
Lists the handshakes that are associated with the organization that the requesting user is part of. The ListHandshakesForOrganization operation returns a list of handshake structures. Each structure contains details and status about a handshake.

Handshakes that are ACCEPTED, DECLINED, CANCELED, or EXPIRED appear in the results of this API for only 30 days after changing to that state. After that, they're deleted and no longer accessible.

Always check the NextToken response parameter for a null value when calling a List* operation. These operations can occasionally return an empty set of results even when there are more results available. The NextToken response parameter value is null only when there are no more results to display.

This operation can be called only from the organization's management account or by a member account that is a delegated administrator for an Amazon Web Services service.

Example Syntax

Use a bare-bones client and the command you need to make an API call.

import { OrganizationsClient, ListHandshakesForOrganizationCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-organizations"; // ES Modules import
// const { OrganizationsClient, ListHandshakesForOrganizationCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-organizations"); // CommonJS import
const client = new OrganizationsClient(config);
const input = { // ListHandshakesForOrganizationRequest
  Filter: { // HandshakeFilter
    ParentHandshakeId: "STRING_VALUE",
  NextToken: "STRING_VALUE",
  MaxResults: Number("int"),
const command = new ListHandshakesForOrganizationCommand(input);
const response = await client.send(command);
// { // ListHandshakesForOrganizationResponse
//   Handshakes: [ // Handshakes
//     { // Handshake
//       Id: "STRING_VALUE",
//       Arn: "STRING_VALUE",
//       Parties: [ // HandshakeParties
//         { // HandshakeParty
//           Id: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//           Type: "ACCOUNT" || "ORGANIZATION" || "EMAIL", // required
//         },
//       ],
//       State: "REQUESTED" || "OPEN" || "CANCELED" || "ACCEPTED" || "DECLINED" || "EXPIRED",
//       RequestedTimestamp: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
//       ExpirationTimestamp: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
//       Resources: [ // HandshakeResources
//         { // HandshakeResource
//           Value: "STRING_VALUE",
//           Resources: [
//             {
//               Value: "STRING_VALUE",
//               Resources: "<HandshakeResources>",
//             },
//           ],
//         },
//       ],
//     },
//   ],
//   NextToken: "STRING_VALUE",
// };

Example Usage

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ListHandshakesForOrganizationCommand Input

HandshakeFilter | undefined

A filter of the handshakes that you want included in the response. The default is all types. Use the ActionType element to limit the output to only a specified type, such as INVITE, ENABLE-ALL-FEATURES, or APPROVE-ALL-FEATURES. Alternatively, for the ENABLE-ALL-FEATURES handshake that generates a separate child handshake for each member account, you can specify the ParentHandshakeId to see only the handshakes that were generated by that parent request.

number | undefined

The total number of results that you want included on each page of the response. If you do not include this parameter, it defaults to a value that is specific to the operation. If additional items exist beyond the maximum you specify, the NextToken response element is present and has a value (is not null). Include that value as the NextToken request parameter in the next call to the operation to get the next part of the results. Note that Organizations might return fewer results than the maximum even when there are more results available. You should check NextToken after every operation to ensure that you receive all of the results.

string | undefined

The parameter for receiving additional results if you receive a NextToken response in a previous request. A NextToken response indicates that more output is available. Set this parameter to the value of the previous call's NextToken response to indicate where the output should continue from.

ListHandshakesForOrganizationCommand Output

Metadata pertaining to this request.
Handshake[] | undefined

A list of Handshake objects with details about each of the handshakes that are associated with an organization.

string | undefined

If present, indicates that more output is available than is included in the current response. Use this value in the NextToken request parameter in a subsequent call to the operation to get the next part of the output. You should repeat this until the NextToken response element comes back as null.



You don't have permissions to perform the requested operation. The user or role that is making the request must have at least one IAM permissions policy attached that grants the required permissions. For more information, see Access Management  in the IAM User Guide.


Your account isn't a member of an organization. To make this request, you must use the credentials of an account that belongs to an organization.


The target of the operation is currently being modified by a different request. Try again later.


The requested operation failed because you provided invalid values for one or more of the request parameters. This exception includes a reason that contains additional information about the violated limit:

Some of the reasons in the following list might not be applicable to this specific API or operation.

  • DUPLICATE_TAG_KEY: Tag keys must be unique among the tags attached to the same entity.

  • IMMUTABLE_POLICY: You specified a policy that is managed by Amazon Web Services and can't be modified.

  • INPUT_REQUIRED: You must include a value for all required parameters.

  • INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS_TARGET: You specified an invalid email address for the invited account owner.

  • INVALID_ENUM: You specified an invalid value.

  • INVALID_ENUM_POLICY_TYPE: You specified an invalid policy type string.

  • INVALID_FULL_NAME_TARGET: You specified a full name that contains invalid characters.

  • INVALID_LIST_MEMBER: You provided a list to a parameter that contains at least one invalid value.

  • INVALID_PAGINATION_TOKEN: Get the value for the NextToken parameter from the response to a previous call of the operation.

  • INVALID_PARTY_TYPE_TARGET: You specified the wrong type of entity (account, organization, or email) as a party.

  • INVALID_PATTERN: You provided a value that doesn't match the required pattern.

  • INVALID_PATTERN_TARGET_ID: You specified a policy target ID that doesn't match the required pattern.

  • INVALID_PRINCIPAL: You specified an invalid principal element in the policy.

  • INVALID_ROLE_NAME: You provided a role name that isn't valid. A role name can't begin with the reserved prefix AWSServiceRoleFor.

  • INVALID_SYNTAX_ORGANIZATION_ARN: You specified an invalid Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the organization.

  • INVALID_SYNTAX_POLICY_ID: You specified an invalid policy ID.

  • INVALID_SYSTEM_TAGS_PARAMETER: You specified a tag key that is a system tag. You can’t add, edit, or delete system tag keys because they're reserved for Amazon Web Services use. System tags don’t count against your tags per resource limit.

  • MAX_FILTER_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: You can specify only one filter parameter for the operation.

  • MAX_LENGTH_EXCEEDED: You provided a string parameter that is longer than allowed.

  • MAX_VALUE_EXCEEDED: You provided a numeric parameter that has a larger value than allowed.

  • MIN_LENGTH_EXCEEDED: You provided a string parameter that is shorter than allowed.

  • MIN_VALUE_EXCEEDED: You provided a numeric parameter that has a smaller value than allowed.

  • MOVING_ACCOUNT_BETWEEN_DIFFERENT_ROOTS: You can move an account only between entities in the same root.

  • NON_DETACHABLE_POLICY: You can't detach this Amazon Web Services Managed Policy.

  • TARGET_NOT_SUPPORTED: You can't perform the specified operation on that target entity.

  • UNRECOGNIZED_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL: You specified a service principal that isn't recognized.


Organizations can't complete your request because of an internal service error. Try again later.


You have sent too many requests in too short a period of time. The quota helps protect against denial-of-service attacks. Try again later.

For information about quotas that affect Organizations, see Quotas for Organizations  in the Organizations User Guide.

Base exception class for all service exceptions from Organizations service.