Protecting your data with backups - Amazon FSx for Windows File Server

Protecting your data with backups

You can protect the data on your FSx for Windows File Server file system by taking regular file system backups. Amazon FSx provides you with multiple options for backing up your file systems. You can use automatic daily backups to take a backup everyday. You can take a user-initiated backup of your file system at any time. You can also use AWS Backup as part of a centralized backup solution for your AWS resources. These backup solutions can help you to meet your data retention, business, and compliance needs.

We recommend using the automatic daily backups that are enabled by default for your file system, and using AWS Backup for a centralized backup solution across AWS services. AWS Backup enables you to configure additional backup plans with different frequencies (for example, multiple times a day, daily, or weekly) and retention periods.

With Amazon FSx, backups are file-system-consistent, highly durable, and incremental. Each backup contains all of the information that is necessary to create a new file system, effectively restoring a point-in-time snapshot of the file system. To ensure file system consistency, Amazon FSx uses the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) in Microsoft Windows. To ensure high durability, Amazon FSx stores backups in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

Amazon FSx backups are incremental, whether they are generated using the automatic daily backup or the user-initiated backup feature. This means that only the data on the file system that has changed after your most recent backup is saved. This minimizes the time required to create the backup and saves on storage costs by not duplicating data.

At some point during the backup process, storage I/O may be suspended briefly, typically for a few seconds. Because the VSS service needs to flush any cached writes to disk before resuming I/O, the duration of the pause may be longer if your workload has a large amount of write operations per second (DataWriteOperations). Most end users and applications will experience this I/O suspension as a brief I/O pause. Your applications may have different sensitivity to timeout settings depending on how they are configured.

Creating regular backups for your file system is a best practice that complements the replication that Amazon FSx for Windows File Server performs for your file system. Amazon FSx backups help support your backup retention and compliance needs. Working with Amazon FSx backups is easy, whether it's creating backups, copying a backup, restoring a file system from a backup, or deleting a backup. Note that in order to view usage for a single file system backup, you will need to enable tags for that specific backup and enable tag-based billing reporting.

Working with automatic daily backups

By default, Amazon FSx takes an automatic daily backup of your file system. These automatic daily backups occur during the daily backup window that was established when you created the file system. When you choose your daily backup window, we recommend that you choose a convenient time of the day. This time ideally is outside of the normal operating hours for the applications that use the file system.

Automatic daily backups are kept for a certain period of time, known as a retention period. When you create a file system in the Amazon FSx console, the default automatic daily backup retention period is 30 days. The default retention period is different in the Amazon FSx API and CLI. You can set the retention period to be between 0–90 days. Setting the retention period to 0 (zero) days turns off automatic daily backups. Automatic daily backups are deleted when the file system is deleted.


Setting the retention period to 0 days means that your file system is never automatically backed up. We highly recommend that you use automatic daily backups for file systems that have any level of critical functionality associated with them.

You can use the AWS CLI or one of the AWS SDKs to change the backup window and backup retention period for your file systems. Use the UpdateFileSystem API operation or the update-file-system CLI command. For more information, see Update a file system using the AWS CLI.

Working with user-initiated backups

With Amazon FSx, you can manually take backups of your file systems at any time. You can do so using the Amazon FSx console, API, or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). Your user-initiated backups of Amazon FSx file systems never expire, and they are available for as long as you want to keep them. User-initiated backups are retained even after you delete the file system that was backed up. You can delete user-initiated backups only by using the Amazon FSx console, API, or CLI. They are never automatically deleted by Amazon FSx. For more information, see Deleting backups.

If a backup is initiated while the file system is being modified (such as during an update to throughput capacity, or during file system maintenance), the backup request is queued and will resume when the activity is complete.

To learn how to take user-initiated backups of your file systems, see Creating user-initiated backups.

Using AWS Backup with Amazon FSx

AWS Backup is a simple and cost-effective way to protect your data by backing up your Amazon FSx file systems. AWS Backup is a unified backup service designed to simplify the creation, copying, restoration, and deletion of backups, while providing improved reporting and auditing. AWS Backup makes it easier to develop a centralized backup strategy for legal, regulatory, and professional compliance. AWS Backup also makes protecting your AWS storage volumes, databases, and file systems simpler by providing a central place where you can do the following:

  • Configure and audit the AWS resources that you want to back up.

  • Automate backup scheduling.

  • Set retention policies.

  • Copy backups across AWS Regions and across AWS accounts.

  • Monitor all recent backup, copy, and restore activity.

AWS Backup uses the built-in backup functionality of Amazon FSx. Backups taken from the AWS Backup console have the same level of file system consistency and performance, and the same restore options as backups taken through the Amazon FSx console. Backups taken from AWS Backup are incremental relative to any other Amazon FSx backups you take, either user-initiated or automatic.

If you use AWS Backup to manage these backups, you gain additional functionality, such as unlimited retention options and the ability to create scheduled backups as frequently as every hour. In addition, AWS Backup retains your immutable backups even after the source file system is deleted. This protects against accidental or malicious deletion.

Backups taken by AWS Backup are considered user-initiated backups, and they count toward the user-initiated backup quota for Amazon FSx. You can see and restore backups taken by AWS Backup in the Amazon FSx console, CLI, and API. However, you can't delete backups taken by AWS Backup in the Amazon FSx console, CLI, or API. For more information about how to use AWS Backup to back up your Amazon FSx file systems, see Working with Amazon FSx File Systems in the AWS Backup Developer Guide.

Copying backups

You can use Amazon FSx to manually copy backups within the same AWS account to another AWS Region (cross-Region copies) or within the same AWS Region (in-Region copies). You can make cross-Region copies only within the same AWS partition. You can create user-initiated backup copies using the Amazon FSx console, AWS CLI, or API. When you create a user-initiated backup copy, it has the type USER_INITIATED.

You can also use AWS Backup to copy backups across AWS Regions and across AWS accounts. AWS Backup is a fully managed backup management service that provides a central interface for policy-based backup plans. With its cross-account management, you can automatically use backup policies to apply backup plans across the accounts within your organization.

Cross-Region backup copies are particularly valuable for cross-Region disaster recovery. You take backups and copy them to another AWS Region so that in the event of a disaster in the primary AWS Region, you can restore from backup and recover availability quickly in the other AWS Region. You can also use backup copies to clone your file dataset to another AWS Region or within the same AWS Region. You make backup copies within the same AWS account (cross-Region or in-Region) by using the Amazon FSx console, AWS CLI, or Amazon FSx API. You can also use AWS Backup to perform backup copies, either on-demand or policy-based.

Cross-account backup copies are valuable for meeting regulatory compliance requirements to copy backups to an isolated account. They also provide an additional layer of data protection to help prevent accidental or malicious deletion of backups, loss of credentials, or compromise of AWS KMS keys. Cross-account backups support fan-in (copy backups from multiple primary accounts to one isolated backup copy account) and fan-out (copy backups from one primary account to multiple isolated backup copy accounts).

You can make cross-account backup copies by using AWS Backup with AWS Organizations support. Account boundaries for cross-account copies are defined by AWS Organizations policies. For more information about using AWS Backup to make cross-account backup copies, see Creating backup copies across AWS accounts in the AWS Backup Developer Guide.

Backup copy limitations

The following are some limitations when you copy backups:

  • Cross-Region backup copies are supported only between any two commercial AWS Regions, between the China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia) Regions, and between the AWS GovCloud (US-East) and AWS GovCloud (US-West) Regions, but not across those sets of Regions.

  • Cross-Region backup copies are not supported in opt-in Regions.

  • You can make in-Region backup copies within any AWS Region.

  • The source backup must have a status of AVAILABLE before you can copy it.

  • You cannot delete a source backup if it is being copied. There might be a short delay between when the destination backup becomes available and when you are allowed to delete the source backup. You should keep this delay in mind if you retry deleting a source backup.

  • You can have up to five backup copy requests in progress to a single destination AWS Region per account.

Permissions for cross-Region backup copies

You use an IAM policy statement to grant permissions to perform a backup copy operation. To communicate with the source AWS Region to request a cross-Region backup copy, the requester (IAM role or IAM user) must have access to the source backup and the source AWS Region.

You use the policy to grant permissions to the CopyBackup action for the backup copy operation. You specify the action in the policy's Action field, and you specify the resource value in the policy's Resource field, as in the following example.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "fsx:CopyBackup", "Resource": "arn:aws:fsx:*:111111111111:backup/*" } ] }

For more information on IAM policies, see Policies and permissions in IAM in the IAM User Guide.

Full and incremental copies

When you copy a backup to a different destination AWS Region or destination AWS account from the source backup, the first copy is a full backup copy, even if you use the same KMS key to encrypt both source and destination copies of the backup.

After the first backup copy, all subsequent backup copies to the same destination Region within the same AWS account are incremental, provided that you haven't deleted all previously-copied backups in that Region and have been using the same AWS KMS key. If either condition isn't met, the copy operation results in a full (not incremental) backup copy.

To learn how to copy backups of your file systems, see Copying backups within the same account.

Restoring backups to new file system

You can use an available backup to create a new file system, effectively restoring a point-in-time snapshot of another file system. You can restore a backup using the console, AWS CLI, or one of the AWS SDKs. Restoring a backup to a new file system takes the same amount of time as creating a new file system. The data restored from the backup is lazy-loaded onto the file system, during which time you will experience slightly higher latency.

To ensure that users can continue to access the restored file system, make sure that the Active Directory domain associated with the restored file system is the same as that of the original file system, or is trusted by the Active Directory domain of the original file system. For more information about Active Directory, see Working with Microsoft Active Directory.

To learn how to restore a backup to a new FSx for Windows file system, see Restoring a backup to a new file system.


You can only restore a file system backup to a new file system with the same deployment type and storage capacity as the original. You can increase the new file system's storage capacity after it becomes available. For more information, see Managing storage capacity.

You can change any of the following file system settings when restoring a backup to a new file system:

  • Storage type

  • Throughput capacity

  • VPC

  • Availability Zone

  • Subnet

  • VPC security groups

  • Active Directory Configuration

  • AWS KMS encryption key

  • Daily automatic backup start time

  • Weekly maintenance window

Size of backups

Backups size is determined using the used storage in the file system, rather than the total provisioned storage capacity. The size of your backups will depend on the used storage capacity as well as the amount of data churn on your file system. Depending on how your data is distributed across the file system’s storage volumes and how often it changes, your total backup usage may be greater or less than your used storage capacity. When you delete a backup, only the data unique to that backup is removed. With Amazon FSx the storage efficiency savings of deduplication and compression apply not only to your primary SSD/HDD storage, but also to backups.

In order to provide backups that are file-system-consistent, durable, and incremental, Amazon FSx backs up data at the block level. The data on the file system's storage volumes may be stored across multiple blocks depending on the pattern that they were written or over-written in. As a result, the total size of backup usage may not match the exact size of the files and directories on the file system. Your overall backup usage and cost can be found in the AWS Billing Dashboard or AWS Cost Management Console.

Use tags to organize your AWS bill to reflect your own cost structure. To do this, sign up to get your AWS account bill with tag key values included. Then, to see the cost of combined resources, organize your billing information according to resources with the same tag key values. For example, you can tag several resources with a specific application name, and then organize your billing information to see the total cost of that application across several services. For more information, see Using Cost Allocation Tags in the AWS Billing User Guide.