Set up a method request in API Gateway - Amazon API Gateway

Set up a method request in API Gateway

Setting up a method request involves performing the following tasks, after creating a RestApi resource:

  1. Creating a new API or choosing an existing API Resource entity.

  2. Creating an API Method resource that is a specific HTTP verb on the new or chosen API Resource. This task can be further divided into the following sub tasks:

    • Adding an HTTP method to the method request

    • Configuring request parameters

    • Defining a model for the request body

    • Enacting an authorization scheme

    • Enabling request validation

You can perform these tasks using the following methods:

Set up API resources

In an API Gateway API, you expose addressable resources as a tree of API Resources entities, with the root resource (/) at the top of the hierarchy. The root resource is relative to the API's base URL, which consists of the API endpoint and a stage name. In the API Gateway console, this base URI is referred to as the Invoke URI and is displayed in the API's stage editor after the API is deployed.

The API endpoint can be a default host name or a custom domain name. The default host name is of the following format:


In this format, the {api-id} represents the API identifier that is generated by API Gateway. The {region} variable represents the AWS Region (for example, us-east-1) that you chose when creating the API. A custom domain name is any user-friendly name under a valid internet domain. For example, if you have registered an internet domain of, any of * is a valid custom domain name. For more information, see create a custom domain name.

For the PetStore sample API, the root resource (/) exposes the pet store. The /pets resource represents the collection of pets available in the pet store. The /pets/{petId} exposes an individual pet of a given identifier (petId). The path parameter of {petId} is part of the request parameters.

To set up an API resource, you choose an existing resource as its parent and then create the child resource under this parent resource. You start with the root resource as a parent, add a resource to this parent, add another resource to this child resource as the new parent, and so on, to its parent identifier. Then you add the named resource to the parent.

The following get-resources command retrieves all the resources of an API:

aws apigateway get-resources --rest-api-id apiId

For the PetStore sample API, the output looks like the following:

{ "items": [ { "path": "/pets", "resourceMethods": { "GET": {} }, "id": "6sxz2j", "pathPart": "pets", "parentId": "svzr2028x8" }, { "path": "/pets/{petId}", "resourceMethods": { "GET": {} }, "id": "rjkmth", "pathPart": "{petId}", "parentId": "6sxz2j" }, { "path": "/", "id": "svzr2028x8" } ] }

Each item lists the identifiers of the resource (id) and, except for the root resource, its immediate parent (parentId), as well as the resource name (pathPart). The root resource is special in that it does not have any parent. After choosing a resource as the parent, use the following command to add a child resource:

aws apigateway create-resource --rest-api-id apiId \ --parent-id parentId \ --path-part resourceName

For example, to add pet food for sale on the PetStore website, use the following command:

aws apigateway create-resource --rest-api-id a1b2c3 \ --parent-id svzr2028x8 \ --path-part food

The output will look like the following:

{ "path": "/food", "pathPart": "food", "id": "xdsvhp", "parentId": "svzr2028x8" }

Use a proxy resource to streamline API setup

As business grows, the PetStore owner may decide to add food, toys, and other pet-related items for sale. To support this, you can add /food, /toys, and other resources under the root resource. Under each sale category, you may also want to add more resources, such as /food/{type}/{item}, /toys/{type}/{item}, etc. This can get tedious. If you decide to add a middle layer {subtype} to the resource paths to change the path hierarchy into /food/{type}/{subtype}/{item}, /toys/{type}/{subtype}/{item}, etc., the changes will break the existing API set up. To avoid this, you can use an API Gateway proxy resource to expose a set of API resources all at once.

API Gateway defines a proxy resource as a placeholder for a resource to be specified when the request is submitted. A proxy resource is expressed by a special path parameter of {proxy+}, often referred to as a greedy path parameter. The + sign indicates whichever child resources are appended to it. The /parent/{proxy+} placeholder stands for any resource matching the path pattern of /parent/*. You can use any string for the greedy path parameter name.

The following create-resource command creates a proxy resource under the root (/{proxy+}):

aws apigateway create-resource --rest-api-id apiId \ --parent-id rootResourceId \ --path-part {proxy+}

The output will look like the following:

{ "path": "/{proxy+}", "pathPart": "{proxy+}", "id": "234jdr", "parentId": "svzr2028x8" }

For the PetStore API example, you can use /{proxy+} to represent both the /pets and /pets/{petId}. This proxy resource can also reference any other (existing or to-be-added) resources, such as /food/{type}/{item}, /toys/{type}/{item}, etc., or /food/{type}/{subtype}/{item}, /toys/{type}/{subtype}/{item}, etc. The backend developer determines the resource hierarchy and the client developer is responsible for understanding it. API Gateway simply passes whatever the client submitted to the backend.

An API can have more than one proxy resource. For example, the following proxy resources are allowed within an API, assuming /parent/{proxy+} is not the same parent as /parent/{child}/{proxy+}.

/{proxy+} /parent/{proxy+} /parent/{child}/{proxy+}

When a proxy resource has non-proxy siblings, the sibling resources are excluded from the representation of the proxy resource. For the preceding examples, /{proxy+} refers to any resources under the root resource except for the /parent[/*] resources. In other words, a method request against a specific resource takes precedence over a method request against a generic resource at the same level of the resource hierarchy.

The following table shows how API Gateway routes requests to the following resources for the prod stage of an API.

ANY /{proxy+} GET /pets/{proxy+} GET /pets/dog
Request Selected route Explanation


GET /pets/dog

The request fully matches this resource.


GET /pets/{proxy+}

The /pets/{proxy+} greedy path variable catches this request.


GET /{proxy+}

The /{proxy+} greedy path variable catches this request.

A proxy resource cannot have any child resource. Any API resource after {proxy+} is redundant and ambiguous. The following proxy resources are not allowed within an API.

/{proxy+}/child /parent/{proxy+}/{child} /parent/{child}/{proxy+}/{grandchild+}

Set up an HTTP method

An API method request is encapsulated by the API Gateway Method resource. To set up the method request, you must first instantiate the Method resource, setting at least an HTTP method and an authorization type on the method.

Closely associated with the proxy resource, API Gateway supports an HTTP method of ANY. This ANY method represents any HTTP method that is to be supplied at run time. It allows you to use a single API method setup for all of the supported HTTP methods of DELETE, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, and PUT.

You can set up the ANY method on a non-proxy resource as well. Combining the ANY method with a proxy resource, you get a single API method setup for all of the supported HTTP methods against any resources of an API. Furthermore, the backend can evolve without breaking the existing API setup.

Before setting up an API method, consider who can call the method. Set the authorization type according to your plan. For open access, set it to NONE. To use IAM permissions, set the authorization type to AWS_IAM. To use a Lambda authorizer function, set this property to CUSTOM. To use an Amazon Cognito user pool, set the authorization type to COGNITO_USER_POOLS.

The following put-method command creates a method request for the ANY verb using IAM permissions to control its access.

aws apigateway put-method --rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 \ --resource-id 6sxz2j \ --http-method ANY \ --authorization-type AWS_IAM

To create an API method request with a different authorization type, see Set up method request authorization.

Set up method request parameters

Method request parameters are a way for a client to provide input data or execution context necessary to complete the method request. A method parameter can be a path parameter, a header, or a query string parameter. As part of method request setup, you must declare required request parameters to make them available for the client. For non-proxy integration, you can translate these request parameters to a form that is compatible with the backend requirement.

For example, for the GET /pets/{petId} method request, the {petId} path variable is a required request parameter. You can declare this path parameter when calling the put-method command of the AWS CLI. The following put-method command creates a method with a required path parameter:

aws apigateway put-method --rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 \ --resource-id rjkmth \ --http-method GET \ --authorization-type "NONE" \ --request-parameters method.request.path.petId=true

If a parameter is not required, you can set it to false in request-parameters. For example, if the GET /pets method uses an optional query string parameter of type, and an optional header parameter of age, you can declare them using the following put-method command:

aws apigateway put-method --rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 \ --resource-id 6sxz2j \ --http-method GET \ --authorization-type "NONE" \ --request-parameters method.request.querystring.type=false,method.request.header.age=false

Instead of this abbreviated form, you can use a JSON string to set the request-parameters value:


With this setup, the client can query pets by type:

GET /pets?type=dog

And the client can query dogs who are puppies as follows:

GET /pets?type=dog age:puppy

For information on how to map method request parameters to integration request parameters, see Integrations for REST APIs in API Gateway.

Set up a method request model

For an API method that can take input data in a payload, you can use a model. A model is expressed in a JSON schema draft 4 and describes the data structure of the request body. With a model, a client can determine how to construct a method request payload as input. More importantly, API Gateway uses the model to validate a request, generate an SDK, and initialize a mapping template for setting up the integration in the API Gateway console. For information about how to create a model, see Understanding data models.

Depending on the content types, a method payload can have different formats. A model is indexed against the media type of the applied payload. API Gateway uses the Content-Type request header to determine the content type. To set up method request models, add key-value pairs of the "media-type":"model-name" format to the requestModels map when calling the AWS CLI put-method command.

To use the same model regardless of the content type, specify $default as the key.

For example, to set a model on the JSON payload of the POST /pets method request of the PetStore example API, you can use the following put-method command:

aws apigateway put-method \ --rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 \ --resource-id 6sxz2j \ --http-method POST \ --authorization-type "NONE" \ --request-models '{"application/json":"petModel"}'

Here, petModel is the name property value of a Model resource describing a pet. The actual schema definition is expressed as a JSON string value of the schema property of the Model resource.

In a Java, or other strongly typed SDK, of the API, the input data is cast as the petModel class derived from the schema definition. With the request model, the input data in the generated SDK is cast into the Empty class, which is derived from the default Empty model. In this case, the client cannot instantiate the correct data class to provide the required input.

Set up method request authorization

To control who can call the API method, you can configure the authorization type on the method. You can use this type to enact one of the supported authorizers, including IAM roles and policies (AWS_IAM), an Amazon Cognito user pool (COGNITO_USER_POOLS), or a Lambda authorizer (CUSTOM).

To use IAM permissions to authorize access to the API method, set the authorization-type input property to AWS_IAM. When you set this option, API Gateway verifies the caller's signature on the request based on the caller's credentials. If the verified user has permission to call the method, it accepts the request. Otherwise, it rejects the request and the caller receives an unauthorized error response. The call to the method doesn't succeed unless the caller has permission to invoke the API method. The following IAM policy grants permission to the caller to call any API methods created within the same AWS account:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "execute-api:Invoke" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:execute-api:*:*:*" } ] }

For more information, see Control access to a REST API with IAM permissions.

Currently, you can only grant this policy to the users, groups, and roles within the API owner's AWS account. Users from a different AWS account can call the API methods only if allowed to assume a role within the API owner's AWS account with the necessary permissions to call the execute-api:Invoke action. For information on cross-account permissions, see Using IAM Roles.

You can use AWS CLI, an AWS SDK, or a REST API client, such as Postman, which implements Signature Version 4 (SigV4) signing.

To use a Lambda authorizer to authorize access to the API method, set the authorization-type input property to CUSTOM and set the authorizer-id input property to the id property value of a Lambda authorizer that already exists. The referenced Lambda authorizer can be of the TOKEN or REQUEST type. For information about creating a Lambda authorizer, see Use API Gateway Lambda authorizers.

To use an Amazon Cognito user pool to authorize access to the API method, set the authorization-type input property to COGNITO_USER_POOLS and set the authorizer-id input property to the id property value of the COGNITO_USER_POOLS authorizer that was already created. For information about creating an Amazon Cognito user pool authorizer, see Control access to REST APIs using Amazon Cognito user pools as an authorizer.

Set up method request validation

You can enable request validation when setting up an API method request. You need to first create a request validator. The following create-request-validator command creates a body-only request validator.

aws apigateway create-request-validator \ --rest-api-id 7zw9uyk9kl \ --name bodyOnlyValidator \ --validate-request-body \ --no-validate-request-parameters

The output will look like the following:

{ "validateRequestParameters": false, "validateRequestBody": true, "id": "jgpyy6", "name": "bodyOnlyValidator" }

You can use this request validator, to use request validation as part of the method request setup. The following put-method command creates a method request that requires the incoming request body to match the PetModel and has two request parameter that aren't required:

aws apigateway put-method \ --rest-api-id 7zw9uyk9kl \ --resource-id xdsvhp \ --http-method PUT \ --authorization-type "NONE" \ --request-parameters '{"method.request.querystring.type": false, "":false}' \ --request-models '{"application/json":"petModel"}' \ --request-validator-id jgpyy6

To include a request parameter in the request validation, you must set validateRequestParameters to true for the request validator, and set the specific request parameter to true in the put-method command.