
A remediation exception is when a specified resource is no longer considered for auto-remediation. This API adds a new exception or updates an existing exception for a specified resource with a specified Config rule.

Exceptions block auto remediation

Config generates a remediation exception when a problem occurs running a remediation action for a specified resource. Remediation exceptions blocks auto-remediation until the exception is cleared.

Manual remediation is recommended when placing an exception

When placing an exception on an Amazon Web Services resource, it is recommended that remediation is set as manual remediation until the given Config rule for the specified resource evaluates the resource as NON_COMPLIANT. Once the resource has been evaluated as NON_COMPLIANT, you can add remediation exceptions and change the remediation type back from Manual to Auto if you want to use auto-remediation. Otherwise, using auto-remediation before a NON_COMPLIANT evaluation result can delete resources before the exception is applied.

Exceptions can only be performed on non-compliant resources

Placing an exception can only be performed on resources that are NON_COMPLIANT. If you use this API for COMPLIANT resources or resources that are NOT_APPLICABLE, a remediation exception will not be generated. For more information on the conditions that initiate the possible Config evaluation results, see Concepts | Config Rules  in the Config Developer Guide.

Exceptions cannot be placed on service-linked remediation actions

You cannot place an exception on service-linked remediation actions, such as remediation actions put by an organizational conformance pack.

Auto remediation can be initiated even for compliant resources

If you enable auto remediation for a specific Config rule using the PutRemediationConfigurations  API or the Config console, it initiates the remediation process for all non-compliant resources for that specific rule. The auto remediation process relies on the compliance data snapshot which is captured on a periodic basis. Any non-compliant resource that is updated between the snapshot schedule will continue to be remediated based on the last known compliance data snapshot.

This means that in some cases auto remediation can be initiated even for compliant resources, since the bootstrap processor uses a database that can have stale evaluation results based on the last known compliance data snapshot.

Example Syntax

Use a bare-bones client and the command you need to make an API call.

import { ConfigServiceClient, PutRemediationExceptionsCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-config-service"; // ES Modules import
// const { ConfigServiceClient, PutRemediationExceptionsCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-config-service"); // CommonJS import
const client = new ConfigServiceClient(config);
const input = { // PutRemediationExceptionsRequest
  ConfigRuleName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
  ResourceKeys: [ // RemediationExceptionResourceKeys // required
    { // RemediationExceptionResourceKey
      ResourceType: "STRING_VALUE",
      ResourceId: "STRING_VALUE",
  Message: "STRING_VALUE",
  ExpirationTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
const command = new PutRemediationExceptionsCommand(input);
const response = await client.send(command);
// { // PutRemediationExceptionsResponse
//   FailedBatches: [ // FailedRemediationExceptionBatches
//     { // FailedRemediationExceptionBatch
//       FailureMessage: "STRING_VALUE",
//       FailedItems: [ // RemediationExceptions
//         { // RemediationException
//           ConfigRuleName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//           ResourceType: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//           ResourceId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//           Message: "STRING_VALUE",
//           ExpirationTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
//         },
//       ],
//     },
//   ],
// };

PutRemediationExceptionsCommand Input

string | undefined

The name of the Config rule for which you want to create remediation exception.

RemediationExceptionResourceKey[] | undefined

An exception list of resource exception keys to be processed with the current request. Config adds exception for each resource key. For example, Config adds 3 exceptions for 3 resource keys.

Date | undefined

The exception is automatically deleted after the expiration date.

string | undefined

The message contains an explanation of the exception.

PutRemediationExceptionsCommand Output

Metadata pertaining to this request.
FailedRemediationExceptionBatch[] | undefined

Returns a list of failed remediation exceptions batch objects. Each object in the batch consists of a list of failed items and failure messages.



Indicates one of the following errors:

  • For PutConfigRule , the rule cannot be created because the IAM role assigned to Config lacks permissions to perform the config:Put* action.

  • For PutConfigRule , the Lambda function cannot be invoked. Check the function ARN, and check the function's permissions.

  • For PutOrganizationConfigRule , organization Config rule cannot be created because you do not have permissions to call IAM GetRole action or create a service-linked role.

  • For PutConformancePack  and PutOrganizationConformancePack , a conformance pack cannot be created because you do not have the following permissions:

    • You do not have permission to call IAM GetRole action or create a service-linked role.

    • You do not have permission to read Amazon S3 bucket or call SSM:GetDocument.

  • For PutServiceLinkedConfigurationRecorder , a service-linked configuration recorder cannot be created because you do not have the following permissions: IAM CreateServiceLinkedRole.


One or more of the specified parameters are not valid. Verify that your parameters are valid and try again.

Base exception class for all service exceptions from ConfigService service.