Create a destination for your Sidewalk device - AWS IoT Wireless

Create a destination for your Sidewalk device

You can add a destination to your account for AWS IoT Core for Amazon Sidewalk either from the using the Destinations hub or using the CreateDestination. When creating your destination, specify:

  • A unique name for the destination to use for your Sidewalk end device.


    If you already add your device using a destination name, you must use that name when creating your destination. For more information, see Step 2: Add your Sidewalk device.

  • The name of the AWS IoT rule that will process the device's data, and the topic to which messages are published.

  • An IAM role that grants the device's data permission to access the rule.

The following sections describe how to create the AWS IoT rule and IAM role for your destination.

Create a destination (console)

To create a destination using the AWS IoT console, go to the Destinations hub and choose Add destination.

Add a Sidewalk destination using the AWS IoT console.

To process a device's data, specify the following fields when creating a destination, and then choose Add destination.

  • Destination details

    Enter a Destination name and an optional description for your destination.

  • Rule name

    The AWS IoT rule that is configured to evaluate messages sent by your device and process the device's data. The rule name will be mapped to your destination. The destination requires the rule to process the messages that it receives. You can choose for the messages to be processed by either invoking an AWS IoT rule or by publishing to the AWS IoT message broker.

    • If you choose Enter a rule name, enter a name, and then choose Copy to copy the rule name that you'll enter when creating the AWS IoT rule. You can either choose Create rule to create the rule now or navigate to the Rules Hub of the AWS IoT console and create a rule with that name.

      You can also enter a rule and use the Advanced setting to specify a topic name. The topic name is provided during rule invocation and is accessed by using the topic expression inside the rule. For more information about AWS IoT rules, see AWS IoT rules.

    • If you choose Publish to AWS IoT message broker, enter a topic name. You can then copy the MQTT topic name and multiple subscribers can subscribe to this topic to receive messages published to that topic. For more information, see MQTT topics.

    For more information about AWS IoT rules for destinations, see Create rules to process LoRaWAN device messages.

  • Role name

    The IAM role that grants the device's data permission to access the rule named in Rule name. In the console, you can create a new service role or select an existing service role. If you're creating a new service role, you can either enter a role name (for example, SidewalkDestinationRole), or leave it blank for AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN to generate a new role name. AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN will then automatically create the IAM role with the appropriate permissions on your behalf.

Create a destination (CLI)

To create a destination, use the CreateDestination API operation or the create-destination CLI command. For example, the following command creates a destination for your Sidewalk end device:

aws iotwireless create-destination --name SidewalkDestination \ --expression-type RuleName --expression SidewalkRule \ --role-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/SidewalkRole

Running this command returns the destination details, which include the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and the destination name.

{ "Arn": "arn:aws:iotwireless:us-east-1:123456789012:Destination/SidewalkDestination", "Name": "SidewalkDestination" }

For more information about creating a destination, see Create rules to process LoRaWAN device messages.