Troubleshoot your Application Load Balancers - Elastic Load Balancing

Troubleshoot your Application Load Balancers

The following information can help you troubleshoot issues with your Application Load Balancer.

A registered target is not in service

If a target is taking longer than expected to enter the InService state, it might be failing health checks. Your target is not in service until it passes one health check. For more information, see Health checks for Application Load Balancer target groups.

Verify that your instance is failing health checks and then check for the following issues:

A security group does not allow traffic

The security group associated with an instance must allow traffic from the load balancer using the health check port and health check protocol. You can add a rule to the instance security group to allow all traffic from the load balancer security group. Also, the security group for your load balancer must allow traffic to the instances.

A network access control list (ACL) does not allow traffic

The network ACL associated with the subnets for your instances must allow inbound traffic on the health check port and outbound traffic on the ephemeral ports (1024-65535). The network ACL associated with the subnets for your load balancer nodes must allow inbound traffic on the ephemeral ports and outbound traffic on the health check and ephemeral ports.

The ping path does not exist

Create a target page for the health check and specify its path as the ping path.

The connection times out

First, verify that you can connect to the target directly from within the network using the private IP address of the target and the health check protocol. If you can't connect, check whether the instance is over-utilized, and add more targets to your target group if it is too busy to respond. If you can connect, it is possible that the target page is not responding before the health check timeout period. Choose a simpler target page for the health check or adjust the health check settings.

The target did not return a successful response code

By default, the success code is 200, but you can optionally specify additional success codes when you configure health checks. Confirm the success codes that the load balancer is expecting and that your application is configured to return these codes on success.

The target response code was malformed or there was an error connecting to the target

Verify that your application responds to the load balancer's health check requests. Some applications require additional configuration to respond to health checks, such as a virtual host configuration to respond to the HTTP host header sent by the load balancer. The host header value contains the private IP address of the target, followed by the health check port when not using a default port. If the target uses a default health check port, the host header value contains only the private IP address of the target. For example, if your target’s private IP address is and it's health check port is 8080, the HTTP Host header sent by the load balancer in health checks is Host: If your target’s private IP address is and it's health check port is 80 then the HTTP Host header sent by the load balancer in health checks is Host: A virtual host configuration to respond to that host, or a default configuration, may be required to successfully health check your application. Health check requests have the following attributes: the User-Agent is set to ELB-HealthChecker/2.0, the line terminator for message-header fields is the sequence CRLF, and the header terminates at the first empty line followed by a CRLF.

Clients cannot connect to an internet-facing load balancer

If the load balancer is not responding to requests, check for the following issues:

Your internet-facing load balancer is attached to a private subnet

You must specify public subnets for your load balancer. A public subnet has a route to the Internet Gateway for your virtual private cloud (VPC).

A security group or network ACL does not allow traffic

The security group for the load balancer and any network ACLs for the load balancer subnets must allow inbound traffic from the clients and outbound traffic to the clients on the listener ports.

Requests sent to a custom domain aren't received by the load balancer

If the load balancer is not receiving requests sent to a custom domain, check for the following issues:

The custom domain name does not resolve to the load balancer IP address
  • Confirm what IP address the custom domain name resolves to using a command line interface.

    • Linux, macOS, or Unix – You can use the dig command within Terminal. Ex.dig

    • Windows – You can use the nslookup command within Command Prompt. Ex.nslookup

  • Confirm what IP address the load balancers DNS name resolves to using a command line interface.

  • Compare the results of the two outputs. The IP addresses must match.

If using Route 53 to host your custom domain, see My domain is unavailable on the internet in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

HTTPS requests sent to the load balancer return "NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID"

If HTTPS requests are receiving NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID from the load balancer, check the following possible causes:

  • The domain name used in the HTTPS request does not match the alternate name specified in the listeners associated ACM certificate.

  • The load balancers default DNS name is being used. The default DNS name cannot be used to make HTTPS requests as a public certificate cannot be requested for the * domain.

Load balancer shows elevated processing times

The load balancer counts processing times differently based on configuration.

  • If AWS WAF is associated with your Application Load Balancer and a client sends an HTTP POST request, the time to send the data for POST requests is reflected in the request_processing_time field in the load balancer access logs. This behavior is expected for HTTP POST requests.

  • If AWS WAF is not associated with your Application Load Balancer and a client sends an HTTP POST request, the time to send the data for POST requests is reflected in the target_processing_time field in the load balancer access logs. This behavior is expected for HTTP POST requests.

The load balancer sends a response code of 000

With HTTP/2 connections, if the compressed length of any of the headers exceeds 8 K bytes or if the number of requests served through one connection exceeds 10,000, the load balancer sends a GOAWAY frame and closes the connection with a TCP FIN.

The load balancer generates an HTTP error

The following HTTP errors are generated by the load balancer. The load balancer sends the HTTP code to the client, saves the request to the access log, and increments the HTTPCode_ELB_4XX_Count or HTTPCode_ELB_5XX_Count metric.

HTTP 400: Bad request

Possible causes:

  • The client sent a malformed request that does not meet the HTTP specification.

  • The request header exceeded 16 K per request line, 16 K per single header, or 64 K for the entire request header.

  • The client closed the connection before sending the full request body.

HTTP 401: Unauthorized

You configured a listener rule to authenticate users, but one of the following is true:

  • You configured OnUnauthenticatedRequest to deny unauthenticated users or the IdP denied access.

  • The size of the claims returned by the IdP exceeded the maximum size supported by the load balancer.

  • A client submitted an HTTP/1.0 request without a host header, and the load balancer was unable to generate a redirect URL.

  • The requested scope doesn't return an ID token.

  • You don't complete the login process before the client login timeout expires. For more information see, Client login timeout.

HTTP 403: Forbidden

You configured an AWS WAF web access control list (web ACL) to monitor requests to your Application Load Balancer and it blocked a request.

HTTP 405: Method not allowed

The client used the TRACE method, which is not supported by Application Load Balancers.

HTTP 408: Request timeout

The client did not send data before the idle timeout period expired. Sending a TCP keep-alive does not prevent this timeout. Send at least 1 byte of data before each idle timeout period elapses. Increase the length of the idle timeout period as needed.

HTTP 413: Payload too large

Possible causes:

  • The target is a Lambda function and the request body exceeds 1 MB.

  • The request header exceeded 16 K per request line, 16 K per single header, or 64 K for the entire request header.

HTTP 414: URI too long

The request URL or query string parameters are too large.

HTTP 460

The load balancer received a request from a client, but the client closed the connection with the load balancer before the idle timeout period elapsed.

Check whether the client timeout period is greater than the idle timeout period for the load balancer. Ensure that your target provides a response to the client before the client timeout period elapses, or increase the client timeout period to match the load balancer idle timeout, if the client supports this.

HTTP 463

The load balancer received an X-Forwarded-For request header with too many IP addresses. The upper limit for IP addresses is 30.

HTTP 464

The load balancer received an incoming request protocol that is incompatible with the version config of the target group protocol.

Possible causes:

  • The request protocol is an HTTP/1.1, while the target group protocol version is a gRPC or HTTP/2.

  • The request protocol is a gRPC, while the target group protocol version is an HTTP/1.1.

  • The request protocol is an HTTP/2 and the request is not POST, while target group protocol version is a gRPC.

HTTP 500: Internal server error

Possible causes:

  • You configured an AWS WAF web access control list (web ACL) and there was an error executing the web ACL rules.

  • The load balancer is unable to communicate with the IdP token endpoint or the IdP user info endpoint.

    • Verify that the IdP's DNS is publicly resolvable.

    • Verify that the security groups for your load balancer and the network ACLs for your VPC allow outbound access to these endpoints.

    • Verify that your VPC has internet access. If you have an internal-facing load balancer, use a NAT gateway to enable internet access.

  • The user claim received from the IdP is greater than 11KB in size.

HTTP 501: Not implemented

The load balancer received a Transfer-Encoding header with an unsupported value. The supported values for Transfer-Encoding are chunked and identity. As an alternative, you can use the Content-Encoding header.

HTTP 502: Bad gateway

Possible causes:

  • The load balancer received a TCP RST from the target when attempting to establish a connection.

  • The load balancer received an unexpected response from the target, such as "ICMP Destination unreachable (Host unreachable)", when attempting to establish a connection. Check whether traffic is allowed from the load balancer subnets to the targets on the target port.

  • The target closed the connection with a TCP RST or a TCP FIN while the load balancer had an outstanding request to the target. Check whether the keep-alive duration of the target is shorter than the idle timeout value of the load balancer.

  • The target response is malformed or contains HTTP headers that are not valid.

  • The target response header exceeded 32 K for the entire response header.

  • The deregistration delay period elapsed for a request being handled by a target that was deregistered. Increase the delay period so that lengthy operations can complete.

  • The target is a Lambda function and the response body exceeds 1 MB.

  • The target is a Lambda function that did not respond before its configured timeout was reached.

  • The target is a Lambda function that returned an error or the function was throttled by the Lambda service.

  • The load balancer encountered an SSL handshake error when connecting to a target.

For more information see How do I troubleshoot Application Load Balancer HTTP 502 errors in the AWS Support Knowledge Center.

HTTP 503: Service unavailable

The target groups for the load balancer have no registered targets.

HTTP 504: Gateway timeout

Possible causes:

  • The load balancer failed to establish a connection to the target before the connection timeout expired (10 seconds).

  • The load balancer established a connection to the target but the target did not respond before the idle timeout period elapsed.

  • The networks ACL or SecurityGroup Policies did not allow traffic from the targets to the load balancer nodes on the ephemeral ports (1024-65535).

  • The target returns a content-length header that is larger than the entity body. The load balancer timed out waiting for the missing bytes.

  • The target is a Lambda function and the Lambda service did not respond before the connection timeout expired.

  • The load balancer encountered an SSL handshake timeout (10 seconds) when connecting to a target.

HTTP 505: Version not supported

The load balancer received an unexpected HTTP version request. For example, the load balancer established an HTTP/1 connection but received an HTTP/2 request.

HTTP 507: Insufficient Storage

The redirect URL is too long.

HTTP 561: Unauthorized

You configured a listener rule to authenticate users, but the IdP returned an error code when authenticating the user. Check your access logs for the related error reason code.

A target generates an HTTP error

The load balancer forwards valid HTTP responses from targets to the client, including HTTP errors. The HTTP errors generated by a target are recorded in the HTTPCode_Target_4XX_Count and HTTPCode_Target_5XX_Count metrics.

An AWS Certificate Manager certificate is not available for use

When deciding to use an HTTPS listener with your Application Load Balancer, AWS Certificate Manager requires you to validate domain ownership before issuing a certificate. If this step is missed during setup, the certificate remains in the Pending Validation state, and not available for use until validated.

  • If using email validation, see Email validation in the AWS Certificate Manager User Guide.

  • If using DNS validation, see DNS validation in the AWS Certificate Manager User Guide.

Multi-Line headers are not supported

Application Load Balancers do not support multi-line headers, including the message/http media type header. When a multi-line header is provided the Application Load Balancer appends a colon character, ":", before passing it to the target.

Troubleshoot unhealthy targets using the resource map

If your Application Load Balancer targets are failing health checks, you can use the resource map to find unhealthy targets and take actions based on the failure reason code. For more information, see View the Application Load Balancer resource map.

Resource map provides two views: Overview, and Unhealthy Target Map. Overview is selected by default and displays all of your load balancer's resources. Selecting the Unhealthy Target Map view will display only the unhealthy targets in each target group associated to the Application Load Balancer.


You must enable Show resource details to view the health check summary and error messages for all applicable resources within the resource map. When not enabled, you must select each resource to view its details.

The Target groups column displays a summary of the healthy and unhealthy targets for each target group. This can help determine if all the targets are failing health checks, or only specific targets are failing. If all targets in a target group are failing health checks, check the configuration of the target group. Select a target groups name to open its detail page in a new tab.

The Targets column displays the TargetID and the current health check status for each target. When a target is unhealthy, the health check failure reason code is displayed. When a single target is failing a health check, verify the target has sufficient resources and confirm that applications running on the target are available. Select a targets ID to open its detail page in a new tab.

Selecting Export gives you the option of exporting the current view of your Application Load Balancer's resource map as a PDF.

Verify that your instance is failing health checks and then based on the failure reason code check for the following issues:

  • Unhealthy: HTTP Response Mismatch

    • Verify the application running on the target is sending the correct HTTP response to the Application Load Balancer's health check requests.

    • Alternatively, you can update the Application Load Balancer's health check request to match the response from the application running on the target.

  • Unhealthy: Request timed out

    • Verify the security groups and network access control lists (ACL) associated with your targets and Application Load Balancer are not blocking connectivity.

    • Verify the target has sufficient resources available to accept connections from the Application Load Balancer.

    • Verify the status of any applications running on the target.

    • The Application Load Balancer's health check responses can be viewed in each target's application logs. For more information, see Health check reason codes.

  • Unhealthy: FailedHealthChecks

    • Verify the status of any applications running on the target.

    • Verify the target is listening for traffic on the health check port.

      When using an HTTPS listener

      You choose which security policy is used for front-end connections. The security policy used for back-end connections is automatically selected based on the front-end security policy in use.

      • If your HTTPS listener is using a TLS 1.3 security policy for front-end connections, the ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS13-1-0-2021-06 security policy is used for back-end connections.

      • If your HTTPS listener is not using a TLS 1.3 security policy for front-end connections, the ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08 security policy is used for back-end connections.

      For more information, see Security policies.

    • Verify the target is providing a server certificate and key in the correct format specified by the security policy.

    • Verify the target supports one or more matching ciphers, and a protocol provided by the Application Load Balancer to establish TLS handshakes.