Tutorial: Monitoring soil moisture with AWS IoT and Raspberry Pi
This tutorial shows you how to use a Raspberry
This tutorial might not be up to date. Some references might have been superseded since this topic was originally published.
To complete this tutorial, you need:
An AWS account.
An IAM user with administrator permissions.
A development computer running Windows, macOS, Linux, or Unix to access the AWS IoT console
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A Raspberry Pi 3B or 4B
running the latest Raspbian OS . For installation instructions, see Installing operating system images on the Rasberry Pi website. -
A monitor, keyboard, mouse, and Wi-Fi network or Ethernet connection for your Raspberry Pi.
A Raspberry Pi-compatible moisture sensor. The sensor used in this tutorial is an Adafruit STEMMA I2C Capacitive Moisture Sensor
with a JST 4-pin to female socket cable header .