Update a report group - AWS CodeBuild

Update a report group

When you update a report group, you can specify information about whether to export the raw test result data to files in an Amazon S3 bucket. If you choose to export to an S3 bucket, you can specify the following for your report group:

  • Whether the raw test results files are compressed in a ZIP file.

  • Whether the raw test result files are encrypted. You can specify encryption with one of the following:

    • An AWS managed key for Amazon S3.

    • A customer managed key that you create and configure.

For more information, see Data encryption.

If you use the AWS CLI to update a report group, you can also update or add tags. For more information, see Tag a report group in AWS CodeBuild.


The CodeBuild service role specified in the project is used for permissions to upload to the S3 bucket.

Update a report group (console)

Use the following procedure to update a report group using the AWS Management Console.

To update a report group
  1. Open the AWS CodeBuild console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/codesuite/codebuild/home.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Report groups.

  3. Choose the report group you want to update.

  4. Choose Edit.

  5. Select or clear Backup to Amazon S3. If you selected this option, specify your export settings:

    1. For S3 bucket name, enter the name of the S3 bucket.

    2. For Path prefix, enter the path in your S3 bucket where you want to upload your test results.

    3. Select Compress test result data in a zip file to compress your raw test result data files.

    4. Expand Additional configuration to display encryption options. Choose one of the following:

      • Default AWS managed key to use a AWS managed key for Amazon S3. For more information, see Customer managed CMKs in the AWS Key Management Service User Guide. This is the default encryption option.

      • Choose a custom key to use a customer managed key that you create and configure. For AWS KMS encryption key, enter the ARN of your encryption key. Its format is arn:aws:kms:<region-id>: <aws-account-id>:key/<key-id> . For more information, see Creating KMS keys in the AWS Key Management Service User Guide.

      • Disable artifact encryption to disable encryption. You might choose this if you want to share your test results, or publish them to a static website. (A dynamic website can run code to decrypt test results.)

Update a report group (CLI)

Use the following procedure to update a report group using the AWS CLI.

To update a report group
  1. Create a file named UpdateReportGroupInput.json.

  2. Copy the following into UpdateReportGroupInput.json:

    { "arn": "", "exportConfig": { "exportConfigType": "S3", "s3Destination": { "bucket": "bucket-name", "path": "path", "packaging": "NONE | ZIP", "encryptionDisabled": "false", "encryptionKey": "your-key" } }, "tags": [ { "key": "tag-key", "value": "tag-value" } ] }
  3. Enter the ARN of your report group in the arn line (for example, "arn":"arn:aws:codebuild:region:123456789012:report-group/report-group-1").

  4. Update UpdateReportGroupInput.json with the updates you want to apply to your report group.

    • If you want to update your report group to export raw test result files to an S3 bucket, update the exportConfig section. Replace bucket-name with your S3 bucket name and path with the path in your S3 bucket that you want to export the files to. If you want to compress the exported files, for packaging, specify ZIP. Otherwise, specify NONE. Use encryptionDisabled to specify whether to encrypt the exported files. If you encrypt the exported files, enter your customer managed key.

    • If you want to update your report group so that it does not export raw test result files to an S3 bucket, update the exportConfig section with the following JSON:

      { "exportConfig": { "exportConfigType": "NO_EXPORT" } }
    • If you want to update the report group's tags, update the tags section. You can change, add, or remove tags. If you want to remove all tags, update it with the following JSON:

      "tags": []
  5. Run the following command:

    aws codebuild update-report-group \ --cli-input-json file://UpdateReportGroupInput.json