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Set up a CI/CD pipeline for database migration by using Terraform - AWS Prescriptive Guidance
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Set up a CI/CD pipeline for database migration by using Terraform

Created by Dr. Rahul Sharad Gaikwad (AWS), Aarti Rajput (AWS), Ashish Bhatt (AWS), Aniket Dekate (AWS), Naveen Suthar (AWS), Nadeem Rahaman (AWS), Ruchika Modi (AWS), and Tamilselvan P (AWS)


This pattern is about establishing a continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline for managing database migrations in a reliable and automated manner. It covers the process of provisioning the necessary infrastructure, migrating data, and customizing schema changes by using Terraform, which is an infrastructure as code (IaC) tool.

Specifically, the pattern sets up a CI/CD pipeline to migrate an on-premises Microsoft SQL Server database to Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) on AWS. You can also use this pattern to migrate a SQL Server database that's on a virtual machine (VM) or in another cloud environment to Amazon RDS.

This pattern addresses the following challenges associated with database management and deployment:

  • Manual database deployments are time-consuming, error-prone, and lack consistency across environments.

  • Coordinating infrastructure provisioning, data migrations, and schema changes can be complex and difficult to manage.

  • Ensuring data integrity and minimizing downtime during database updates is crucial for production systems.

This pattern provides the following benefits:

  • Streamlines the process of updating and deploying database changes by implementing a CI/CD pipeline for database migrations. This reduces the risk of errors, ensures consistency across environments, and minimizes downtime.

  • Helps improve reliability, efficiency, and collaboration. Enables faster time to market and reduced downtime during database updates.

  • Helps you adopt modern DevOps practices for database management, which leads to increased agility, reliability, and efficiency in your software delivery processes.

Prerequisites and limitations



This pattern implements the following architecture, which provides the complete infrastructure for the database migration process.

CI/CD pipeline architecture for migrating an on-premises SQL Server database to Amazon RDS on AWS.

In this architecture:

  • The source database is a SQL Server database that is on premises, on a virtual machine (VM), or hosted by another cloud provider. The diagram assumes that the source database is in an on-premises data center.

  • The on-premises data center and AWS are connected through a VPN or AWS Direct Connect connection. This provides secure communications between the source database and the AWS infrastructure.

  • The target database is an Amazon RDS database that is hosted inside the virtual private cloud (VPC) on AWS with the help of a database provisioning pipeline.

  • AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) replicates your on-premises database to AWS. It is used to configure the replication of the source database to the target database.

The following diagram shows the infrastructure set up with different levels of the database migration process, which involves provisioning, AWS DMS setup, and validation.

CI/CD pipeline details of the migration process from on premises to AWS.

In this process:

  • The validation pipeline validates all checks. The integrated pipeline moves to the next step when all necessary validations are complete.

  • The DB provisioning pipeline consists of various AWS CodeBuild stages that perform Terraform actions on the provided Terraform code for the database. When these steps are complete, it deploys resources in the target AWS account.

  • The AWS DMS pipeline consists of various CodeBuild stages that perform tests and then provision the AWS DMS infrastructure for performing the migration by using IaC.


AWS services and tools

Other services

  • Terraform is an IaC tool from HashiCorp that helps you create and manage cloud and on-premises resources.

Code repository

The code for this pattern is available in the GitHub Database Migration DevOps Framework using Terraform samples repository.

Best practices

  • Implement automated tests for your database migration to verify the correctness of schema changes and data integrity. This includes unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests.

  • Implement a robust backup and restore strategy for your databases, especially before migration. This ensures data integrity and provides a fallback option in case of failures.

  • Implement a robust rollback strategy to revert database changes in case of failures or issues during migration. This could involve rolling back to a previous database state or reverting individual migration scripts.

  • Set up monitoring and logging mechanisms to track the progress and status of database migrations. This helps you identify and resolve issues quickly.


TaskDescriptionSkills required

Set up and configure Git on your local workstation.

Install and configure Git on your local workstation by following the instructions in the Git documentation.

DevOps engineer

Create a project folder and add the files from the GitHub repository.

  1. Open the GitHub repository for this pattern.

  2. Choose Code to see cloning options, and copy the URL provided in the HTTPS tab.

  3. Create a folder for your project on your workstation.

  4. Open a terminal and navigate to this folder.

  5. Clone the GitHub repository:

    git clone <github-repository-url>

    where <github-repository-url> is the URL you copied in step 2.

  6. When cloning is complete, go to the cloned repository in your project folder:

    cd <folder-name>/aws-terraform-db-migration-framework-samples
  7. Open this project in an integrated development environment (IDE) of your choice.

DevOps engineer

Set up your local workstation

TaskDescriptionSkills required

Set up and configure Git on your local workstation.

Install and configure Git on your local workstation by following the instructions in the Git documentation.

DevOps engineer

Create a project folder and add the files from the GitHub repository.

  1. Open the GitHub repository for this pattern.

  2. Choose Code to see cloning options, and copy the URL provided in the HTTPS tab.

  3. Create a folder for your project on your workstation.

  4. Open a terminal and navigate to this folder.

  5. Clone the GitHub repository:

    git clone <github-repository-url>

    where <github-repository-url> is the URL you copied in step 2.

  6. When cloning is complete, go to the cloned repository in your project folder:

    cd <folder-name>/aws-terraform-db-migration-framework-samples
  7. Open this project in an integrated development environment (IDE) of your choice.

DevOps engineer
TaskDescriptionSkills required

Update required parameters.

The ssm-parameters.sh file stores all required AWS Systems Manager parameters. You can configure these parameters with the custom values for your project.

In the setup/db-ssm-params folder on your local workstation, open the ssm-parameters.sh file and set these parameters before you run the CI/CD pipeline.

DevOps engineer

Initialize the Terraform configuration.

In the db-cicd-integration folder, enter the following command to initialize your working directory that contains the Terraform configuration files:

terraform init
DevOps engineer

Preview the Terraform plan.

To create a Terraform plan, enter the following command:

terraform plan -var-file="terraform.sample"

Terraform evaluates the configuration files to determine the target state for the declared resources. It then compares the target state against the current state and creates a plan.

DevOps engineer

Verify the plan.

Review the plan and confirm that it configures the required architecture in your target AWS account.

DevOps engineer

Deploy the solution.

  1. Enter the following command to apply the plan:

    terraform apply -var-file="terraform.sample"
  2. Enter yes to confirm. Terraform creates, updates, or destroys infrastructure to achieve the target state declared in the configuration files. For more information about the sequence, see the Architecture section of this pattern.

DevOps engineer

Provision the target architecture

TaskDescriptionSkills required

Update required parameters.

The ssm-parameters.sh file stores all required AWS Systems Manager parameters. You can configure these parameters with the custom values for your project.

In the setup/db-ssm-params folder on your local workstation, open the ssm-parameters.sh file and set these parameters before you run the CI/CD pipeline.

DevOps engineer

Initialize the Terraform configuration.

In the db-cicd-integration folder, enter the following command to initialize your working directory that contains the Terraform configuration files:

terraform init
DevOps engineer

Preview the Terraform plan.

To create a Terraform plan, enter the following command:

terraform plan -var-file="terraform.sample"

Terraform evaluates the configuration files to determine the target state for the declared resources. It then compares the target state against the current state and creates a plan.

DevOps engineer

Verify the plan.

Review the plan and confirm that it configures the required architecture in your target AWS account.

DevOps engineer

Deploy the solution.

  1. Enter the following command to apply the plan:

    terraform apply -var-file="terraform.sample"
  2. Enter yes to confirm. Terraform creates, updates, or destroys infrastructure to achieve the target state declared in the configuration files. For more information about the sequence, see the Architecture section of this pattern.

DevOps engineer
TaskDescriptionSkills required

Validate the deployment.

Verify the status of the db-cicd-integration pipeline to confirm that the database migration is complete.

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console, and then open the AWS CodePipeline console.

2. In the navigation pane, choose Pipelines.

3. Choose the db-cicd-integration pipeline.

4. Validate that the pipeline execution has completed successfully.

DevOps engineer

Verify the deployment

TaskDescriptionSkills required

Validate the deployment.

Verify the status of the db-cicd-integration pipeline to confirm that the database migration is complete.

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console, and then open the AWS CodePipeline console.

2. In the navigation pane, choose Pipelines.

3. Choose the db-cicd-integration pipeline.

4. Validate that the pipeline execution has completed successfully.

DevOps engineer
TaskDescriptionSkills required

Clean up the infrastructure.

  1. After your project is complete, clean up the infrastructure you created by using the command:

    terraform destroy --var-file=terraform.sample
  2. Enter yes to confirm.

DevOps engineer

Clean up infrastructure after use

TaskDescriptionSkills required

Clean up the infrastructure.

  1. After your project is complete, clean up the infrastructure you created by using the command:

    terraform destroy --var-file=terraform.sample
  2. Enter yes to confirm.

DevOps engineer

Related resources

AWS documentation

Terraform documentation

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