in your organization.

To download an organizational view report
  1. Sign in to the organization's management account and open the AWS Trusted Advisor console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Organizational View.

    The Organizational View page displays the available reports to download.

  3. Select a report, choose Download report, and then save the file. You can only download one report at a time.

    Screenshot of example reports to download for Trusted Advisor.
  4. Unzip the file.

  5. Use a text editor to open the .json file or a spreadsheet application to open the .csv file.


    You might receive multiple files if your report is 5 MB or larger.

Example : summary.json file

The summary.json file shows the number of accounts in the organization and the statuses of the checks in each category.

Trusted Advisor uses the following color code for check results:

  • Green – Trusted Advisor doesn't detect an issue for the check.

  • Yellow – Trusted Advisor detects a possible issue for the check.

  • Red – Trusted Advisor detects an error and recommends an action for the check.

  • Blue – Trusted Advisor can't determine the status of the check.

In the following example, two checks are Red, one is Green, and one is Yellow.

{ "numAccounts": 3, "filtersApplied": { "accountIds": ["123456789012","111122223333","111111111111"], "checkIds": "All", "categories": [ "security", "performance" ], "statuses": "All", "regions": [ "us-west-1", "us-west-2", "us-east-1" ], "organizationalUnitIds": [ "ou-xa9c-EXAMPLE1", "ou-xa9c-EXAMPLE2" ] }, "categoryStatusMap": { "security": { "statusMap": { "ERROR": { "name": "Red", "count": 2 }, "OK": { "name": "Green", "count": 1 }, "WARN": { "name": "Yellow", "count": 1 } }, "name": "Security" } }, "accountStatusMap": { "123456789012": { "security": { "statusMap": { "ERROR": { "name": "Red", "count": 2 }, "OK": { "name": "Green", "count": 1 }, "WARN": { "name": "Yellow", "count": 1 } }, "name": "Security" } } } }
Example : schema.json file

The schema.json file includes the schema for the checks in the report. The following example includes the IDs and properties for the IAM Password Policy (Yw2K9puPzl) and IAM Key Rotation (DqdJqYeRm5) checks.

{ "Yw2K9puPzl": [ "Password Policy", "Uppercase", "Lowercase", "Number", "Non-alphanumeric", "Status", "Reason" ], "DqdJqYeRm5": [ "Status", "IAM User", "Access Key", "Key Last Rotated", "Reason" ], ... }
Example : resources.csv file

The resources.csv file includes information about resources in the organization. This example shows some of the data columns that appear in the report, such as the following:

  • Account ID of the affected account

  • The Trusted Advisor check ID

  • The resource ID

  • Timestamp of the report

  • The full name of the Trusted Advisor check

  • The Trusted Advisor check category

  • The account ID of the parent organizational unit (OU) or root

Screenshot of an example CSV resources report for Trusted Advisor.

The resources file only contains entries if a check result exists at the resource level. You might not see checks in the report for the following reasons:

  • Some checks, such as MFA on Root Account, don't have resources and won't appear in the report. Checks without resources appear in the summary.json file instead.

  • Some checks only show resources if they are Red or Yellow. If all resources are Green, they might not appear in your report.

  • If an account isn't enabled for a service that requires the check, the check might not appear in the report. For example, if you're not using Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Reserved Instances in your organization, the Amazon EC2 Reserved Instance Lease Expiration check won't appear in your report.

  • The account hasn't refreshed check results. This might happen when users with a Basic or Developer support plan sign in to the Trusted Advisor console for the first time. If you have a Business, Enterprise On-Ramp, or Enterprise Support plan, it can take up to one week from account sign up for users to see check results. For more information, see Refresh Trusted Advisor checks.

  • If only the organization's management account enabled recommendations for checks, the report won't include resources for other accounts in the organization.

For the resources file, you can use common software such as Microsoft Excel to open the .csv file format. You can use the .csv file for one-time analysis of all checks across all accounts in your organization. If you want to use your report with an application, you can download the report as a .json file instead.

The .json file format provides more flexibility than the .csv file format for advanced use cases such as aggregation and advanced analytics with multiple datasets. For example, you can use a SQL interface with an AWS service such as Amazon Athena to run queries on your reports. You can also use Amazon QuickSight to create dashboards and visualize your data. For more information, see Using other AWS services to view Trusted Advisor reports.

Disable organizational view

Follow this procedure to disable organizational view. You must sign in to the organization's management account or assume a role with the required permissions to disable this feature. You can't disable this feature from another account in the organization.

After you disable this feature, the following happens:

  • Trusted Advisor is removed as a trusted service in Organizations.

  • The AWSServiceRoleForTrustedAdvisorReporting service-linked role is unlocked in the organization's management account. This means you can delete it manually, if needed.

  • You can't create, view, or download reports for your organization. To access previously created reports, you must reenable organizational view from the Trusted Advisor console. See Enable organizational view.

To disable organizational view for Trusted Advisor
  1. Sign in to the organization's management account and open the AWS Trusted Advisor console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Preferences.

  3. Under Organizational View, choose Disable organizational view.

    Screenshot of how to disable Trusted Advisor organizational view.

After you disable organizational view, Trusted Advisor no longer aggregates checks from other AWS accounts in your organization. However, the AWSServiceRoleForTrustedAdvisorReporting service-linked role remains on the organization's management account until you delete it through the IAM console, IAM API, or AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). For more information, see Deleting a service-linked role in the IAM User Guide.


You can use other AWS services to query and visualize your data for organizational view reports. For more information, see the following resources: