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Jika Anda setuju, AWS dan pihak ketiga yang disetujui juga akan menggunakan cookie untuk menyediakan fitur situs yang berguna, mengingat preferensi Anda, dan menampilkan konten yang relevan, termasuk iklan yang relevan. Untuk menerima atau menolak semua cookie yang tidak penting, klik “Terima” atau “Tolak”. Untuk membuat pilihan yang lebih detail, klik “Kustomisasi”.

Membuat dan menampilkan pasangan kunci - AWS SDK for .NET

Terjemahan disediakan oleh mesin penerjemah. Jika konten terjemahan yang diberikan bertentangan dengan versi bahasa Inggris aslinya, utamakan versi bahasa Inggris.

Terjemahan disediakan oleh mesin penerjemah. Jika konten terjemahan yang diberikan bertentangan dengan versi bahasa Inggris aslinya, utamakan versi bahasa Inggris.

Membuat dan menampilkan pasangan kunci

Contoh ini menunjukkan kepada Anda cara menggunakan AWS SDK for .NET to create a key pair. Aplikasi ini mengambil nama untuk key pair baru dan nama PEM file (dengan ekstensi “.pem”). Ini menciptakan keypair, menulis kunci pribadi ke PEM file, dan kemudian menampilkan semua pasangan kunci yang tersedia. Jika Anda tidak memberikan argumen baris perintah, aplikasi hanya menampilkan semua pasangan kunci yang tersedia.

Bagian berikut menyediakan cuplikan dari contoh ini. Kode lengkap untuk contoh ditampilkan setelah itu, dan dapat dibangun dan dijalankan apa adanya.

Buat pasangan kunci

Cuplikan berikut membuat key pair dan kemudian menyimpan kunci pribadi ke file yang diberikanPEM.

Contoh di akhir topik ini menunjukkan cuplikan ini digunakan.

// // Method to create a key pair and save the key material in a PEM file private static async Task CreateKeyPair( IAmazonEC2 ec2Client, string keyPairName, string pemFileName) { // Create the key pair CreateKeyPairResponse response = await ec2Client.CreateKeyPairAsync(new CreateKeyPairRequest{ KeyName = keyPairName }); Console.WriteLine($"\nCreated new key pair: {response.KeyPair.KeyName}"); // Save the private key in a PEM file using (var s = new FileStream(pemFileName, FileMode.Create)) using (var writer = new StreamWriter(s)) { writer.WriteLine(response.KeyPair.KeyMaterial); } }

Tampilkan pasangan kunci yang tersedia

Cuplikan berikut menampilkan daftar pasangan kunci yang tersedia.

Contoh di akhir topik ini menunjukkan cuplikan ini digunakan.

// // Method to show the key pairs that are available private static async Task EnumerateKeyPairs(IAmazonEC2 ec2Client) { DescribeKeyPairsResponse response = await ec2Client.DescribeKeyPairsAsync(); Console.WriteLine("Available key pairs:"); foreach (KeyPairInfo item in response.KeyPairs) Console.WriteLine($" {item.KeyName}"); }

Kode lengkap

Bagian ini menunjukkan referensi yang relevan dan kode lengkap untuk contoh ini.

using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.IO; using Amazon.EC2; using Amazon.EC2.Model; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace EC2CreateKeyPair { // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = // Class to create and store a key pair class Program { static async Task Main(string[] args) { // Create the EC2 client var ec2Client = new AmazonEC2Client(); // Parse the command line and show help if necessary var parsedArgs = CommandLine.Parse(args); if(parsedArgs.Count == 0) { // In the case of no command-line arguments, // just show help and the existing key pairs PrintHelp(); Console.WriteLine("\nNo arguments specified."); Console.Write( "Do you want to see a list of the existing key pairs? ((y) or n): "); string response = Console.ReadLine(); if((string.IsNullOrEmpty(response)) || (response.ToLower() == "y")) await EnumerateKeyPairs(ec2Client); return; } // Get the application arguments from the parsed list string keyPairName = CommandLine.GetArgument(parsedArgs, null, "-k", "--keypair-name"); string pemFileName = CommandLine.GetArgument(parsedArgs, null, "-p", "--pem-filename"); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyPairName)) CommandLine.ErrorExit("\nNo key pair name specified." + "\nRun the command with no arguments to see help."); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(pemFileName) || !pemFileName.EndsWith(".pem")) CommandLine.ErrorExit("\nThe PEM filename is missing or incorrect." + "\nRun the command with no arguments to see help."); // Create the key pair await CreateKeyPair(ec2Client, keyPairName, pemFileName); await EnumerateKeyPairs(ec2Client); } // // Method to create a key pair and save the key material in a PEM file private static async Task CreateKeyPair( IAmazonEC2 ec2Client, string keyPairName, string pemFileName) { // Create the key pair CreateKeyPairResponse response = await ec2Client.CreateKeyPairAsync(new CreateKeyPairRequest{ KeyName = keyPairName }); Console.WriteLine($"\nCreated new key pair: {response.KeyPair.KeyName}"); // Save the private key in a PEM file using (var s = new FileStream(pemFileName, FileMode.Create)) using (var writer = new StreamWriter(s)) { writer.WriteLine(response.KeyPair.KeyMaterial); } } // // Method to show the key pairs that are available private static async Task EnumerateKeyPairs(IAmazonEC2 ec2Client) { DescribeKeyPairsResponse response = await ec2Client.DescribeKeyPairsAsync(); Console.WriteLine("Available key pairs:"); foreach (KeyPairInfo item in response.KeyPairs) Console.WriteLine($" {item.KeyName}"); } // // Command-line help private static void PrintHelp() { Console.WriteLine( "\nUsage: EC2CreateKeyPair -k <keypair-name> -p <pem-filename>" + "\n -k, --keypair-name: The name you want to assign to the key pair." + "\n -p, --pem-filename: The name of the PEM file to create, with a \".pem\" extension."); } } // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = // Class that represents a command line on the console or terminal. // (This is the same for all examples. When you have seen it once, you can ignore it.) static class CommandLine { // // Method to parse a command line of the form: "--key value" or "-k value". // // Parameters: // - args: The command-line arguments passed into the application by the system. // // Returns: // A Dictionary with string Keys and Values. // // If a key is found without a matching value, Dictionary.Value is set to the key // (including the dashes). // If a value is found without a matching key, Dictionary.Key is set to "--NoKeyN", // where "N" represents sequential numbers. public static Dictionary<string,string> Parse(string[] args) { var parsedArgs = new Dictionary<string,string>(); int i = 0, n = 0; while(i < args.Length) { // If the first argument in this iteration starts with a dash it's an option. if(args[i].StartsWith("-")) { var key = args[i++]; var value = key; // Check to see if there's a value that goes with this option? if((i < args.Length) && (!args[i].StartsWith("-"))) value = args[i++]; parsedArgs.Add(key, value); } // If the first argument in this iteration doesn't start with a dash, it's a value else { parsedArgs.Add("--NoKey" + n.ToString(), args[i++]); n++; } } return parsedArgs; } // // Method to get an argument from the parsed command-line arguments // // Parameters: // - parsedArgs: The Dictionary object returned from the Parse() method (shown above). // - defaultValue: The default string to return if the specified key isn't in parsedArgs. // - keys: An array of keys to look for in parsedArgs. public static string GetArgument( Dictionary<string,string> parsedArgs, string defaultReturn, params string[] keys) { string retval = null; foreach(var key in keys) if(parsedArgs.TryGetValue(key, out retval)) break; return retval ?? defaultReturn; } // // Method to exit the application with an error. public static void ErrorExit(string msg, int code=1) { Console.WriteLine("\nError"); Console.WriteLine(msg); Environment.Exit(code); } } }

using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.IO; using Amazon.EC2; using Amazon.EC2.Model; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace EC2CreateKeyPair { // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = // Class to create and store a key pair class Program { static async Task Main(string[] args) { // Create the EC2 client var ec2Client = new AmazonEC2Client(); // Parse the command line and show help if necessary var parsedArgs = CommandLine.Parse(args); if(parsedArgs.Count == 0) { // In the case of no command-line arguments, // just show help and the existing key pairs PrintHelp(); Console.WriteLine("\nNo arguments specified."); Console.Write( "Do you want to see a list of the existing key pairs? ((y) or n): "); string response = Console.ReadLine(); if((string.IsNullOrEmpty(response)) || (response.ToLower() == "y")) await EnumerateKeyPairs(ec2Client); return; } // Get the application arguments from the parsed list string keyPairName = CommandLine.GetArgument(parsedArgs, null, "-k", "--keypair-name"); string pemFileName = CommandLine.GetArgument(parsedArgs, null, "-p", "--pem-filename"); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyPairName)) CommandLine.ErrorExit("\nNo key pair name specified." + "\nRun the command with no arguments to see help."); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(pemFileName) || !pemFileName.EndsWith(".pem")) CommandLine.ErrorExit("\nThe PEM filename is missing or incorrect." + "\nRun the command with no arguments to see help."); // Create the key pair await CreateKeyPair(ec2Client, keyPairName, pemFileName); await EnumerateKeyPairs(ec2Client); } // // Method to create a key pair and save the key material in a PEM file private static async Task CreateKeyPair( IAmazonEC2 ec2Client, string keyPairName, string pemFileName) { // Create the key pair CreateKeyPairResponse response = await ec2Client.CreateKeyPairAsync(new CreateKeyPairRequest{ KeyName = keyPairName }); Console.WriteLine($"\nCreated new key pair: {response.KeyPair.KeyName}"); // Save the private key in a PEM file using (var s = new FileStream(pemFileName, FileMode.Create)) using (var writer = new StreamWriter(s)) { writer.WriteLine(response.KeyPair.KeyMaterial); } } // // Method to show the key pairs that are available private static async Task EnumerateKeyPairs(IAmazonEC2 ec2Client) { DescribeKeyPairsResponse response = await ec2Client.DescribeKeyPairsAsync(); Console.WriteLine("Available key pairs:"); foreach (KeyPairInfo item in response.KeyPairs) Console.WriteLine($" {item.KeyName}"); } // // Command-line help private static void PrintHelp() { Console.WriteLine( "\nUsage: EC2CreateKeyPair -k <keypair-name> -p <pem-filename>" + "\n -k, --keypair-name: The name you want to assign to the key pair." + "\n -p, --pem-filename: The name of the PEM file to create, with a \".pem\" extension."); } } // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = // Class that represents a command line on the console or terminal. // (This is the same for all examples. When you have seen it once, you can ignore it.) static class CommandLine { // // Method to parse a command line of the form: "--key value" or "-k value". // // Parameters: // - args: The command-line arguments passed into the application by the system. // // Returns: // A Dictionary with string Keys and Values. // // If a key is found without a matching value, Dictionary.Value is set to the key // (including the dashes). // If a value is found without a matching key, Dictionary.Key is set to "--NoKeyN", // where "N" represents sequential numbers. public static Dictionary<string,string> Parse(string[] args) { var parsedArgs = new Dictionary<string,string>(); int i = 0, n = 0; while(i < args.Length) { // If the first argument in this iteration starts with a dash it's an option. if(args[i].StartsWith("-")) { var key = args[i++]; var value = key; // Check to see if there's a value that goes with this option? if((i < args.Length) && (!args[i].StartsWith("-"))) value = args[i++]; parsedArgs.Add(key, value); } // If the first argument in this iteration doesn't start with a dash, it's a value else { parsedArgs.Add("--NoKey" + n.ToString(), args[i++]); n++; } } return parsedArgs; } // // Method to get an argument from the parsed command-line arguments // // Parameters: // - parsedArgs: The Dictionary object returned from the Parse() method (shown above). // - defaultValue: The default string to return if the specified key isn't in parsedArgs. // - keys: An array of keys to look for in parsedArgs. public static string GetArgument( Dictionary<string,string> parsedArgs, string defaultReturn, params string[] keys) { string retval = null; foreach(var key in keys) if(parsedArgs.TryGetValue(key, out retval)) break; return retval ?? defaultReturn; } // // Method to exit the application with an error. public static void ErrorExit(string msg, int code=1) { Console.WriteLine("\nError"); Console.WriteLine(msg); Environment.Exit(code); } } }

Pertimbangan tambahan

  • Setelah Anda menjalankan contoh, Anda dapat melihat key pair baru di EC2konsol Amazon.

  • Ketika Anda membuat key pair, Anda harus menyimpan kunci pribadi yang dikembalikan karena Anda tidak dapat mengambil kunci pribadi nanti.

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