Preserving access to an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for a retired platform
Elastic Beanstalk sets a platform branch status to retired when the operating system or major component used by the branch reaches End of Life. The base Elastic Beanstalk AMI for the platform branch may also be made private to prevent the use of this out-of-date AMI. Environments using AMIs that have been made private will no longer be able to launch instances.
If you're unable to migrate your application to a supported environment before it's retired, your environment may be in this situation. The need to update an environment for a Beanstalk platform branch, where its base Elastic Beanstalk AMI has been made private, may arise. An alternative approach is available. You can update an existing environment based on a copy of the base Elastic Beanstalk AMI used by your environment.
This topic offers some steps and a standalone script to update an existing environment based on a copy of the base Elastic Beanstalk AMI used by your environment. Once you're able to migrate your application to a supported platform you can continue to use the standard procedures for maintaining your application and supported environments.
Manual steps
To update an environment based on an AMI copy of the base Elastic Beanstalk AMI
Determine which AMI your environment is using. This command returns the AMI used by the Elastic Beanstalk environment that you provide in the parameters. The returned value is used as the source-ami-id in the next step.
In a command window, run a command like the following. For more information, see describe-configuration-settings in the AWS CLI Command Reference.
Specify the AWS Region that stores the source AMI you want to copy. Replace the application name and environment name with those based on the source AMI. Enter the text for the query parameter as shown.
aws elasticbeanstalk describe-configuration-settings \ --application-name
\ --environment-namemy-environment
\ --regionus-east-2
\ --query "ConfigurationSettings[0].OptionSettings[?OptionName=='ImageId'] | [0].Value" -
Copy the AMI into your account. This command returns the new AMI that results from copying the source-ami-id that was returned in the prior step.
Be sure to make a note of the new AMI id that is output by this command. You'll need to enter it in the next step, replacing copied-ami-id in the example command.
In a command window, run a command like the following. For more information, see copy-image in the AWS CLI Command Reference.
Specify the AWS Region of the source AMI you want to copy (--source-region) and the Region where you want to use your new custom AMI (--region). Replace source-ami-id with the AMI of the image that you're copying. The source-ami-id was returned by the command in the prior step. Replace new-ami-name with a name to describe the new AMI in the destination Region. The script that follows this procedure generates the new AMI name by appending the string "Copy of" to the beginning of the name of the source-ami-id.
aws ec2 copy-image \ --region
\ --source-image-idsource-ami-id
\ --source-regionus-east-2
\ --namenew-ami-name
Update an environment to use the copied AMI. After the command runs it returns the status of the environment.
In a command window, run a command like the following. For more information, see update-environment in the AWS CLI Command Reference.
Specify the AWS Region of the environment and application you need to update. Replace the application name and environment name with those you need to associate with the copied-ami-id from the prior step. For the --option-setttings parameter, replace
with the AMI id you noted from the output of the prior command.>
aws elasticbeanstalk update-environment \ --application-name
\ --environment-namemy-environment
\ --regionus-east-2
\ --option-settings "Namespace=aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration,OptionName=ImageId,Value=copied-ami-id
To minimize storage costs, consider cleaning up your custom AMI when you don't need it to launch Elastic Beanstalk environments anymore. For more information, see Cleaning up a custom AMI.
Standalone script
The following script provides the same results as the previous manual steps. Download the script by selecting this link:
#!/bin/bash set -ue USAGE="This script is used to copy an AMI used by your Elastic Beanstalk environment into your account to use in your environment.\n\n" USAGE+="Usage:\n\n" USAGE+="./$(basename $0) [OPTIONS]\n" USAGE+="OPTIONS:\n" USAGE+="\t--application-name <application-name>\tThe name of your Elastic Beanstalk application.\n" USAGE+="\t--environment-name <environment-name>\tThe name of your Elastic Beanstalk environment.\n" USAGE+="\t--region <region> \t\t\tThe AWS region your Elastic Beanstalk environment is deployed to.\n" USAGE+="\n\n" USAGE+="Script Usage Example(s):\n" USAGE+="./$(basename $0) --application-name my-application --environment-name my-environment --region us-east-1\n" if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo -e $USAGE exit fi while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in --application-name) APPLICATION_NAME="$2"; shift ;; --environment-name) ENVIRONMENT_NAME="$2"; shift ;; --region) REGION="$2"; shift ;; *) echo "Unknown option $1" ; echo -e $USAGE ; exit ;; esac shift done aws_cli_version="$(aws --version)" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "aws CLI not found. Please install it: Exiting." exit 1 fi echo "Using aws CLI version: ${aws_cli_version}" account=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query "Account" --output text) echo "Using account ${account}" environment_ami_id=$(aws elasticbeanstalk describe-configuration-settings \ --application-name "$APPLICATION_NAME" \ --environment-name "$ENVIRONMENT_NAME" \ --region "$REGION" \ --query "ConfigurationSettings[0].OptionSettings[?OptionName=='ImageId'] | [0].Value" \ --output text) echo "Image associated with environment ${ENVIRONMENT_NAME} is ${environment_ami_id}" owned_image=$(aws ec2 describe-images \ --owners self \ --image-ids "$environment_ami_id" \ --region "$REGION" \ --query "Images[0]" \ --output text) if [ "$owned_image" != "None" ]; then echo "${environment_ami_id} is already owned by account ${account}. Exiting." exit fi source_image_name=$(aws ec2 describe-images \ --image-ids "$environment_ami_id" \ --region "$REGION" \ --query "Images[0].Name" \ --output text) if [ "$source_image_name" = "None" ]; then echo "Cannot find ${environment_ami_id}. Please contact AWS support if you need additional help:" exit 1 fi copied_image_name="Copy of ${source_image_name}" copied_ami_id=$(aws ec2 describe-images \ --owners self \ --filters Name=name,Values="${copied_image_name}" \ --region "$REGION" \ --query "Images[0].ImageId" \ --output text) if [ "$copied_ami_id" != "None" ]; then echo "Detected that ${environment_ami_id} has already been copied by account ${account}. Skipping image copy." else echo "Copying ${environment_ami_id} to account ${account} with name ${copied_image_name}" copied_ami_id=$(aws ec2 copy-image \ --source-image-id "$environment_ami_id" \ --source-region "$REGION" \ --name "$copied_image_name" \ --region "$REGION" \ --query "ImageId" \ --output text) echo "New AMI ID is ${copied_ami_id}" echo "Waiting for ${copied_ami_id} to become available" aws ec2 wait image-available \ --image-ids "$copied_ami_id" \ --region "$REGION" echo "${copied_ami_id} is now available" fi echo "Updating environment ${ENVIRONMENT_NAME} to use ${copied_ami_id}" environment_status=$(aws elasticbeanstalk update-environment \ --application-name "$APPLICATION_NAME" \ --environment-name "$ENVIRONMENT_NAME" \ --option-settings "Namespace=aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration,OptionName=ImageId,Value=${copied_ami_id}" \ --region "$REGION" \ --query "Status" \ --output text) echo "Environment ${ENVIRONMENT_NAME} is now ${environment_status}" echo "Waiting for environment ${ENVIRONMENT_NAME} update to complete" aws elasticbeanstalk wait environment-updated \ --application-name "$APPLICATION_NAME" \ --environment-names "$ENVIRONMENT_NAME" \ --region "$REGION" echo "Environment ${ENVIRONMENT_NAME} update complete"
You must have the AWS CLI installed to execute the script. For installation instructions, see Install or update the latest version of the AWS CLI in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
After installing the AWS CLI, you must also configure it to use the AWS account that owns the environment. For more information, see Configure the AWS CLI in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide. The account must also have permissions to create an AMI and update the Elastic Beanstalk environment.
These steps describe the process that the script follows.
Print the account in use.
Determine which AMI is used by the environment (source AMI).
Check if the source AMI is already owned by the account. If yes, exit.
Determine the name of the source AMI so it can be used in the new AMI name. This also serves to confirm access to the source AMI.
Check if the source AMI has already been copied to the account. This is done by searching for AMIs with the name of the copied AMI owned by the account. If the AMI name has been changed in between script executions, it will copy the image again.
If the source AMI has not already been copied, copy the source AMI to the account and wait for the new AMI to be available.
Update the environment configuration to use the new AMI.
Wait for the environment update to complete.
After you extract the script from the file, run it by executing the following example. Replace the application name and environment name in the example with your own values.
sh \ --application-name
\ --environment-namemy-environment
\ --regionus-east-1
To minimize storage costs, consider cleaning up your custom AMI when you don't need it to launch Elastic Beanstalk environments anymore. For more information, see Cleaning up a custom AMI.