Kinesis Firehose - AWS IoT Greengrass

AWS IoT Greengrass Version 1 entered the extended life phase on June 30, 2023. For more information, see the AWS IoT Greengrass V1 maintenance policy. After this date, AWS IoT Greengrass V1 won't release updates that provide features, enhancements, bug fixes, or security patches. Devices that run on AWS IoT Greengrass V1 won't be disrupted and will continue to operate and to connect to the cloud. We strongly recommend that you migrate to AWS IoT Greengrass Version 2, which adds significant new features and support for additional platforms.

Kinesis Firehose

The Kinesis Firehose connector publishes data through an Amazon Data Firehose delivery stream to destinations such as Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, or Amazon OpenSearch Service.

This connector is a data producer for a Kinesis delivery stream. It receives input data on an MQTT topic, and sends the data to a specified delivery stream. The delivery stream then sends the data record to the configured destination (for example, an S3 bucket).

This connector has the following versions.













For information about version changes, see the Changelog.


This connector has the following requirements:

Version 4 - 5
  • AWS IoT Greengrass Core software v1.9.3 or later.

  • Python version 3.7 or 3.8 installed on the core device and added to the PATH environment variable.


    To use Python 3.8, run the following command to create a symbolic link from the the default Python 3.7 installation folder to the installed Python 3.8 binaries.

    sudo ln -s path-to-python-3.8/python3.8 /usr/bin/python3.7

    This configures your device to meet the Python requirement for AWS IoT Greengrass.

  • A configured Kinesis delivery stream. For more information, see Creating an Amazon Data Firehose delivery stream in the Amazon Kinesis Firehose Developer Guide.

  • The Greengrass group role configured to allow the firehose:PutRecord and firehose:PutRecordBatch actions on the target delivery stream, as shown in the following example IAM policy.

    { "Version":"2012-10-17", "Statement":[ { "Sid":"Stmt1528133056761", "Action":[ "firehose:PutRecord", "firehose:PutRecordBatch" ], "Effect":"Allow", "Resource":[ "arn:aws:firehose:region:account-id:deliverystream/stream-name" ] } ] }

    This connector allows you to dynamically override the default delivery stream in the input message payload. If your implementation uses this feature, the IAM policy should include all target streams as resources. You can grant granular or conditional access to resources (for example, by using a wildcard * naming scheme).

    For the group role requirement, you must configure the role to grant the required permissions and make sure the role has been added to the group. For more information, see Managing the Greengrass group role (console) or Managing the Greengrass group role (CLI).

Versions 2 - 3
  • AWS IoT Greengrass Core software v1.7 or later.

  • Python version 2.7 installed on the core device and added to the PATH environment variable.

  • A configured Kinesis delivery stream. For more information, see Creating an Amazon Data Firehose delivery stream in the Amazon Kinesis Firehose Developer Guide.

  • The Greengrass group role configured to allow the firehose:PutRecord and firehose:PutRecordBatch actions on the target delivery stream, as shown in the following example IAM policy.

    { "Version":"2012-10-17", "Statement":[ { "Sid":"Stmt1528133056761", "Action":[ "firehose:PutRecord", "firehose:PutRecordBatch" ], "Effect":"Allow", "Resource":[ "arn:aws:firehose:region:account-id:deliverystream/stream-name" ] } ] }

    This connector allows you to dynamically override the default delivery stream in the input message payload. If your implementation uses this feature, the IAM policy should include all target streams as resources. You can grant granular or conditional access to resources (for example, by using a wildcard * naming scheme).

    For the group role requirement, you must configure the role to grant the required permissions and make sure the role has been added to the group. For more information, see Managing the Greengrass group role (console) or Managing the Greengrass group role (CLI).

Version 1
  • AWS IoT Greengrass Core software v1.7 or later.

  • Python version 2.7 installed on the core device and added to the PATH environment variable.

  • A configured Kinesis delivery stream. For more information, see Creating an Amazon Data Firehose delivery stream in the Amazon Kinesis Firehose Developer Guide.

  • The Greengrass group role configured to allow the firehose:PutRecord action on the target delivery stream, as shown in the following example IAM policy.

    { "Version":"2012-10-17", "Statement":[ { "Sid":"Stmt1528133056761", "Action":[ "firehose:PutRecord" ], "Effect":"Allow", "Resource":[ "arn:aws:firehose:region:account-id:deliverystream/stream-name" ] } ] }

    This connector allows you to dynamically override the default delivery stream in the input message payload. If your implementation uses this feature, the IAM policy should include all target streams as resources. You can grant granular or conditional access to resources (for example, by using a wildcard * naming scheme).

    For the group role requirement, you must configure the role to grant the required permissions and make sure the role has been added to the group. For more information, see Managing the Greengrass group role (console) or Managing the Greengrass group role (CLI).

Connector Parameters

This connector provides the following parameters:

Versions 5

The ARN of the default Firehose delivery stream to send data to. The destination stream can be overridden by the delivery_stream_arn property in the input message payload.


The group role must allow the appropriate actions on all target delivery streams. For more information, see Requirements.

Display name in the AWS IoT console: Default delivery stream ARN

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: arn:aws:firehose:([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}):(\d{12}):deliverystream/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]+)$


The maximum number of records to retain in memory before new records for the same delivery stream are rejected. The minimum value is 2000.

Display name in the AWS IoT console: Maximum number of records to buffer (per stream)

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^([2-9]\\d{3}|[1-9]\\d{4,})$


The amount of memory (in KB) to allocate to this connector.

Display name in the AWS IoT console: Memory size

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^[0-9]+$


The interval (in seconds) for publishing records to Firehose. To disable batching, set this value to 0.

Display name in the AWS IoT console: Publish interval

Required: true

Type: string

Valid values: 0 - 900

Valid pattern: [0-9]|[1-9]\\d|[1-9]\\d\\d|900


The containerization mode for this connector. The default is GreengrassContainer, which means that the connector runs in an isolated runtime environment inside the AWS IoT Greengrass container.


The default containerization setting for the group does not apply to connectors.

Display name in the AWS IoT console: Container isolation mode

Required: false

Type: string

Valid values: GreengrassContainer or NoContainer

Valid pattern: ^NoContainer$|^GreengrassContainer$

Versions 2 - 4

The ARN of the default Firehose delivery stream to send data to. The destination stream can be overridden by the delivery_stream_arn property in the input message payload.


The group role must allow the appropriate actions on all target delivery streams. For more information, see Requirements.

Display name in the AWS IoT console: Default delivery stream ARN

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: arn:aws:firehose:([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}):(\d{12}):deliverystream/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]+)$


The maximum number of records to retain in memory before new records for the same delivery stream are rejected. The minimum value is 2000.

Display name in the AWS IoT console: Maximum number of records to buffer (per stream)

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^([2-9]\\d{3}|[1-9]\\d{4,})$


The amount of memory (in KB) to allocate to this connector.

Display name in the AWS IoT console: Memory size

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^[0-9]+$


The interval (in seconds) for publishing records to Firehose. To disable batching, set this value to 0.

Display name in the AWS IoT console: Publish interval

Required: true

Type: string

Valid values: 0 - 900

Valid pattern: [0-9]|[1-9]\\d|[1-9]\\d\\d|900

Version 1

The ARN of the default Firehose delivery stream to send data to. The destination stream can be overridden by the delivery_stream_arn property in the input message payload.


The group role must allow the appropriate actions on all target delivery streams. For more information, see Requirements.

Display name in the AWS IoT console: Default delivery stream ARN

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: arn:aws:firehose:([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}):(\d{12}):deliverystream/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]+)$

Create Connector Example (AWS CLI)

The following CLI command creates a ConnectorDefinition with an initial version that contains the connector.

aws greengrass create-connector-definition --name MyGreengrassConnectors --initial-version '{ "Connectors": [ { "Id": "MyKinesisFirehoseConnector", "ConnectorArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/KinesisFirehose/versions/5", "Parameters": { "DefaultDeliveryStreamArn": "arn:aws:firehose:region:account-id:deliverystream/stream-name", "DeliveryStreamQueueSize": "5000", "MemorySize": "65535", "PublishInterval": "10", "IsolationMode" : "GreengrassContainer" } } ] }'

In the AWS IoT Greengrass console, you can add a connector from the group's Connectors page. For more information, see Getting started with Greengrass connectors (console).

Input data

This connector accepts stream content on MQTT topics, and then sends the content to the target delivery stream. It accepts two types of input data:

  • JSON data on the kinesisfirehose/message topic.

  • Binary data on the kinesisfirehose/message/binary/# topic.

Versions 2 - 5
Topic filter: kinesisfirehose/message

Use this topic to send a message that contains JSON data.

Message properties

The data to send to the delivery stream and the target delivery stream, if different from the default stream.

Required: true

Type: object that includes the following properties:


The data to send to the delivery stream.

Required: true

Type: string


The ARN of the target Kinesis delivery stream. Include this property to override the default delivery stream.

Required: false

Type: string

Valid pattern: arn:aws:firehose:([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}):(\d{12}):deliverystream/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]+)$


An arbitrary ID for the request. This property is used to map an input request to an output response. When specified, the id property in the response object is set to this value. If you don't use this feature, you can omit this property or specify an empty string.

Required: false

Type: string

Valid pattern: .*

Example input
{ "request": { "delivery_stream_arn": "arn:aws:firehose:region:account-id:deliverystream/stream2-name", "data": "Data to send to the delivery stream." }, "id": "request123" }


Topic filter: kinesisfirehose/message/binary/#

Use this topic to send a message that contains binary data. The connector doesn't parse binary data. The data is streamed as is.

To map the input request to an output response, replace the # wildcard in the message topic with an arbitrary request ID. For example, if you publish a message to kinesisfirehose/message/binary/request123, the id property in the response object is set to request123.

If you don't want to map a request to a response, you can publish your messages to kinesisfirehose/message/binary/. Be sure to include the trailing slash.

Version 1
Topic filter: kinesisfirehose/message

Use this topic to send a message that contains JSON data.

Message properties

The data to send to the delivery stream and the target delivery stream, if different from the default stream.

Required: true

Type: object that includes the following properties:


The data to send to the delivery stream.

Required: true

Type: string


The ARN of the target Kinesis delivery stream. Include this property to override the default delivery stream.

Required: false

Type: string

Valid pattern: arn:aws:firehose:([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}):(\d{12}):deliverystream/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]+)$


An arbitrary ID for the request. This property is used to map an input request to an output response. When specified, the id property in the response object is set to this value. If you don't use this feature, you can omit this property or specify an empty string.

Required: false

Type: string

Valid pattern: .*

Example input
{ "request": { "delivery_stream_arn": "arn:aws:firehose:region:account-id:deliverystream/stream2-name", "data": "Data to send to the delivery stream." }, "id": "request123" }


Topic filter: kinesisfirehose/message/binary/#

Use this topic to send a message that contains binary data. The connector doesn't parse binary data. The data is streamed as is.

To map the input request to an output response, replace the # wildcard in the message topic with an arbitrary request ID. For example, if you publish a message to kinesisfirehose/message/binary/request123, the id property in the response object is set to request123.

If you don't want to map a request to a response, you can publish your messages to kinesisfirehose/message/binary/. Be sure to include the trailing slash.

Output data

This connector publishes status information as output data on an MQTT topic.

Versions 2 - 5
Topic filter in subscription


Example output

The response contains the status of each data record sent in the batch.

{ "response": [ { "ErrorCode": "error", "ErrorMessage": "test error", "id": "request123", "status": "fail" }, { "firehose_record_id": "xyz2", "id": "request456", "status": "success" }, { "firehose_record_id": "xyz3", "id": "request890", "status": "success" } ] }

If the connector detects a retryable error (for example, connection errors), it retries the publish in the next batch. Exponential backoff is handled by the AWS SDK. Requests that fail with retryable errors are added back to the end of the queue for further publishing.

Version 1
Topic filter in subscription


Example output: Success
{ "response": { "firehose_record_id": "1lxfuuuFomkpJYzt/34ZU/r8JYPf8Wyf7AXqlXm", "status": "success" }, "id": "request123" }
Example output: Failure
{ "response" : { "error": "ResourceNotFoundException", "error_message": "An error occurred (ResourceNotFoundException) when calling the PutRecord operation: Firehose test1 not found under account 123456789012.", "status": "fail" }, "id": "request123" }

Usage Example

Use the following high-level steps to set up an example Python 3.7 Lambda function that you can use to try out the connector.

  1. Make sure you meet the requirements for the connector.

    For the group role requirement, you must configure the role to grant the required permissions and make sure the role has been added to the group. For more information, see Managing the Greengrass group role (console) or Managing the Greengrass group role (CLI).

  2. Create and publish a Lambda function that sends input data to the connector.

    Save the example code as a PY file. Download and unzip the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK for Python. Then, create a zip package that contains the PY file and the greengrasssdk folder at the root level. This zip package is the deployment package that you upload to AWS Lambda.

    After you create the Python 3.7 Lambda function, publish a function version and create an alias.

  3. Configure your Greengrass group.

    1. Add the Lambda function by its alias (recommended). Configure the Lambda lifecycle as long-lived (or "Pinned": true in the CLI).

    2. Add the connector and configure its parameters.

    3. Add subscriptions that allow the connector to receive JSON input data and send output data on supported topic filters.

      • Set the Lambda function as the source, the connector as the target, and use a supported input topic filter.

      • Set the connector as the source, AWS IoT Core as the target, and use a supported output topic filter. You use this subscription to view status messages in the AWS IoT console.

  4. Deploy the group.

  5. In the AWS IoT console, on the Test page, subscribe to the output data topic to view status messages from the connector. The example Lambda function is long-lived and starts sending messages immediately after the group is deployed.

    When you're finished testing, you can set the Lambda lifecycle to on-demand (or "Pinned": false in the CLI) and deploy the group. This stops the function from sending messages.


The following example Lambda function sends an input message to the connector. This message contains JSON data.

import greengrasssdk import time import json iot_client = greengrasssdk.client('iot-data') send_topic = 'kinesisfirehose/message' def create_request_with_all_fields(): return { "request": { "data": "Message from Firehose Connector Test" }, "id" : "req_123" } def publish_basic_message(): messageToPublish = create_request_with_all_fields() print("Message To Publish: ", messageToPublish) iot_client.publish(topic=send_topic, payload=json.dumps(messageToPublish)) publish_basic_message() def lambda_handler(event, context): return


The Kinesis Firehose connector includes the following third-party software/licensing:

This connector is released under the Greengrass Core Software License Agreement.


The following table describes the changes in each version of the connector.




Added the IsolationMode parameter to configure the containerization mode for the connector.


Upgraded the Lambda runtime to Python 3.7, which changes the runtime requirement.


Fix to reduce excessive logging and other minor bug fixes.


Added support for sending batched data records to Firehose at a specified interval.

  • Also requires the firehose:PutRecordBatch action in the group role.

  • New MemorySize, DeliveryStreamQueueSize, and PublishInterval parameters.

  • Output message contains an array of status responses for the published data records.


Initial release.

A Greengrass group can contain only one version of the connector at a time. For information about upgrading a connector version, see Upgrading connector versions.

See also