Amazon EMR on EKS 7.1.0 releases - Amazon EMR

Amazon EMR on EKS 7.1.0 releases

This page describes the new and updated functionality for Amazon EMR that is specific to the Amazon EMR on EKS deployment. For details about Amazon EMR running on Amazon EC2 and about the Amazon EMR 7.1.0 release in general, see Amazon EMR 7.1.0 in the Amazon EMR Release Guide.

Amazon EMR on EKS 7.1 releases

The following Amazon EMR 7.1.0 releases are available for Amazon EMR on EKS. Select a specific emr-7.1.0-XXXX release to view more details such as the related container image tag.

Flink releases

The following Amazon EMR 7.1.0 releases are available for Amazon EMR on EKS when you run Flink applications.

Spark releases

The following Amazon EMR 7.1.0 releases are available for Amazon EMR on EKS when you run Spark applications.

  • emr-7.1.0-latest

  • emr-7.1.0-20240321

  • emr-7.1.0-spark-rapids-latest

  • emr-7.1.0-spark-rapids-20240321

  • emr-7.1.0-java11-latest

  • emr-7.1.0-java11-20240321

  • emr-7.1.0-java8-latest

  • emr-7.1.0-java8-20240321

  • emr-7.1.0-spark-rapids-java8-latest

  • emr-7.1.0-spark-rapids-java8-20240321

  • notebook-spark/emr-7.1.0-latest

  • notebook-spark/emr-7.1.0-20240321

  • notebook-spark/emr-7.1.0-spark-rapids-latest

  • notebook-spark/emr-7.1.0-spark-rapids-20240321

  • notebook-spark/emr-7.1.0-java11-latest

  • notebook-spark/emr-7.1.0-java11-20240321

  • notebook-spark/emr-7.1.0-java8-latest

  • notebook-spark/emr-7.1.0-java8-20240321

  • notebook-spark/emr-7.1.0-spark-rapids-java8-latest

  • notebook-spark/emr-7.1.0-spark-rapids-java8-20240321

  • notebook-python/emr-7.1.0-latest

  • notebook-python/emr-7.1.0-20240321

  • notebook-python/emr-7.1.0-spark-rapids-latest

  • notebook-python/emr-7.1.0-spark-rapids-20240321

  • notebook-python/emr-7.1.0-java11-latest

  • notebook-python/emr-7.1.0-java11-20240321

  • notebook-python/emr-7.1.0-java8-latest

  • notebook-python/emr-7.1.0-java8-20240321

  • notebook-python/emr-7.1.0-spark-rapids-java8-latest

  • notebook-python/emr-7.1.0-spark-rapids-java8-20240321

  • livy/emr-7.1.0-latest

  • livy/emr-7.1.0-20240321

  • livy/emr-7.1.0-java11-latest

  • livy/emr-7.1.0-java11-20240321

  • livy/emr-7.1.0-java8-latest

  • livy/emr-7.1.0-java8-20240321

Release notes

Release notes for Amazon EMR on EKS 7.1.0

  • Supported applications ‐ AWS SDK for Java 2.23.18 and 1.12.656, Apache Spark 3.5.0-amzn-1, Apache Hudi 0.14.1-amzn-0, Apache Iceberg 1.4.3-amzn-0, Delta 3.0.0, Apache Spark RAPIDS 23.10.0-amzn-1, Jupyter Enterprise Gateway 2.6.0, Apache Flink 1.18.1-amzn-0, Flink Operator 1.6.1-amzn-1

  • Supported componentsaws-sagemaker-spark-sdk, emr-ddb, emr-goodies, emr-s3-select, emrfs, hadoop-client, hudi, hudi-spark, iceberg, spark-kubernetes.

  • Supported configuration classifications

    For use with StartJobRun and CreateManagedEndpoint APIs:

    Classifications Descriptions


    Change values in the core-site.xml Hadoop file.


    Change EMRFS settings.


    Change values in the Spark file.


    Change values in the spark-defaults.conf Spark file.


    Change values in the Spark environment.


    Change values in the hive-site.xml Spark file.


    Change values in the Spark file.


    Configuration for job submitter pod.

    For use specifically with CreateManagedEndpoint APIs:

    Classifications Descriptions


    Change values in Jupyter Enterprise Gateway file.


    Change value for the Kernel Image in Jupyter Kernel Spec file.

    Configuration classifications allow you to customize applications. These often correspond to a configuration XML file for the application, such as spark-hive-site.xml. For more information, see Configure Applications.

Notable features

The following features are included with the 7.1.0 release of Amazon EMR on EKS.

  • Apache Livy support for Amazon EMR on EKS – With Amazon EMR on EKS releases 7.1.0 and higher, you can use Apache Livy on an Amazon EKS cluster to create an Apache Livy REST interface to submit Spark jobs or snippets of Spark code. Doing so lets you retrieve results synchronously and asynchronously, while still leveraging Amazon EMR on EKS benefits, such as Amazon EMR-optimized Spark runtime, SSL-enabled Livy endpoints, and a programmatic set-up experience.