UpdateRuleGroup - AWS WAFV2


Updates the specified RuleGroup.


This operation completely replaces the mutable specifications that you already have for the rule group with the ones that you provide to this call.

To modify a rule group, do the following:

  1. Retrieve it by calling GetRuleGroup

  2. Update its settings as needed

  3. Provide the complete rule group specification to this call

A rule group defines a collection of rules to inspect and control web requests that you can use in a WebACL. When you create a rule group, you define an immutable capacity limit. If you update a rule group, you must stay within the capacity. This allows others to reuse the rule group with confidence in its capacity requirements.

Temporary inconsistencies during updates

When you create or change a web ACL or other AWS WAF resources, the changes take a small amount of time to propagate to all areas where the resources are stored. The propagation time can be from a few seconds to a number of minutes.

The following are examples of the temporary inconsistencies that you might notice during change propagation:

  • After you create a web ACL, if you try to associate it with a resource, you might get an exception indicating that the web ACL is unavailable.

  • After you add a rule group to a web ACL, the new rule group rules might be in effect in one area where the web ACL is used and not in another.

  • After you change a rule action setting, you might see the old action in some places and the new action in others.

  • After you add an IP address to an IP set that is in use in a blocking rule, the new address might be blocked in one area while still allowed in another.

Request Syntax

{ "CustomResponseBodies": { "string" : { "Content": "string", "ContentType": "string" } }, "Description": "string", "Id": "string", "LockToken": "string", "Name": "string", "Rules": [ { "Action": { "Allow": { "CustomRequestHandling": { "InsertHeaders": [ { "Name": "string", "Value": "string" } ] } }, "Block": { "CustomResponse": { "CustomResponseBodyKey": "string", "ResponseCode": number, "ResponseHeaders": [ { "Name": "string", "Value": "string" } ] } }, "Captcha": { "CustomRequestHandling": { "InsertHeaders": [ { "Name": "string", "Value": "string" } ] } }, "Challenge": { "CustomRequestHandling": { "InsertHeaders": [ { "Name": "string", "Value": "string" } ] } }, "Count": { "CustomRequestHandling": { "InsertHeaders": [ { "Name": "string", "Value": "string" } ] } } }, "CaptchaConfig": { "ImmunityTimeProperty": { "ImmunityTime": number } }, "ChallengeConfig": { "ImmunityTimeProperty": { "ImmunityTime": number } }, "Name": "string", "OverrideAction": { "Count": { "CustomRequestHandling": { "InsertHeaders": [ { "Name": "string", "Value": "string" } ] } }, "None": { } }, "Priority": number, "RuleLabels": [ { "Name": "string" } ], "Statement": { "AndStatement": { "Statements": [ "Statement" ] }, "ByteMatchStatement": { "FieldToMatch": { "AllQueryArguments": { }, "Body": { "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "Cookies": { "MatchPattern": { "All": { }, "ExcludedCookies": [ "string" ], "IncludedCookies": [ "string" ] }, "MatchScope": "string", "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "HeaderOrder": { "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "Headers": { "MatchPattern": { "All": { }, "ExcludedHeaders": [ "string" ], "IncludedHeaders": [ "string" ] }, "MatchScope": "string", "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "JA3Fingerprint": { "FallbackBehavior": "string" }, "JA4Fingerprint": { "FallbackBehavior": "string" }, "JsonBody": { "InvalidFallbackBehavior": "string", "MatchPattern": { "All": { }, "IncludedPaths": [ "string" ] }, "MatchScope": "string", "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "Method": { }, "QueryString": { }, "SingleHeader": { "Name": "string" }, "SingleQueryArgument": { "Name": "string" }, "UriPath": { } }, "PositionalConstraint": "string", "SearchString": blob, "TextTransformations": [ { "Priority": number, "Type": "string" } ] }, "GeoMatchStatement": { "CountryCodes": [ "string" ], "ForwardedIPConfig": { "FallbackBehavior": "string", "HeaderName": "string" } }, "IPSetReferenceStatement": { "ARN": "string", "IPSetForwardedIPConfig": { "FallbackBehavior": "string", "HeaderName": "string", "Position": "string" } }, "LabelMatchStatement": { "Key": "string", "Scope": "string" }, "ManagedRuleGroupStatement": { "ExcludedRules": [ { "Name": "string" } ], "ManagedRuleGroupConfigs": [ { "AWSManagedRulesACFPRuleSet": { "CreationPath": "string", "EnableRegexInPath": boolean, "RegistrationPagePath": "string", "RequestInspection": { "AddressFields": [ { "Identifier": "string" } ], "EmailField": { "Identifier": "string" }, "PasswordField": { "Identifier": "string" }, "PayloadType": "string", "PhoneNumberFields": [ { "Identifier": "string" } ], "UsernameField": { "Identifier": "string" } }, "ResponseInspection": { "BodyContains": { "FailureStrings": [ "string" ], "SuccessStrings": [ "string" ] }, "Header": { "FailureValues": [ "string" ], "Name": "string", "SuccessValues": [ "string" ] }, "Json": { "FailureValues": [ "string" ], "Identifier": "string", "SuccessValues": [ "string" ] }, "StatusCode": { "FailureCodes": [ number ], "SuccessCodes": [ number ] } } }, "AWSManagedRulesATPRuleSet": { "EnableRegexInPath": boolean, "LoginPath": "string", "RequestInspection": { "PasswordField": { "Identifier": "string" }, "PayloadType": "string", "UsernameField": { "Identifier": "string" } }, "ResponseInspection": { "BodyContains": { "FailureStrings": [ "string" ], "SuccessStrings": [ "string" ] }, "Header": { "FailureValues": [ "string" ], "Name": "string", "SuccessValues": [ "string" ] }, "Json": { "FailureValues": [ "string" ], "Identifier": "string", "SuccessValues": [ "string" ] }, "StatusCode": { "FailureCodes": [ number ], "SuccessCodes": [ number ] } } }, "AWSManagedRulesBotControlRuleSet": { "EnableMachineLearning": boolean, "InspectionLevel": "string" }, "LoginPath": "string", "PasswordField": { "Identifier": "string" }, "PayloadType": "string", "UsernameField": { "Identifier": "string" } } ], "Name": "string", "RuleActionOverrides": [ { "ActionToUse": { "Allow": { "CustomRequestHandling": { "InsertHeaders": [ { "Name": "string", "Value": "string" } ] } }, "Block": { "CustomResponse": { "CustomResponseBodyKey": "string", "ResponseCode": number, "ResponseHeaders": [ { "Name": "string", "Value": "string" } ] } }, "Captcha": { "CustomRequestHandling": { "InsertHeaders": [ { "Name": "string", "Value": "string" } ] } }, "Challenge": { "CustomRequestHandling": { "InsertHeaders": [ { "Name": "string", "Value": "string" } ] } }, "Count": { "CustomRequestHandling": { "InsertHeaders": [ { "Name": "string", "Value": "string" } ] } } }, "Name": "string" } ], "ScopeDownStatement": "Statement", "VendorName": "string", "Version": "string" }, "NotStatement": { "Statement": "Statement" }, "OrStatement": { "Statements": [ "Statement" ] }, "RateBasedStatement": { "AggregateKeyType": "string", "CustomKeys": [ { "Cookie": { "Name": "string", "TextTransformations": [ { "Priority": number, "Type": "string" } ] }, "ForwardedIP": { }, "Header": { "Name": "string", "TextTransformations": [ { "Priority": number, "Type": "string" } ] }, "HTTPMethod": { }, "IP": { }, "JA3Fingerprint": { "FallbackBehavior": "string" }, "JA4Fingerprint": { "FallbackBehavior": "string" }, "LabelNamespace": { "Namespace": "string" }, "QueryArgument": { "Name": "string", "TextTransformations": [ { "Priority": number, "Type": "string" } ] }, "QueryString": { "TextTransformations": [ { "Priority": number, "Type": "string" } ] }, "UriPath": { "TextTransformations": [ { "Priority": number, "Type": "string" } ] } } ], "EvaluationWindowSec": number, "ForwardedIPConfig": { "FallbackBehavior": "string", "HeaderName": "string" }, "Limit": number, "ScopeDownStatement": "Statement" }, "RegexMatchStatement": { "FieldToMatch": { "AllQueryArguments": { }, "Body": { "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "Cookies": { "MatchPattern": { "All": { }, "ExcludedCookies": [ "string" ], "IncludedCookies": [ "string" ] }, "MatchScope": "string", "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "HeaderOrder": { "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "Headers": { "MatchPattern": { "All": { }, "ExcludedHeaders": [ "string" ], "IncludedHeaders": [ "string" ] }, "MatchScope": "string", "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "JA3Fingerprint": { "FallbackBehavior": "string" }, "JA4Fingerprint": { "FallbackBehavior": "string" }, "JsonBody": { "InvalidFallbackBehavior": "string", "MatchPattern": { "All": { }, "IncludedPaths": [ "string" ] }, "MatchScope": "string", "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "Method": { }, "QueryString": { }, "SingleHeader": { "Name": "string" }, "SingleQueryArgument": { "Name": "string" }, "UriPath": { } }, "RegexString": "string", "TextTransformations": [ { "Priority": number, "Type": "string" } ] }, "RegexPatternSetReferenceStatement": { "ARN": "string", "FieldToMatch": { "AllQueryArguments": { }, "Body": { "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "Cookies": { "MatchPattern": { "All": { }, "ExcludedCookies": [ "string" ], "IncludedCookies": [ "string" ] }, "MatchScope": "string", "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "HeaderOrder": { "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "Headers": { "MatchPattern": { "All": { }, "ExcludedHeaders": [ "string" ], "IncludedHeaders": [ "string" ] }, "MatchScope": "string", "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "JA3Fingerprint": { "FallbackBehavior": "string" }, "JA4Fingerprint": { "FallbackBehavior": "string" }, "JsonBody": { "InvalidFallbackBehavior": "string", "MatchPattern": { "All": { }, "IncludedPaths": [ "string" ] }, "MatchScope": "string", "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "Method": { }, "QueryString": { }, "SingleHeader": { "Name": "string" }, "SingleQueryArgument": { "Name": "string" }, "UriPath": { } }, "TextTransformations": [ { "Priority": number, "Type": "string" } ] }, "RuleGroupReferenceStatement": { "ARN": "string", "ExcludedRules": [ { "Name": "string" } ], "RuleActionOverrides": [ { "ActionToUse": { "Allow": { "CustomRequestHandling": { "InsertHeaders": [ { "Name": "string", "Value": "string" } ] } }, "Block": { "CustomResponse": { "CustomResponseBodyKey": "string", "ResponseCode": number, "ResponseHeaders": [ { "Name": "string", "Value": "string" } ] } }, "Captcha": { "CustomRequestHandling": { "InsertHeaders": [ { "Name": "string", "Value": "string" } ] } }, "Challenge": { "CustomRequestHandling": { "InsertHeaders": [ { "Name": "string", "Value": "string" } ] } }, "Count": { "CustomRequestHandling": { "InsertHeaders": [ { "Name": "string", "Value": "string" } ] } } }, "Name": "string" } ] }, "SizeConstraintStatement": { "ComparisonOperator": "string", "FieldToMatch": { "AllQueryArguments": { }, "Body": { "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "Cookies": { "MatchPattern": { "All": { }, "ExcludedCookies": [ "string" ], "IncludedCookies": [ "string" ] }, "MatchScope": "string", "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "HeaderOrder": { "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "Headers": { "MatchPattern": { "All": { }, "ExcludedHeaders": [ "string" ], "IncludedHeaders": [ "string" ] }, "MatchScope": "string", "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "JA3Fingerprint": { "FallbackBehavior": "string" }, "JA4Fingerprint": { "FallbackBehavior": "string" }, "JsonBody": { "InvalidFallbackBehavior": "string", "MatchPattern": { "All": { }, "IncludedPaths": [ "string" ] }, "MatchScope": "string", "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "Method": { }, "QueryString": { }, "SingleHeader": { "Name": "string" }, "SingleQueryArgument": { "Name": "string" }, "UriPath": { } }, "Size": number, "TextTransformations": [ { "Priority": number, "Type": "string" } ] }, "SqliMatchStatement": { "FieldToMatch": { "AllQueryArguments": { }, "Body": { "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "Cookies": { "MatchPattern": { "All": { }, "ExcludedCookies": [ "string" ], "IncludedCookies": [ "string" ] }, "MatchScope": "string", "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "HeaderOrder": { "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "Headers": { "MatchPattern": { "All": { }, "ExcludedHeaders": [ "string" ], "IncludedHeaders": [ "string" ] }, "MatchScope": "string", "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "JA3Fingerprint": { "FallbackBehavior": "string" }, "JA4Fingerprint": { "FallbackBehavior": "string" }, "JsonBody": { "InvalidFallbackBehavior": "string", "MatchPattern": { "All": { }, "IncludedPaths": [ "string" ] }, "MatchScope": "string", "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "Method": { }, "QueryString": { }, "SingleHeader": { "Name": "string" }, "SingleQueryArgument": { "Name": "string" }, "UriPath": { } }, "SensitivityLevel": "string", "TextTransformations": [ { "Priority": number, "Type": "string" } ] }, "XssMatchStatement": { "FieldToMatch": { "AllQueryArguments": { }, "Body": { "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "Cookies": { "MatchPattern": { "All": { }, "ExcludedCookies": [ "string" ], "IncludedCookies": [ "string" ] }, "MatchScope": "string", "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "HeaderOrder": { "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "Headers": { "MatchPattern": { "All": { }, "ExcludedHeaders": [ "string" ], "IncludedHeaders": [ "string" ] }, "MatchScope": "string", "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "JA3Fingerprint": { "FallbackBehavior": "string" }, "JA4Fingerprint": { "FallbackBehavior": "string" }, "JsonBody": { "InvalidFallbackBehavior": "string", "MatchPattern": { "All": { }, "IncludedPaths": [ "string" ] }, "MatchScope": "string", "OversizeHandling": "string" }, "Method": { }, "QueryString": { }, "SingleHeader": { "Name": "string" }, "SingleQueryArgument": { "Name": "string" }, "UriPath": { } }, "TextTransformations": [ { "Priority": number, "Type": "string" } ] } }, "VisibilityConfig": { "CloudWatchMetricsEnabled": boolean, "MetricName": "string", "SampledRequestsEnabled": boolean } } ], "Scope": "string", "VisibilityConfig": { "CloudWatchMetricsEnabled": boolean, "MetricName": "string", "SampledRequestsEnabled": boolean } }

Request Parameters

For information about the parameters that are common to all actions, see Common Parameters.

The request accepts the following data in JSON format.


A map of custom response keys and content bodies. When you create a rule with a block action, you can send a custom response to the web request. You define these for the rule group, and then use them in the rules that you define in the rule group.

For information about customizing web requests and responses, see Customizing web requests and responses in AWS WAF in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

For information about the limits on count and size for custom request and response settings, see AWS WAF quotas in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

Type: String to CustomResponseBody object map

Map Entries: Maximum number of items.

Key Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 128.

Key Pattern: ^[\w\-]+$

Required: No


A description of the rule group that helps with identification.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 256.

Pattern: ^[\w+=:#@/\-,\.][\w+=:#@/\-,\.\s]+[\w+=:#@/\-,\.]$

Required: No


A unique identifier for the rule group. This ID is returned in the responses to create and list commands. You provide it to operations like update and delete.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 36.

Pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{8}-(?:[0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}$

Required: Yes


A token used for optimistic locking. AWS WAF returns a token to your get and list requests, to mark the state of the entity at the time of the request. To make changes to the entity associated with the token, you provide the token to operations like update and delete. AWS WAF uses the token to ensure that no changes have been made to the entity since you last retrieved it. If a change has been made, the update fails with a WAFOptimisticLockException. If this happens, perform another get, and use the new token returned by that operation.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 36.

Pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{8}-(?:[0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}$

Required: Yes


The name of the rule group. You cannot change the name of a rule group after you create it.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 128.

Pattern: ^[\w\-]+$

Required: Yes


The Rule statements used to identify the web requests that you want to manage. Each rule includes one top-level statement that AWS WAF uses to identify matching web requests, and parameters that govern how AWS WAF handles them.

Type: Array of Rule objects

Required: No


Specifies whether this is for a global resource type, such as a Amazon CloudFront distribution.

To work with CloudFront, you must also specify the Region US East (N. Virginia) as follows:

  • CLI - Specify the Region when you use the CloudFront scope: --scope=CLOUDFRONT --region=us-east-1.

  • API and SDKs - For all calls, use the Region endpoint us-east-1.

Type: String


Required: Yes


Defines and enables Amazon CloudWatch metrics and web request sample collection.

Type: VisibilityConfig object

Required: Yes

Response Syntax

{ "NextLockToken": "string" }

Response Elements

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.


A token used for optimistic locking. AWS WAF returns this token to your update requests. You use NextLockToken in the same manner as you use LockToken.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 36.

Pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{8}-(?:[0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}$


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.


The operation failed because you are inspecting the web request body, headers, or cookies without specifying how to handle oversize components. Rules that inspect the body must either provide an OversizeHandling configuration or they must be preceded by a SizeConstraintStatement that blocks the body content from being too large. Rules that inspect the headers or cookies must provide an OversizeHandling configuration.

Provide the handling configuration and retry your operation.

Alternately, you can suppress this warning by adding the following tag to the resource that you provide to this operation: Tag (key:WAF:OversizeFieldsHandlingConstraintOptOut, value:true).

HTTP Status Code: 400


AWS WAF couldn’t perform the operation because the resource that you tried to save is a duplicate of an existing one.

HTTP Status Code: 400


Your request is valid, but AWS WAF couldn’t perform the operation because of a system problem. Retry your request.

HTTP Status Code: 500


The operation isn't valid.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

  • You specified a parameter name or value that isn't valid.

  • Your nested statement isn't valid. You might have tried to nest a statement that can’t be nested.

  • You tried to update a WebACL with a DefaultAction that isn't among the types available at DefaultAction.

  • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL can't be associated.

HTTP Status Code: 400


AWS WAF couldn’t perform the operation because you exceeded your resource limit. For example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see AWS WAF quotas in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

HTTP Status Code: 400


AWS WAF couldn’t perform the operation because your resource doesn't exist. If you've just created a resource that you're using in this operation, you might just need to wait a few minutes. It can take from a few seconds to a number of minutes for changes to propagate.

HTTP Status Code: 400


AWS WAF couldn’t save your changes because you tried to update or delete a resource that has changed since you last retrieved it. Get the resource again, make any changes you need to make to the new copy, and retry your operation.

HTTP Status Code: 400


You tried to use a managed rule group that's available by subscription, but you aren't subscribed to it yet.

HTTP Status Code: 400


AWS WAF couldn’t retrieve a resource that you specified for this operation. If you've just created a resource that you're using in this operation, you might just need to wait a few minutes. It can take from a few seconds to a number of minutes for changes to propagate. Verify the resource specifications in your request parameters and then retry the operation.

HTTP Status Code: 400

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: