Manage thing indexing
The index created for all of your things is AWS_Things
. You can control
what to index from the following data sources: AWS IoT
registry data, AWS IoT Device Shadow data,
AWS IoT connectivity data, and AWS IoT Device Defender
violations data.
In this topic:
Enabling thing indexing
You use the update-indexing-configuration CLI command or the UpdateIndexingConfiguration API operation to create the AWS_Things
index and control its configuration. By using the
parameter, you control what kind of data (for example, registry, shadow, device
connectivity data, and Device Defender violations data) is indexed.
The --thing-indexing-configuration
parameter takes a string with the
following structure:
{ "thingIndexingMode": "OFF"|"REGISTRY"|"REGISTRY_AND_SHADOW", "thingConnectivityIndexingMode": "OFF"|"STATUS", "deviceDefenderIndexingMode": "OFF"|"VIOLATIONS", "namedShadowIndexingMode": "OFF"|"ON", "managedFields": [ { "name": "string", "type": "Number"|"String"|"Boolean" }, ... ], "customFields": [ { "name": "string", "type": "Number"|"String"|"Boolean" }, ... ], "filter": { "namedShadowNames": [ "string" ], "geoLocations": [ { "name": "String", "order": "LonLat|LatLon" } ] } }
Thing indexing modes
You can specify different thing indexing modes in your indexing configuration, depending on what data sources you want to index and search devices from:
: Controls if registry or shadow is indexed. WhenthingIndexingMode
is set to beOFF
, thing indexing is disabled.
: Specifies if thing connectivity data is indexed.
: Specifies if Device Defender violations data is indexed. -
: Specifies if named shadow data is indexed. To select named shadows to add to your fleet indexing configuration, setnamedShadowIndexingMode
to beON
and specify your named shadow names infilter
The table below shows the valid values for each indexing mode and the data source that's indexed for each value.
Attribute | Valid values | Registry | Shadow | Connectivity | DD violations | Named shadow |
thingIndexingMode |
OFF | |||||
REGISTRY | ✓ | |||||
REGISTRY_AND_SHADOW | ✓ | ✓ | ||||
thingConnectivityIndexingMode |
Not specified. | |||||
OFF | ||||||
STATUS | ✓ | |||||
deviceDefenderIndexingMode |
Not specified. | |||||
OFF | ||||||
VIOLATIONS | ✓ | |||||
namedShadowIndexingMode |
Not specified. | |||||
OFF | ||||||
ON | ✓ |
Managed fields and custom fields
Managed fields
Managed fields contain data associated with things, thing groups, device shadows,
device connectivity, and Device Defender violations. AWS IoT defines the data type in
managed fields. You specify the values of each managed field when you create an AWS IoT
thing. For example, thing names, thing groups, and thing descriptions are all managed
fields. Fleet indexing indexes managed fields based on the indexing mode that you
specify. Managed fields can't be changed or appear in customFields
Custom fields
You can aggregate attributes, Device Shadow data, and Device Defender violations
data by creating custom fields to index them. The customFields
attribute is
a list of field name and data type pairs. You can perform aggregation queries based on
data type. The indexing mode that you choose affects fields can be specified in
. For example, if you specify the REGISTRY
indexing mode, you can't specify a custom field from a thing shadow. You can use the
update-indexing-configuration CLI command to create or update the custom
fields (see an example command in Updating
indexing configuration examples). For more information, see Custom fields.
Indexing filter
Indexing filter provides additional selections for named shadows and geolocation data.
To add named shadows to your fleet indexing configuration, set
to be ON
and specify your named
shadow names in namedShadowNames
"filter": { "namedShadowNames": [ "namedShadow1", "namedShadow2" ] }
To add geolocation data to your fleet indexing configuration:
If your geolocation data is stored in a classic (unnamed) shadow, set
to be REGISTRY_AND_SHADOW, and specify your geolocation data ingeoLocations
filter.The example filter below specifies a geoLocation object in a classic (unnamed) shadow:
"filter": { "geoLocations": [ { "name": "shadow.reported.location", "order": "LonLat" } ] }
If your geolocation data is stored in a named shadow, set
to be ON, add the shadow name innamedShadowNames
filter, and specify your geolocation data ingeoLocations
filter.The example filter below specifies a geoLocation object in a named shadow (
):"filter": { "namedShadowNames": [ "namedShadow1" ], "geoLocations": [ { "name": "", "order": "LonLat" } ] }
For more information, see IndexingFilter from AWS IoT API Reference.
Updating indexing configuration examples
To update your indexing configuration, use the AWS IoT update-indexing-configuration CLI command . The following examples show how to use update-indexing-configuration.
Short syntax:
aws iot update-indexing-configuration --thing-indexing-configuration \ 'thingIndexingMode=REGISTRY_AND_SHADOW, deviceDefenderIndexingMode=VIOLATIONS, namedShadowIndexingMode=ON,filter={namedShadowNames=[thing1shadow]}, thingConnectivityIndexingMode=STATUS, customFields=[{name=attributes.version,type=Number}, {, type=String}, {name=shadow.desired.power, type=Boolean}, {name=deviceDefender.securityProfile1.NUMBER_VALUE_BEHAVIOR.lastViolationValue.number, type=Number}]'
JSON syntax:
aws iot update-indexing-configuration --cli-input-json \ '{ "thingIndexingConfiguration": { "thingIndexingMode": "REGISTRY_AND_SHADOW", "thingConnectivityIndexingMode": "STATUS", "deviceDefenderIndexingMode": "VIOLATIONS", "namedShadowIndexingMode": "ON", "filter": { "namedShadowNames": ["thing1shadow"]}, "customFields": [ { "name": "shadow.desired.power", "type": "Boolean" }, {"name": "attributes.version", "type": "Number"}, {"name": "", "type": "String"}, {"name": "deviceDefender.securityProfile1.NUMBER_VALUE_BEHAVIOR.lastViolationValue.number", "type": Number} ] } }'
This command doesn't produce any output.
To check the thing index status, run the describe-index
CLI command:
aws iot describe-index --index-name "AWS_Things"
The output of the describe-index
command looks like the
{ "indexName": "AWS_Things", "indexStatus": "ACTIVE", "schema": "MULTI_INDEXING_MODE" }
It can take a moment for fleet indexing to update the fleet index. We recommend
waiting until the indexStatus
shows ACTIVE before using it. You can have
different values in the schema field depending on what data sources you've configured.
For more information, see Describing a thing
To get your thing indexing configuration details, run the
CLI command:
aws iot get-indexing-configuration
The output of the get-indexing-configuration
command looks like the
{ "thingIndexingConfiguration": { "thingIndexingMode": "REGISTRY_AND_SHADOW", "thingConnectivityIndexingMode": "STATUS", "deviceDefenderIndexingMode": "VIOLATIONS", "namedShadowIndexingMode": "ON", "managedFields": [ { "name": "connectivity.disconnectReason", "type": "String" }, { "name": "registry.version", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "thingName", "type": "String" }, { "name": "deviceDefender.violationCount", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "shadow.hasDelta", "type": "Boolean" }, { "name": "*.version", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "shadow.version", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "connectivity.version", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "connectivity.timestamp", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "*.hasDelta", "type": "Boolean" }, { "name": "registry.thingTypeName", "type": "String" }, { "name": "thingId", "type": "String" }, { "name": "connectivity.connected", "type": "Boolean" }, { "name": "registry.thingGroupNames", "type": "String" } ], "customFields": [ { "name": "", "type": "String" }, { "name": "deviceDefender.securityProfile1.NUMBER_VALUE_BEHAVIOR.lastViolationValue.number", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "shadow.desired.power", "type": "Boolean" }, { "name": "attributes.version", "type": "Number" } ], "filter": { "namedShadowNames": [ "thing1shadow" ] } }, "thingGroupIndexingConfiguration": { "thingGroupIndexingMode": "OFF" } }
To update the custom fields, you can run the
command. An example is as follows:
aws iot update-indexing-configuration --thing-indexing-configuration 'thingIndexingMode=REGISTRY_AND_SHADOW,customFields=[{name=attributes.version,type=Number},{name=attributes.color,type=String},{name=shadow.desired.power,type=Boolean},{name=shadow.desired.intensity,type=Number}]'
This command added shadow.desired.intensity
to the indexing
Updating the custom field indexing configuration overwrites all existing custom fields. Make sure to specify all custom fields when calling update-indexing-configuration.
After the index is rebuilt, you can use an aggregation query on the newly added fields, search registry data, shadow data, and thing connectivity status data.
When changing the indexing mode, make sure all of your custom fields are valid by
using the new indexing mode. For example, if you start off using
mode with a custom field called
, you must delete the
custom field before changing the indexing mode
. If your indexing configuration contains custom fields that
aren't indexed by the indexing mode, the update fails.
Describing a thing index
The following command shows you how to use the describe-index CLI command to retrieve the current status of the thing index.
aws iot describe-index --index-name "AWS_Things"
The response of the command can look like the following:
{ "indexName": "AWS_Things", "indexStatus": "BUILDING", "schema": "REGISTRY_AND_SHADOW_AND_CONNECTIVITY_STATUS" }
The first time that you fleet indexing, AWS IoT builds your index. When
is in the BUILDING
state, you can't query the
index. The schema
for the things index indicates which type of data
) is indexed.
Changing the configuration of your index causes the index to be rebuilt. During this
process, the indexStatus
. You can run queries on
data in the things index while it's being rebuilt. For example, if you change the index
configuration from REGISTRY
while the
index is being rebuilt, you can query registry data, including the latest updates.
However, you can't query the shadow data until the rebuild is complete. The amount of time
it takes to build or rebuild the index depends on the amount of data.
You can see different values in the schema field depending on the data sources that you've configured. The following table shows the different schema values and the corresponding descriptions:
Schema | Description |
OFF | No data sources are configured or indexed. |
REGISTRY | Registry data is indexed. |
REGISTRY_AND_SHADOW | Registry data and unnamed (classic) shadow data are indexed. |
REGISTRY_AND_CONNECTIVITY | Registry data and connectivity data are indexed. |
REGISTRY_AND_SHADOW_AND_CONNECTIVITY_STATUS | Registry data, unnamed (classic) shadow data, and connectivity data are indexed. |
MULTI_INDEXING_MODE | Named shadow or Device Defender violations data is indexed, in addition to registry, unnamed (classic) shadow or connectivity data. |
Querying a thing index
Use the search-index CLI command to query data in the index.
aws iot search-index --index-name "AWS_Things" --query-string "thingName:mything*"
{ "things":[{ "thingName":"mything1", "thingGroupNames":[ "mygroup1" ], "thingId":"a4b9f759-b0f2-4857-8a4b-967745ed9f4e", "attributes":{ "attribute1":"abc" }, "connectivity": { "connected":false, "timestamp":1556649874716, "disconnectReason": "CONNECTION_LOST" } }, { "thingName":"mything2", "thingTypeName":"MyThingType", "thingGroupNames":[ "mygroup1", "mygroup2" ], "thingId":"01014ef9-e97e-44c6-985a-d0b06924f2af", "attributes":{ "model":"1.2", "country":"usa" }, "shadow":{ "desired":{ "location":"new york", "myvalues":[3, 4, 5] }, "reported":{ "location":"new york", "myvalues":[1, 2, 3], "stats":{ "battery":78 } }, "metadata":{ "desired":{ "location":{ "timestamp":123456789 }, "myvalues":{ "timestamp":123456789 } }, "reported":{ "location":{ "timestamp":34535454 }, "myvalues":{ "timestamp":34535454 }, "stats":{ "battery":{ "timestamp":34535454 } } } }, "version":10, "timestamp":34535454 }, "connectivity": { "connected":true, "timestamp":1556649855046 } }], "nextToken":"AQFCuvk7zZ3D9pOYMbFCeHbdZ+h=G" }
In the JSON response, "connectivity"
(as enabled by the
setting) provides a Boolean value, a
timestamp, and a disconnectReason that indicates whether the device is connected to
AWS IoT Core. The device "mything1"
disconnected (false
) at POSIX
time 1556649874716
. For more information
about disconnect reasons, see Lifecycle events.
"connectivity": { "connected":false, "timestamp":1556649874716, "disconnectReason": "CONNECTION_LOST" }
The device "mything2"
connected (true
) at POSIX time
"connectivity": { "connected":true, "timestamp":1556649855046 }
Timestamps are given in milliseconds since epoch, so 1556649855046
represents 6:44:15.046 PM on Tuesday, April 30, 2019 (UTC).
If a device has been disconnected for approximately an hour, the
value and the "disconnectReason"
value of the
connectivity status might be missing.
Restrictions and limitations
These are the restrictions and limitations for AWS_Things
- Shadow fields with complex types
A shadow field is indexed only if the value of the field is a simple type, such as a JSON object that doesn't contain an array, or an array that consists entirely of simple types. Simple type means a string, number, or one of the literals
. For example, given the following shadow state, the value of field"palette"
isn't indexed because it's an array that contains items of complex types. The value of field"colors"
is indexed because each value in the array is a string.{ "state": { "reported": { "switched": "ON", "colors": [ "RED", "GREEN", "BLUE" ], "palette": [ { "name": "RED", "intensity": 124 }, { "name": "GREEN", "intensity": 68 }, { "name": "BLUE", "intensity": 201 } ] } } }
- Nested shadow field names
The names of nested shadow fields are stored as a period (.) delimited string. For example, given a shadow document:
{ "state": { "desired": { "one": { "two": { "three": "v2" } } } } }
The name of field
is stored
. If you also have a shadow document, it's stored like this:{ "state": { "desired": { "one.two.three": "v2" } } }
Both match a query for
. As a best practice, don't use periods in shadow field names. - Shadow metadata
A field in a shadow's metadata section is indexed, but only if the corresponding field in the shadow's
section is indexed. (In the previous example, the"palette"
field in the shadow's metadata section isn't indexed either.) - Unregistered devices
Fleet indexing indexes the connectivity status for a device whose connection
is the same as thethingName
of a registered thing in Registry. - Unregistered shadows
If you use UpdateThingShadow to create a shadow using a thing name that hasn't been registered in your AWS IoT account, fields in this shadow aren't indexed. This applies to both classic unnamed shadow and named shadow.
- Numeric values
If any registry or shadow data is recognized by the service as a numeric value, it's indexed as such. You can form queries involving ranges and comparison operators on numeric values (for example,
or"[75 TO 80]"
). To be recognized as numeric, the value of the data must be a valid, literal type JSON number. The value can be an integer in the range -2^53...2^53-1, a double-precision floating point with optional exponential notation, or part of an array that contains only these values. - Null values
Null values aren't indexed.
- Maximum values
The maximum number of custom fields for aggregation queries is 5.
The maximum number of requested percentiles for aggregation queries is 100.
You can specify the things index as an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) in an AWS IoT policy action, as follows.
Action | Resource |
An index ARN (for example,
An index ARN (for example,
If you have permissions to query the fleet index, you can access the data of things across the entire fleet.