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AWS SDK for Java 1.x API Reference - 1.12.772

We announced the upcoming end-of-support for AWS SDK for Java (v1). We recommend that you migrate to AWS SDK for Java v2. For dates, additional details, and information on how to migrate, please refer to the linked announcement.


IoT data

See: Description

Package Description

IoT data

IoT data enables secure, bi-directional communication between Internet-connected things (such as sensors, actuators, embedded devices, or smart appliances) and the Amazon Web Services cloud. It implements a broker for applications and things to publish messages over HTTP (Publish) and retrieve, update, and delete shadows. A shadow is a persistent representation of your things and their state in the Amazon Web Services cloud.

Find the endpoint address for actions in IoT data by running this CLI command:

aws iot describe-endpoint --endpoint-type iot:Data-ATS

The service name used by Amazon Web ServicesSignature Version 4 to sign requests is: iotdevicegateway.

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