Wichtige Zustände von AWS KMS Schlüsseln - AWS Key Management Service

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Wichtige Zustände von AWS KMS Schlüsseln

An hat AWS KMS key immer einen Schlüsselstatus. Operationen an dem KMS Schlüssel und seiner Umgebung können diesen Schlüsselstatus ändern, entweder vorübergehend oder bis eine andere Operation seinen Schlüsselstatus ändert.

Die Tabelle in diesem Abschnitt zeigt, wie sich wichtige Zustände auf Aufrufe von AWS KMS API Operationen auswirken. Aufgrund des Schlüsselstatus wird erwartet, dass eine Operation mit einem KMS Schlüssel erfolgreich ist (), fehlschlägt (X) oder nur unter bestimmten Bedingungen erfolgreich ist (?). Bei KMS Schlüsseln mit importiertem Schlüsselmaterial unterscheidet sich das Ergebnis häufig.

Diese Tabelle enthält nur die API Operationen, die einen vorhandenen KMS Schlüssel verwenden. Andere Operationen, wie z. B. CreateKeyund ListKeys, werden weggelassen.

Wichtige Zustände und KMS Schlüsseltypen

Der Typ des KMS Schlüssels bestimmt, welche Schlüsselstatus er haben kann.

  • Alle KMS Schlüssel können sich in den PendingDeletion Zuständen EnabledDisabled, und befinden.

  • Die meisten KMS Schlüssel werden im Enabled Status erstellt. Schlüssel mit importiertem Schlüsselmaterial werden im Status PendingImport erstellt.

  • Der PendingImport Status gilt nur für KMS Schlüssel mit importiertem Schlüsselmaterial.

  • Der Unavailable Status gilt nur für einen KMS Schlüssel in einem benutzerdefinierten Schlüsselspeicher. Ein KMS Schlüssel in einem AWS CloudHSM Schlüsselspeicher liegt vorUnavailable, wenn der benutzerdefinierte Schlüsselspeicher absichtlich von seinem AWS CloudHSM Cluster getrennt wird. Ein KMS Schlüssel in einem externen Schlüsselspeicher liegt vorUnavailable, wenn der benutzerdefinierte Schlüsselspeicher absichtlich von seinem externen Schlüsselspeicher-Proxy getrennt wird. Sie können nicht verfügbare KMS Schlüssel anzeigen und verwalten, sie jedoch nicht für kryptografische Operationen verwenden.

    Der Schlüsselstatus eines KMS Schlüssels in einem benutzerdefinierten Schlüsselspeicher wird durch Änderungen an seinem Backing-Schlüssel nicht beeinflusst. Änderungen an KMS seinem zugehörigen AWS CloudHSM Schlüsselmaterial im AWS CloudHSM Cluster wirken sich nicht auf einen Schlüssel in einem Schlüsselspeicher aus. Änderungen an seinem externen KMS Schlüssel in einem externen Schlüsselmanager wirken sich nicht auf einen Schlüssel in einem externen Schlüsselspeicher aus. Wenn der Sicherungsschlüssel deaktiviert oder gelöscht wird, ändert sich der KMS Schlüsselstatus nicht, aber kryptografische Operationen, die den KMS Schlüssel verwenden, schlagen fehl.

  • Der Creating-, Updating-, und PendingReplicaDeletion-Schlüsselstatus gilt nur für multiregionale Schlüssel.

    • Ein multiregionaler Replikatschlüssel befindet sich während der Erstellung im vorübergehenden Schlüsselstatus Creating. Dieser Vorgang ist möglicherweise noch im Gange, wenn der ReplicateKeyVorgang abgeschlossen ist. Wenn der Replikationsprozess abgeschlossen ist, befindet sich der Replikatschlüssel im Status Enabled oder PendingImport.

    • Multiregionale Schlüssel befinden sich im vorübergehenden Schlüsselstatus Updating, während die primäre Region aktualisiert wird. Dieser Vorgang ist möglicherweise noch im Gange, wenn der UpdatePrimaryRegionVorgang abgeschlossen ist. Wenn der Aktualisierungsvorgang abgeschlossen ist, setzen die Primär- und Replikatschlüssel den Enabled-Schlüsselstatus fort.

    • Wenn Sie das Löschen eines multiregionalen Primärschlüssels planen, der Replikatschlüssel besitzt, befindet sich der Primärschlüssel im Status PendingReplicaDeletion, bis alle seine Replikatschlüssel gelöscht werden. Danach wechselt der Schlüsselstatus zu PendingDeletion. Details hierzu finden Sie unter Deleting multi-Region keys.


Die folgende Tabelle zeigt, wie sich der Schlüsselstatus eines KMS Schlüssels auf AWS KMS Operationen auswirkt.

Die Beschreibungen der nummerierten Fußnoten ([n] sind am Ende dieses Themas.


Möglicherweise müssen Sie horizontal oder vertikal scrollen, um alle Daten in dieser Tabelle anzuzeigen.

API Enabled Disabled

Löschen ausstehend

Löschen des Replikats ausstehend

Import ausstehend Nicht verfügbar Erstellen Aktualisieren
CancelKeyDeletion No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[4], [13]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


CreateAlias Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
CreateGrant Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] oder [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
Decrypt Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] oder [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
DeleteAlias Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
DeleteImportedKeyMaterial Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.

(keine Auswirkung)

N/A No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


DescribeKey Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
DisableKey Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


DisableKeyRotation Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[1] oder [7]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[3] oder [7]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


EnableKey Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


EnableKeyRotation Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[1] oder [7]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[3] oder [7]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Encrypt Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] oder [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
GenerateDataKey Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] oder [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
GenerateDataKeyPair Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] oder [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
GenerateDataKeyPairWithoutPlaintext Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] oder [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] oder [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
GenerateMac Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] oder [3]

N/A N/A No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
GetKeyPolicy Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
GetKeyRotationStatus Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


GetParametersForImport Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[8] oder [9]

Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


GetPublicKey Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] oder [3]

N/A N/A No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
ImportKeyMaterial Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[8] oder [9]

Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
ListAliases Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
ListGrants Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
ListKeyPolicies Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
ListKeyRotations Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


ListResourceTags Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
PutKeyPolicy Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
ReEncrypt Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] oder [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
ReplicateKey Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] oder [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


N/A No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


RetireGrant Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
RevokeGrant Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
RotateKeyOnDemand Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[1] oder [7]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[3] oder [7]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


ScheduleKeyDeletion Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Sign Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] oder [3]

N/A N/A No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
TagResource Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
UntagResource Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
UpdateAlias Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
UpdateKeyDescription Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
UpdatePrimaryRegion Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] oder [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


N/A No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
Verify Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] oder [3]

N/A N/A No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
VerifyMac Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] oder [3]

N/A N/A No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.


  • [1] DisabledException: <key ARN> is disabled.

  • [2] DisabledException: <key ARN> is pending deletion (or pending replica deletion).

  • [3] KMSInvalidStateException: <key ARN> is pending deletion (or pending replica deletion).

  • [4] KMSInvalidStateException: <key ARN> is not pending deletion (or pending replica deletion).

  • [5] KMSInvalidStateException: <key ARN> is pending import.

  • [6] UnsupportedOperationException: <key ARN> origin is EXTERNAL which is not valid for this operation.

  • [7] Wenn der KMS Schlüssel Schlüsselmaterial importiert hat oder sich in einem benutzerdefinierten Schlüsselspeicher befindet:UnsupportedOperationException.

  • [8] Wenn der KMS Schlüssel Schlüsselmaterial importiert hat: KMSInvalidStateException

  • [9] Wenn für den KMS Schlüssel kein Schlüsselmaterial importiert werden kann oder nicht vorhanden ist:UnsupportedOperationException.

  • [10] Wenn der KMS Quellschlüssel noch gelöscht werden muss, ist der Befehl erfolgreich. Wenn der KMS Zielschlüssel noch nicht gelöscht werden muss, schlägt der Befehl mit folgender Fehlermeldung fehl: KMSInvalidStateException : <key ARN> is pending deletion.

  • [11] KMSInvalidStateException: <key ARN> is unavailable. Sie können diesen Vorgang nicht für einen KMS Schlüssel ausführen, der nicht verfügbar ist.

  • [12] Der Vorgang ist erfolgreich, aber der Schlüsselstatus des KMS Schlüssels ändert sich nicht, bis er verfügbar ist.

  • [13] Während ein KMS Schlüssel in einem benutzerdefinierten Schlüsselspeicher noch gelöscht werden muss, bleibt sein Schlüsselstatus PendingDeletion auch dann bestehen, wenn der KMS Schlüssel nicht mehr verfügbar ist. Auf diese Weise können Sie das Löschen des KMS Schlüssels während der Wartezeit jederzeit abbrechen.

  • [14] KMSInvalidStateException: <key ARN> is creating. AWS KMS löst diese Ausnahme aus, während ein Schlüssel für mehrere Regionen repliziert wird (). ReplicateKey

  • [15] KMSInvalidStateException: <key ARN> is updating. AWS KMS löst diese Ausnahme aus, während die primäre Region eines Schlüssels mit mehreren Regionen aktualisiert wird (). UpdatePrimaryRegion