- Navigation GuideYou are on a Command (operation) page with structural examples. Use the navigation breadcrumb if you would like to return to the Client landing page.
Returns the history of the specified workflow execution. The results may be split into multiple pages. To retrieve subsequent pages, make the call again using the nextPageToken
returned by the initial call.
This operation is eventually consistent. The results are best effort and may not exactly reflect recent updates and changes.
Access Control
You can use IAM policies to control this action's access to Amazon SWF resources as follows:
Use a
element with the domain name to limit the action to only specified domains. -
Use an
element to allow or deny permission to call this action. -
You cannot use an IAM policy to constrain this action's parameters.
If the caller doesn't have sufficient permissions to invoke the action, or the parameter values fall outside the specified constraints, the action fails. The associated event attribute's cause
parameter is set to OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED
. For details and example IAM policies, see Using IAM to Manage Access to Amazon SWF Workflows in the Amazon SWF Developer Guide.
Example Syntax
Use a bare-bones client and the command you need to make an API call.
import { SWFClient, GetWorkflowExecutionHistoryCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-swf"; // ES Modules import
// const { SWFClient, GetWorkflowExecutionHistoryCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-swf"); // CommonJS import
const client = new SWFClient(config);
const input = { // GetWorkflowExecutionHistoryInput
domain: "STRING_VALUE", // required
execution: { // WorkflowExecution
workflowId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
runId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
nextPageToken: "STRING_VALUE",
maximumPageSize: Number("int"),
reverseOrder: true || false,
const command = new GetWorkflowExecutionHistoryCommand(input);
const response = await client.send(command);
// { // History
// events: [ // HistoryEventList // required
// { // HistoryEvent
// eventTimestamp: new Date("TIMESTAMP"), // required
// eventType: "WorkflowExecutionStarted" || "WorkflowExecutionCancelRequested" || "WorkflowExecutionCompleted" || "CompleteWorkflowExecutionFailed" || "WorkflowExecutionFailed" || "FailWorkflowExecutionFailed" || "WorkflowExecutionTimedOut" || "WorkflowExecutionCanceled" || "CancelWorkflowExecutionFailed" || "WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNew" || "ContinueAsNewWorkflowExecutionFailed" || "WorkflowExecutionTerminated" || "DecisionTaskScheduled" || "DecisionTaskStarted" || "DecisionTaskCompleted" || "DecisionTaskTimedOut" || "ActivityTaskScheduled" || "ScheduleActivityTaskFailed" || "ActivityTaskStarted" || "ActivityTaskCompleted" || "ActivityTaskFailed" || "ActivityTaskTimedOut" || "ActivityTaskCanceled" || "ActivityTaskCancelRequested" || "RequestCancelActivityTaskFailed" || "WorkflowExecutionSignaled" || "MarkerRecorded" || "RecordMarkerFailed" || "TimerStarted" || "StartTimerFailed" || "TimerFired" || "TimerCanceled" || "CancelTimerFailed" || "StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiated" || "StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailed" || "ChildWorkflowExecutionStarted" || "ChildWorkflowExecutionCompleted" || "ChildWorkflowExecutionFailed" || "ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOut" || "ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceled" || "ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminated" || "SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiated" || "SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailed" || "ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaled" || "RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiated" || "RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailed" || "ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequested" || "LambdaFunctionScheduled" || "LambdaFunctionStarted" || "LambdaFunctionCompleted" || "LambdaFunctionFailed" || "LambdaFunctionTimedOut" || "ScheduleLambdaFunctionFailed" || "StartLambdaFunctionFailed", // required
// eventId: Number("long"), // required
// workflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes: { // WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes
// input: "STRING_VALUE",
// executionStartToCloseTimeout: "STRING_VALUE",
// taskStartToCloseTimeout: "STRING_VALUE",
// childPolicy: "TERMINATE" || "REQUEST_CANCEL" || "ABANDON", // required
// taskList: { // TaskList
// name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// },
// taskPriority: "STRING_VALUE",
// workflowType: { // WorkflowType
// name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// version: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// },
// tagList: [ // TagList
// ],
// continuedExecutionRunId: "STRING_VALUE",
// parentWorkflowExecution: { // WorkflowExecution
// workflowId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// runId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// },
// parentInitiatedEventId: Number("long"),
// lambdaRole: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// workflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes: { // WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes
// result: "STRING_VALUE",
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// completeWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes: { // CompleteWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// workflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes: { // WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes
// reason: "STRING_VALUE",
// details: "STRING_VALUE",
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// failWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes: { // FailWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// workflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes: { // WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes
// timeoutType: "START_TO_CLOSE", // required
// childPolicy: "TERMINATE" || "REQUEST_CANCEL" || "ABANDON", // required
// },
// workflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes: { // WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes
// details: "STRING_VALUE",
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// cancelWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes: { // CancelWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// workflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes: { // WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes
// input: "STRING_VALUE",
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// newExecutionRunId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// executionStartToCloseTimeout: "STRING_VALUE",
// taskList: {
// name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// },
// taskPriority: "STRING_VALUE",
// taskStartToCloseTimeout: "STRING_VALUE",
// childPolicy: "TERMINATE" || "REQUEST_CANCEL" || "ABANDON", // required
// tagList: [
// ],
// workflowType: {
// name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// version: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// },
// lambdaRole: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// continueAsNewWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes: { // ContinueAsNewWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// workflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes: { // WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes
// reason: "STRING_VALUE",
// details: "STRING_VALUE",
// childPolicy: "TERMINATE" || "REQUEST_CANCEL" || "ABANDON", // required
// },
// workflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes: { // WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes
// externalWorkflowExecution: {
// workflowId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// runId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// },
// externalInitiatedEventId: Number("long"),
// },
// decisionTaskScheduledEventAttributes: { // DecisionTaskScheduledEventAttributes
// taskList: {
// name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// },
// taskPriority: "STRING_VALUE",
// startToCloseTimeout: "STRING_VALUE",
// scheduleToStartTimeout: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// decisionTaskStartedEventAttributes: { // DecisionTaskStartedEventAttributes
// identity: "STRING_VALUE",
// scheduledEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// decisionTaskCompletedEventAttributes: { // DecisionTaskCompletedEventAttributes
// executionContext: "STRING_VALUE",
// scheduledEventId: Number("long"), // required
// startedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// taskList: {
// name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// },
// taskListScheduleToStartTimeout: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// decisionTaskTimedOutEventAttributes: { // DecisionTaskTimedOutEventAttributes
// timeoutType: "START_TO_CLOSE" || "SCHEDULE_TO_START", // required
// scheduledEventId: Number("long"), // required
// startedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// activityTaskScheduledEventAttributes: { // ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes
// activityType: { // ActivityType
// name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// version: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// },
// activityId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// input: "STRING_VALUE",
// control: "STRING_VALUE",
// scheduleToStartTimeout: "STRING_VALUE",
// scheduleToCloseTimeout: "STRING_VALUE",
// startToCloseTimeout: "STRING_VALUE",
// taskList: {
// name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// },
// taskPriority: "STRING_VALUE",
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// heartbeatTimeout: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// activityTaskStartedEventAttributes: { // ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes
// identity: "STRING_VALUE",
// scheduledEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// activityTaskCompletedEventAttributes: { // ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes
// result: "STRING_VALUE",
// scheduledEventId: Number("long"), // required
// startedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// activityTaskFailedEventAttributes: { // ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes
// reason: "STRING_VALUE",
// details: "STRING_VALUE",
// scheduledEventId: Number("long"), // required
// startedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// activityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes: { // ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes
// timeoutType: "START_TO_CLOSE" || "SCHEDULE_TO_START" || "SCHEDULE_TO_CLOSE" || "HEARTBEAT", // required
// scheduledEventId: Number("long"), // required
// startedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// details: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// activityTaskCanceledEventAttributes: { // ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes
// details: "STRING_VALUE",
// scheduledEventId: Number("long"), // required
// startedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// latestCancelRequestedEventId: Number("long"),
// },
// activityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes: { // ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// activityId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// },
// workflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes: { // WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes
// signalName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// input: "STRING_VALUE",
// externalWorkflowExecution: {
// workflowId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// runId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// },
// externalInitiatedEventId: Number("long"),
// },
// markerRecordedEventAttributes: { // MarkerRecordedEventAttributes
// markerName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// details: "STRING_VALUE",
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// recordMarkerFailedEventAttributes: { // RecordMarkerFailedEventAttributes
// markerName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// cause: "OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED", // required
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// timerStartedEventAttributes: { // TimerStartedEventAttributes
// timerId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// control: "STRING_VALUE",
// startToFireTimeout: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// timerFiredEventAttributes: { // TimerFiredEventAttributes
// timerId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// startedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// timerCanceledEventAttributes: { // TimerCanceledEventAttributes
// timerId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// startedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// startChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes: { // StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes
// workflowId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// workflowType: {
// name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// version: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// },
// control: "STRING_VALUE",
// input: "STRING_VALUE",
// executionStartToCloseTimeout: "STRING_VALUE",
// taskList: "<TaskList>", // required
// taskPriority: "STRING_VALUE",
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// childPolicy: "TERMINATE" || "REQUEST_CANCEL" || "ABANDON", // required
// taskStartToCloseTimeout: "STRING_VALUE",
// tagList: [
// ],
// lambdaRole: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// childWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes: { // ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes
// workflowExecution: {
// workflowId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// runId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// },
// workflowType: {
// name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// version: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// },
// initiatedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// childWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes: { // ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes
// workflowExecution: {
// workflowId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// runId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// },
// workflowType: {
// name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// version: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// },
// result: "STRING_VALUE",
// initiatedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// startedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// childWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes: { // ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes
// workflowExecution: "<WorkflowExecution>", // required
// workflowType: "<WorkflowType>", // required
// reason: "STRING_VALUE",
// details: "STRING_VALUE",
// initiatedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// startedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// childWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes: { // ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes
// workflowExecution: "<WorkflowExecution>", // required
// workflowType: "<WorkflowType>", // required
// timeoutType: "START_TO_CLOSE", // required
// initiatedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// startedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// childWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes: { // ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes
// workflowExecution: "<WorkflowExecution>", // required
// workflowType: "<WorkflowType>", // required
// details: "STRING_VALUE",
// initiatedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// startedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// childWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes: { // ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes
// workflowExecution: "<WorkflowExecution>", // required
// workflowType: "<WorkflowType>", // required
// initiatedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// startedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// signalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes: { // SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes
// workflowId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// runId: "STRING_VALUE",
// signalName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// input: "STRING_VALUE",
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// control: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// externalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes: { // ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes
// workflowExecution: "<WorkflowExecution>", // required
// initiatedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// signalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes: { // SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes
// workflowId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// runId: "STRING_VALUE",
// initiatedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// control: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// externalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes: { // ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes
// workflowExecution: "<WorkflowExecution>", // required
// initiatedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// requestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes: { // RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes
// workflowId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// runId: "STRING_VALUE",
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// control: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// requestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes: { // RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes
// workflowId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// runId: "STRING_VALUE",
// initiatedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// control: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// scheduleActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes: { // ScheduleActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes
// activityType: {
// name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// version: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// },
// activityId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// requestCancelActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes: { // RequestCancelActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes
// activityId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// startTimerFailedEventAttributes: { // StartTimerFailedEventAttributes
// timerId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// cancelTimerFailedEventAttributes: { // CancelTimerFailedEventAttributes
// timerId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// cause: "TIMER_ID_UNKNOWN" || "OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED", // required
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// startChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes: { // StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes
// workflowType: "<WorkflowType>", // required
// workflowId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// initiatedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// control: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// lambdaFunctionScheduledEventAttributes: { // LambdaFunctionScheduledEventAttributes
// id: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// control: "STRING_VALUE",
// input: "STRING_VALUE",
// startToCloseTimeout: "STRING_VALUE",
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// lambdaFunctionStartedEventAttributes: { // LambdaFunctionStartedEventAttributes
// scheduledEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// lambdaFunctionCompletedEventAttributes: { // LambdaFunctionCompletedEventAttributes
// scheduledEventId: Number("long"), // required
// startedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// result: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// lambdaFunctionFailedEventAttributes: { // LambdaFunctionFailedEventAttributes
// scheduledEventId: Number("long"), // required
// startedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// reason: "STRING_VALUE",
// details: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// lambdaFunctionTimedOutEventAttributes: { // LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventAttributes
// scheduledEventId: Number("long"), // required
// startedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// timeoutType: "START_TO_CLOSE",
// },
// scheduleLambdaFunctionFailedEventAttributes: { // ScheduleLambdaFunctionFailedEventAttributes
// id: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// decisionTaskCompletedEventId: Number("long"), // required
// },
// startLambdaFunctionFailedEventAttributes: { // StartLambdaFunctionFailedEventAttributes
// scheduledEventId: Number("long"),
// message: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// },
// ],
// nextPageToken: "STRING_VALUE",
// };
GetWorkflowExecutionHistoryCommand Input
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
domain Required | string | undefined | The name of the domain containing the workflow execution. |
execution Required | WorkflowExecution | undefined | Specifies the workflow execution for which to return the history. |
maximumPageSize | number | undefined | The maximum number of results that are returned per call. Use |
nextPageToken | string | undefined | If The configured |
reverseOrder | boolean | undefined | When set to |
GetWorkflowExecutionHistoryCommand Output
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
$metadata Required | ResponseMetadata | Metadata pertaining to this request. |
events Required | HistoryEvent[] | undefined | The list of history events. |
nextPageToken | string | undefined | If a The configured |
Name | Fault | Details |
Name | Fault | Details |
OperationNotPermittedFault | client | Returned when the caller doesn't have sufficient permissions to invoke the action. |
UnknownResourceFault | client | Returned when the named resource cannot be found with in the scope of this operation (region or domain). This could happen if the named resource was never created or is no longer available for this operation. |
SWFServiceException | Base exception class for all service exceptions from SWF service. |