Specifying table selection and transformations rules using JSON - AWS Database Migration Service

Specifying table selection and transformations rules using JSON

To specify the table mappings that you want to apply during migration, you can create a JSON file. If you create a migration task using the console, you can browse for this JSON file or enter the JSON directly into the table mapping box. If you use the CLI or API to perform migrations, you can specify this file using the TableMappings parameter of the CreateReplicationTask or ModifyReplicationTask API operation.

AWS DMS can only process table mapping JSON files up to 2 MB in size. We recommend that you keep the mapping rule JSON file size below the 2 MB limit while working with DMS tasks. This prevents unexpected errors during task creation or modification. When a mapping rule file exceeds the 2 MB limit, we recommend that you split the tables across multiple tasks to reduce the size of the mapping rule file so that it stays below this limit.

You can specify what tables, views, and schemas you want to work with. You can also perform table, view, and schema transformations and specify settings for how AWS DMS loads individual tables and views. You create table-mapping rules for these options using the following rule types:


For Amazon S3 targets, you can also tag S3 objects mapped to selected tables and schemas using the post-processing rule type and the add-tag rule action. For more information, see Amazon S3 object tagging.

For the targets following, you can specify how and where selected schemas and tables are migrated to the target using the object-mapping rule type: