eb appversion - AWS Elastic Beanstalk

eb appversion


The EB CLI appversion command manages your Elastic Beanstalk application versions. You can create a new version of the application without deploying, delete a version of the application, or create the application version lifecycle policy. If you invoke the command without any options, it enters the interactive mode.

Use the --create option to create a new version of the application.

Use the --delete option to delete a version of the application.

Use the lifecycle option to display or create the application version lifecycle policy. For more information, see Configuring application version lifecycle settings.


eb appversion

eb appversion [-c | --create]

eb appversion [-d | --delete] version-label

eb appversion lifecycle [-p | --print]




Type: String

-a application-name


--application_name application-name

The name of the application. If an application with the specified name isn't found, the EB CLI creates an application version for a new application.

Only applicable with the --create option.

Type: String




Create a new version of the application.

-d version-label


--delete version-label

Delete the version of the application that is labeled version-label.

-l version_label


--label version_label

Specify a label to use for the version that the EB CLI creates. If you don't use this option, the EB CLI generates a new unique label. If you provide a version label, make sure that it's unique.

Only applicable with the --create option.

Type: String


Invoke the default editor to create a new application version lifecycle policy. Use this policy to avoid reaching the application version quota.

lifecycle -p


lifecycle --print

Display the current application lifecycle policy.

-m "version_description"


--message "version_description"

The description for the application version. It's enclosed in double quotation marks.

Only applicable with the --create option.

Type: String




Preprocess and validate the environment manifest and configuration files in the source bundle. Validating configuration files can identify issues. We recommend you do this before deploying the application version to the environment.

Only applicable with the --create option.

--source codecommit/repository-name/branch-name

CodeCommit repository and branch. For more information, see Using the EB CLI with AWS CodeCommit.

Only applicable with the --create option.


Use the files staged in the git index, instead of the HEAD commit, to create the application version.

Only applicable with the --create option.

--timeout minutes

The number of minutes before the command times out.

Only applicable with the --create option.

Common options

Using the command interactively

If you use the command without any arguments, the output displays the versions of the application. They're listed in reverse chronological order, with the lastest version listed first. See the Examples section for examples of what the screen looks like. Note that the status line is displayed at the bottom. The status line displays context-sensitive information.

Press d to delete an application version, press l to manage the lifecycle policy for your application, or press q to quit without making any changes.


If the version is deployed to any environment, you can't delete that version.


The command with the --create option displays a message confirming that the application version was created.

The command with the --delete version-label option displays a message confirming that the application version was deleted.


The following example shows the interactive window for an application with no deployments.

Application window showing version history with three entries and no current deployment.

The following example shows the interactive window for an application with the fourth version, with version label Sample Application, deployed.

Application versions table showing 4 versions, with the latest labeled "Sample Application" deployed 2 minutes ago.

The following example shows the output from an eb appversion lifecycle -p command, where ACCOUNT-ID is the user's account ID:

Application details for: lifecycle Region: sa-east-1 Description: Application created from the EB CLI using "eb init" Date Created: 2016/12/20 02:48 UTC Date Updated: 2016/12/20 02:48 UTC Application Versions: ['Sample Application'] Resource Lifecycle Config(s): VersionLifecycleConfig: MaxCountRule: DeleteSourceFromS3: False Enabled: False MaxCount: 200 MaxAgeRule: DeleteSourceFromS3: False Enabled: False MaxAgeInDays: 180 ServiceRole: arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT-ID:role/aws-elasticbeanstalk-service-role