Create a custom historical metrics report in Amazon Connect
Create your own customized historical metrics reports to look at specific data.
You must have permission to access metric data. The following security profiles include this permission: CallCenterManager and QualityAnalyst. For more information, see Security profiles for Amazon Connect and Contact Control Panel (CCP) access.
Grouping options
You can group the metrics included in your reports in different ways to provide greater insight into how your contact center is performing.
You can group reports by queue, agent, agent hierarchy, routing profile, phone number, email address, channel, Amazon Q, or subtype. Some options are limited to instances using service linked roles. The metric calculations, and therefore metrics values displayed in the report, are different when reports are grouped differently. For example, if you group a report by queue, the value of a metric includes all contacts associated with the queue. If you group a report by agent, the values for the metrics associated with queues might not provide much insight.
When you create a report, the values for calculated metrics are displayed as rows in the report. The rows in the report are grouped by the grouping options you select. Grouping the data enables you to generate global data for your contact center, or more specific data for queues, agents, routing profiles, or agent hierarchy defined in your contact center.
For example, consider the Contacts handled metric. This metric is a count of the contacts handled during the time range defined for the report. Here are the results based on the grouping:
Queue - The metric is the total number of contacts handled during the time range from that queue by all agents in your contact center.
Agent - The metric is the total number of contacts handled by that agent during the time range across all queues and routing profiles.
Routing Profile - The metric is the total number of contacts handled during the time range by agents assigned that routing profile.
Queue, then Agent, then Routing Profile - The metric is the total number of contacts that agent assigned that routing profile handled from that queue.
Agent activity can be included in one routing profile at a time, but agents can switch between routing profiles over the reporting time interval. If agents are assigned multiple routing profiles and handle contacts from multiple queues, there are multiple rows in the report for each routing profile assigned to the agent and the queue that the agent handled contacts from.
When you customize a report, you can add filters to control which data is included in the report. Some options are limited to instances using service linked roles. You can filter on the following:
Amazon Q—Includes data only for the specified Amazon Q status. If you don’t specify any Amazon Q status, data for all statuses are included.
Agent hierarchy—Includes data only for the contacts handled by agents in the specified hierarchies. If you don't specify a hierarchy, data for all contacts handled by agents in all hierarchies is included. When only one hierarchy is specified, you can specify a more granular filter within the hierarchy.
Agent Queues—Includes data only for the specified agent queues. If you don’t specify any agent queues, data for all agent queues are included. This option is only available when the show agent queues checkbox is selected.
Channel—Includes data only for the specified channels. If you don't specify any channels, data for all channels are included.
Phone number—Includes data only for the contacts associated with the specified phone numbers. If you don't specify a phone number, data for all contacts associated with any or no phone numbers is included.
Email address—Includes data only for the contacts associated with the specified email address. If you don't specify an email address, data for all contacts associated with any or no email address is included.
Queue—Includes data only for the specified queues. If you don't specify any queues, data for all queues are included.
Routing profile—Includes data only for the agents assigned to the specified routing profiles. If you don't specify any routing profiles, data for all agents for all routing profiles is included.
Subtype—Includes data only for the specified subtypes. If you don’t specify any subtypes, data for all subtypes are included.
How to create a historical metrics report
Log in to the Amazon Connect admin website at https://
instance name -
Choose Analytics and optimization, Historical metrics.
Choose one of the following report types, which group and order the data in different ways, and include different metrics:
Contact metrics
Agent metrics
Agent performance
Phone numbers
Contact metrics
Email addresses
Email contact metrics
To customize your report, choose the gear icon.
On the Interval & Time range tab, do the following:
For Interval, choose 30 minutes to get a row for each 30-minute period in the time range, Daily to get a row for each day in the time range, or Total to get all data for the time range in a single row.
For Time Zone, select a time zone, which determines the hour at which a day starts. For example, to align the report with your calendar days, select the time zone for your location.
You should use the same time zone for reports over time to get accurate and consistent metrics data for your contact center. Using different time zones for different reports may result in different data for the same time range selection.
The possible values for Time range depend on the value that you select for Interval. Alternatively, you can specify a custom time range.
For Last x days and Month to date, the current day is not included in the report. Yesterday specifies the previous calendar day while Last 24 hours specifies the 24 hours prior to the current time.
(Optional) On the Groupings tab, choose up to five groupings. If you choose one grouping option, the data is grouped by that option. If you choose multiple grouping options, the data is group by the first grouping option and then by the subsequent grouping options. For more information, see Grouping options.
(Optional) On the Filters tab, specify filters to scope the data to be included in the report. The available filters depend on the groupings that you select. For more information, see Filters.
On the Metrics tab, choose the metrics and fields to include in the report. An exclamation point (!) is displayed next to any metrics that are not available based on the groupings that you selected. For more information, see Historical metrics definitions in Amazon Connect.
When you are finished customizing your report, choose Apply.
(Optional) To save your report for future use, choose Save, provide a name for the report, and then choose Save.