Attach a claimed or ported phone number to a flow - Amazon Connect

Attach a claimed or ported phone number to a flow

After you publish a flow, you can attach a claimed or ported phone number to it. When a contact calls the phone number that you associate with a flow, they are connected to that flow.

To associate a claimed or ported phone number with a published flow
  1. Log in to your Amazon Connect instance (https://instance with an Admin account or a user account that has Phone number - Edit permissions in it's security profile. (To find the name of your instance, see Find your Amazon Connect instance ID or ARN.)

  2. On the navigation menu, choose Channels, Phone numbers.

  3. Locate the phone number to associate with the flow in the list. Click the phone number to open the Edit Phone number page. The following image shows a sample phone number that you would click.

    A sample phone number on the Phone number page.
  4. On the Edit Phone number page, do the following:

    1. (Optional) Edit the description for the phone number.

    2. For Flow / IVR, select the flow. Note that only published flows are included in this list.

    3. Choose Save.