Educator tools for AWS DeepRacer Student - AWS DeepRacer

Educator tools for AWS DeepRacer Student

This section provides you with information and resources to integrate the AWS DeepRacer Machine Learning curriculum in the classroom, hold AWS DeepRacer Student hands-on labs, and create student community races.

Integrate AWS DeepRacer Student in the classroom

If you’re an educator that’s just getting started with AWS DeepRacer, we recommend that you read the AWS DeepRacer Student educator playbooks.

Curriculum Playbook

The AWS DeepRacer Student Curriculum Playbook outlines each AWS DeepRacer Student module’s overview, learning objectives, learning outcomes, key concepts, support material, and assessment and activity suggestions.

Student Labs Playbook

The AWS DeepRacer Student Labs Playbook provides the information and resources for educators to hold AWS DeepRacer Student hands-on labs. Hands-on labs consist of virtual events like AWS DeepRacer Student League races, Private Community Races, Live Virtual Racing, and in person events with a physical track and AWS DeepRacer device.

Create student community races

After you get started with the educator playbooks, use Community races in the AWS DeepRacer console to create races for students in AWS DeepRacer Student League. Share a race invitation link to invite student race participants.

Educators need an AWS account to sign into the AWS DeepRacer console to create and organize races, but students only need an email address to log in to AWS DeepRacer Student League, update their profile, start taking free courses, and create AWS DeepRacer models. Educators can also use an email address to create an account in AWS DeepRacer Student League to preview the curriculum, try out the race experience, and monitor your students' progress.

Continue to one of the following topics to create or manage an AWS DeepRacer Student virtual race.