Learn how to use AWS Cloud Map service discovery with custom attributes - AWS Cloud Map

Learn how to use AWS Cloud Map service discovery with custom attributes

This tutorial demonstrates how you can use AWS Cloud Map service discovery with custom attributes that are discoverable using the AWS Cloud Map API. This tutorial walks you through creating and running client applications using AWS CloudShell. The applications use two Lambda functions to write data to a DynamoDB table and then read from the table. The Lambda functions and DynamoDB table are registered in AWS Cloud Map as service instances. The code in the client applications and Lambda functions uses AWS Cloud Map custom attributes to discover the resources needed to perform the job.


You will create AWS resources during the workshop which will incur a cost in your AWS account. It is recommended to clean-up the resources as soon as you finish the workshop to minimize the cost.


Before you begin, complete the steps in Set up to use AWS Cloud Map.

Step 1: Create an AWS Cloud Map namespace

In this step, you create an AWS Cloud Map namespace. A namespace is a construct used to group services for an application. When you create the namespace, you specify how the resources will be discoverable. For this tutorial, the resources created in this namespace will be discoverable with AWS Cloud Map API calls using custom attributes. You will learn about this more in a later step.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Cloud Map console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudmap/.

  2. Choose Create namespace.

  3. For Namespace name, specify cloudmap-tutorial.

  4. (Optional) For Namespace description, specify a description for what you intend to use the namespace for.

  5. For Instance discovery, select API calls.

  6. Leave the rest of the default values and choose Create namespace.

Step 2: Create a DynamoDB table

In this step, you create a DynamoDB table which is used to store and retrieve data for the sample application created later in this tutorial.

For information about how to create an DynamoDB, see Step 1: Create a table in DynamoDB in the DynamoDB Developer Guide and use the following table to determine what options to specify.

Option Value

Table name

Partition key


Keep the default values for the rest of the settings and create the table.

Step 3: Create an AWS Cloud Map data service and register DynamoDB table as an instance

In this step, you create a AWS Cloud Map service and then register the DynamoDB table created in the last step as a service instance.

  1. Open the AWS Cloud Map console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudmap/

  2. From the list of namespaces, select the cloudmap-tutorial namespace and choose View details.

  3. In the Services section, choose Create service and do the following.

    1. For Service name, enter data-service.

    2. Leave the rest of the default values and choose Create service.

  4. In the Services section, select the data-service service and choose View details.

  5. In the Service instances section, choose Register service instance.

  6. On the Register service instance page, do the following.

    1. For Instance type, select Identifying information for another resource.

    2. For Service instance id, specify data-instance.

    3. In the Custom attributes section, specify the following key-value pair: key = tablename, value = cloudmap.

Step 4: Create an AWS Lambda execution role

In this step, you create an IAM role that the AWS Lambda function we create in the next step uses. You can name the role cloudmap-tutorial-role and omit the permissions boundary as this IAM role is only used for this tutorial and you can delete it afterwards.

To create the service role for Lambda (IAM console)
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/.

  2. In the navigation pane of the IAM console, choose Roles, and then choose Create role.

  3. For Trusted entity type, choose AWS service.

  4. For Service or use case, choose Lambda, and then choose the Lambda use case.

  5. Choose Next.

  6. Search for, and select the box next to, the PowerUserAccess policy and then choose Next.

  7. Choose Next.

  8. For Role name, specify cloudmap-tutorial-role.

  9. Review the role, and then choose Create role.

Step 5: Create the Lambda function to write data

In this step, you create a Lambda function authored from scratch that writes data to the DynamoDB table by using the AWS Cloud Map API to query the AWS Cloud Map service you created.

For information about creating a Lambda function, see Create a Lambda function with the console in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide and use the following table to determine what options to specify or choose.

Option Value

Function name


Python 3.12




Use an existing role

Existing role


After you create the function, update the example code to reflect the following Python code, and then deploy the function. Note that you're specifying the datatable custom attribute you associated with the AWS Cloud Map service instance you created for the DynamoDB table. The function generates a key that is a random number between 1 and 100 and associates it with a value that is passed to the function when it is called.

import json import boto3 import random def lambda_handler(event, context): serviceclient = boto3.client('servicediscovery') response = serviceclient.discover_instances( NamespaceName='cloudmap-tutorial', ServiceName='data-service') tablename = response["Instances"][0]["Attributes"]["tablename"] dynamodbclient = boto3.resource('dynamodb') table = dynamodbclient.Table(tablename) response = table.put_item( Item={ 'id': str(random.randint(1,100)), 'todo': event }) return { 'statusCode': 200, 'body': json.dumps(response) }

After deploying the function, to avoid timeout errors, update the function timeout to 5 seconds. For more information, see Configure Lambda function timeout in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.

Step 6: Create an AWS Cloud Map app service and register the Lambda write function as an instance

In this step, you create an AWS Cloud Map service and then register the Lambda write function as a service instance.

  1. Open the AWS Cloud Map console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudmap/

  2. In the left navigation, choose Namespaces.

  3. From the list of namespaces, select the cloudmap-tutorial namespace and choose View details.

  4. In the Services section, choose Create service and do the following.

    1. For Service name, enter app-service.

    2. Leave the rest of the default values and choose Create service.

  5. In the Services section, select the app-service service and choose View details.

  6. In the Service instances section, choose Register service instance.

  7. On the Register service instance page, do the following.

    1. For Instance type, select Identifying information for another resource.

    2. For Service instance id, specify write-instance.

    3. In the Custom attributes section, specify the following key-value pairs.

      • key = action, value = write

      • key = functionname, value = writefunction

Step 7: Create the Lambda function to read data

In this step, you create a Lambda function authored from scratch that writes data to the DynamoDB table you created.

For information about creating a Lambda function, see Create a Lambda function with the console in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide and use the following table to determine what options to specify or choose.

Option Value

Function name


Python 3.12




Use an existing role

Existing role


After you create the function, update the example code to reflect the following Python code, and then deploy the function. The function scans the table amd returns all items.

import json import boto3 def lambda_handler(event, context): serviceclient = boto3.client('servicediscovery') response = serviceclient.discover_instances(NamespaceName='cloudmap-tutorial', ServiceName='data-service') tablename = response["Instances"][0]["Attributes"]["tablename"] dynamodbclient = boto3.resource('dynamodb') table = dynamodbclient.Table(tablename) response = table.scan(Select='ALL_ATTRIBUTES') return { 'statusCode': 200, 'body': json.dumps(response) }

After deploying the function, to avoid timeout errors, update the function timeout to 5 seconds. For more information, see Configure Lambda function timeout in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.

Step 8: Register the Lambda read function as an AWS Cloud Map service instance

In this step, you register the Lambda read function as a service instance in the app-service service you previously created.

  1. Open the AWS Cloud Map console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudmap/

  2. In the left navigation, choose Namespaces.

  3. From the list of namespaces, select the cloudmap-tutorial namespace and choose View details.

  4. In the Services section, select the app-service service and choose View details.

  5. In the Service instances section, choose Register service instance.

  6. On the Register service instance page, do the following.

    1. For Instance type, select Identifying information for another resource.

    2. For Service instance id, specify read-instance.

    3. In the Custom attributes section, specify the following key-value pairs.

      • key = action, value = read

      • key = functionname, value = readfunction

Step 9: Create and run read and write clients on AWS CloudShell

You can create and run client applications in AWS CloudShell that use code to discover the services you configured in AWS Cloud Map and make calls to these services.

  1. Open the AWS CloudShell console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudshell/

  2. Use the following command to create a file called writefunction.py.

    vim writeclient.py
  3. In the writeclient.py file, enter insert mode by pressing the i button. Then, copy and paste the following code. This code discovers the Lambda function to write data by searching for the custom attribute name=writeservice in the app-service service. The name of the Lambda function responsible for writing data to the DynamoDB table is returned. Then the Lambda function is invoked, passing a sample payload that is written to the table as a value.

    import boto3 serviceclient = boto3.client('servicediscovery') response = serviceclient.discover_instances(NamespaceName='cloudmap-tutorial', ServiceName='app-service', QueryParameters={ 'action': 'write' }) functionname = response["Instances"][0]["Attributes"]["functionname"] lambdaclient = boto3.client('lambda') resp = lambdaclient.invoke(FunctionName=functionname, Payload='"This is a test data"') print(resp["Payload"].read())
  4. Press the escape key, type :wq, and press the enter key to save the file and exit.

  5. Use the following command to run the Python code.

    python3 writeclient.py

    The output should be a 200 response, similar to the following.

    b'{"statusCode": 200, "body": "{\\"ResponseMetadata\\": {\\"RequestId\\": \\"Q0M038IT0BPBVBJK8OCKK6I6M7VV4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9ASUAAJG\\", \\"HTTPStatusCode\\": 200, \\"HTTPHeaders\\": {\\"server\\": \\"Server\\", \\"date\\": \\"Wed, 06 Mar 2024 22:46:09 GMT\\", \\"content-type\\": \\"application/x-amz-json-1.0\\", \\"content-length\\": \\"2\\", \\"connection\\": \\"keep-alive\\", \\"x-amzn-requestid\\": \\"Q0M038IT0BPBVBJK8OCKK6I6M7VV4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9ASUAAJG\\", \\"x-amz-crc32\\": \\"2745614147\\"}, \\"RetryAttempts\\": 0}}"}'
  6. To verify the write was successful in the previous step, create a read client.

    1. Use the following command to create a file called readfunction.py.

      vim readclient.py
    2. In the readclient.py file, press the i button to enter insert mode. Then, copy and paste the following code. This code scans the table and will return the value that you wrote to the table in the previous step.

      import boto3 serviceclient = boto3.client('servicediscovery') response = serviceclient.discover_instances(NamespaceName='cloudmap-tutorial', ServiceName='app-service', QueryParameters={ 'action': 'read' }) functionname = response["Instances"][0]["Attributes"]["functionname"] lambdaclient = boto3.client('lambda') resp = lambdaclient.invoke(FunctionName=functionname, InvocationType='RequestResponse') print(resp["Payload"].read())
    3. Press the escape key, type :wq, and press the enter key to save the file and exit.

    4. Use the following command to run the Python code.

      python3 readclient.py

      The output should look similar to the following, listing the value written to the table by running writefunction.py and the random key generated in the Lambda write function.

      b'{"statusCode": 200, "body": "{\\"Items\\": [{\\"id\\": \\"45\\", \\"todo\\": \\"This is a test data\\"}], \\"Count\\": 1, \\"ScannedCount\\": 1, \\"ResponseMetadata\\": {\\"RequestId\\": \\"9JF8J6SFQCKR6IDT5JG5NOM3CNVV4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9ASUAAJG\\", \\"HTTPStatusCode\\": 200, \\"HTTPHeaders\\": {\\"server\\": \\"Server\\", \\"date\\": \\"Thu, 25 Jul 2024 20:43:33 GMT\\", \\"content-type\\": \\"application/x-amz-json-1.0\\", \\"content-length\\": \\"91\\", \\"connection\\": \\"keep-alive\\", \\"x-amzn-requestid\\": \\"9JF8J6SFQCKR6IDT5JG5NOM3CNVV4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9ASUAAJG\\", \\"x-amz-crc32\\": \\"1163081893\\"}, \\"RetryAttempts\\": 0}}"}'

Step 10: Clean up the resources

After you have completed the tutorial, delete the resources to avoid incurring additional charges. AWS Cloud Map requires that you clean them up in reverse order, the service instances first, then the services, and finally the namespace. The following steps walk you through cleaning up the AWS Cloud Map resources used in this tutorial.

To delete the AWS Cloud Map resources
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Cloud Map console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudmap/.

  2. From the list of namespaces, select the cloudmap-tutorial namespace and choose View details.

  3. On the namespace details page, from the list of services, select the data-service service and choose View details.

  4. In the Service instances section, select the data-instance instance and choose Deregister.

  5. Using the breadcrumb at the top of the page, select cloudmap-tutorial.com to navigate back to the namespace detail page.

  6. On the namespace details page, from the list of services, select the data-service service and choose Delete.

  7. Repeat steps 3-6 for the app-service service and the write-instance and read-instance service instances.

  8. In the left navigation, choose Namespaces.

  9. Select the cloudmap-tutorial namespace and choose Delete.

The following table lists procedures that you can use to delete the other resources used in the tutorial.

Resource Steps

DynamoDB table

Step 6: (Optional) Delete your DynamoDB table to clean up resources in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide
Lambda functions and associated IAM execution role

Clean up in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide