AWS CloudFormation を使用した Amazon ECS リソースの作成 - Amazon Elastic Container Service

AWS CloudFormation を使用した Amazon ECS リソースの作成

Amazon ECS は AWS CloudFormation と統合されています。これは、ユーザーが定義したテンプレートで AWS リソースをモデル化してセットアップする際に使用できるサービスです。これにより、リソースとインフラストラクチャの作成、管理に費やす時間を短縮できます。AWS CloudFormation を使用して、特定の Amazon ECS クラスターなど、必要なすべての AWS リソースを説明するテンプレートを作成できます。次に、AWS CloudFormation はプロビジョニングと必要なリソースの設定を行います。

AWS CloudFormation を使用すると、テンプレートを再利用して Amazon ECS リソースを一貫して繰り返しセットアップできます。リソースを一度記述すると、複数の AWS アカウント および AWS リージョン 全体で同じリソースを再度プロビジョニングできます。

AWS CloudFormation テンプレート

Amazon ECS および関連サービスのリソースをプロビジョニングして設定するには、AWS CloudFormation テンプレートについて理解しておく必要があります。AWS CloudFormation テンプレートは、AWS CloudFormation スタックでプロビジョニングするリソースを記述する JSON または YAML 形式のテキストファイルです。JSON や YAML 形式に不慣れな方は、AWS CloudFormation Designer を使用することで AWS CloudFormation テンプレートの使用を開始できます。詳細については、AWS CloudFormation ユーザーガイドAWS CloudFormationDesigner とはを参照してください。

Amazon ECS は、クラスター、タスク定義、サービス、タスクセットの作成を AWS CloudFormation でサポートしています。以下の例では、AWS CLI を使用して、これらのテンプレートによってリソースを作成する方法を説明しています。これらのリソースは、AWS CloudFormation コンソールを使用して作成することもできます。AWS CloudFormation コンソールを使用してリソースを作成する方法の詳細については、「AWS CloudFormation ユーザーガイド」を参照してください。


別のスタックを使用して Amazon ECS リソースを作成する

以下の例では、リソースごとに別のスタックを使用して Amazon ECS リソースを作成する方法を説明しています。


以下のテンプレートを使用して、Fargate Linux タスクを作成できます。

{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Resources": { "ECSTaskDefinition": { "Type": "AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition", "Properties": { "ContainerDefinitions": [ { "Command": [ "/bin/sh -c \"echo '<html> <head> <title>Amazon ECS Sample App</title> <style>body {margin-top: 40px; background-color: #333;} </style> </head><body> <div style=color:white;text-align:center> <h1>Amazon ECS Sample App</h1> <h2>Congratulations!</h2> <p>Your application is now running on a container in Amazon ECS.</p> </div></body></html>' > /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/index.html && httpd-foreground\"" ], "EntryPoint": [ "sh", "-c" ], "Essential": true, "Image": "httpd:2.4", "LogConfiguration": { "LogDriver": "awslogs", "Options": { "awslogs-group": "/ecs/fargate-task-definition", "awslogs-region": "us-east-1", "awslogs-stream-prefix": "ecs" } }, "Name": "sample-fargate-app", "PortMappings": [ { "ContainerPort": 80, "HostPort": 80, "Protocol": "tcp" } ] } ], "Cpu": 256, "ExecutionRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::aws_account_id:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole", "Family": "task-definition-cfn", "Memory": 512, "NetworkMode": "awsvpc", "RequiresCompatibilities": [ "FARGATE" ], "RuntimePlatform": { "OperatingSystemFamily": "LINUX" } } } } }
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Resources: ECSTaskDefinition: Type: 'AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition' Properties: ContainerDefinitions: - Command: - >- /bin/sh -c "echo '<html> <head> <title>Amazon ECS Sample App</title> <style>body {margin-top: 40px; background-color: #333;} </style> </head><body> <div style=color:white;text-align:center> <h1>Amazon ECS Sample App</h1> <h2>Congratulations!</h2> <p>Your application is now running on a container in Amazon ECS.</p> </div></body></html>' > /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/index.html && httpd-foreground" EntryPoint: - sh - '-c' Essential: true Image: 'httpd:2.4' LogConfiguration: LogDriver: awslogs Options: awslogs-group: /ecs/fargate-task-definition awslogs-region: us-east-1 awslogs-stream-prefix: ecs Name: sample-fargate-app PortMappings: - ContainerPort: 80 HostPort: 80 Protocol: tcp Cpu: 256 ExecutionRoleArn: 'arn:aws:iam::aws_account_id:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole' Family: task-definition-cfn Memory: 512 NetworkMode: awsvpc RequiresCompatibilities: - FARGATE RuntimePlatform: OperatingSystemFamily: LINUX



{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Resources": { "ECSCluster": { "Type": "AWS::ECS::Cluster", "Properties": { "ClusterName": "MyEmptyCluster" } } } }
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Resources: ECSCluster: Type: 'AWS::ECS::Cluster' Properties: ClusterName: MyEmptyCluster

AL2023 Amazon ECS-Optimized-AMI を使用してクラスターを作成する

キャパシティープロバイダーを使用して Amazon EC2 で AL2023 インスタンスを起動するクラスターを定義します。


最新の AMI ID については、「Amazon Elastic Container Service デベロッパーガイド」の「Amazon ECS-optimized AMI」(Amazon ECS に最適化された AMI) を参照してください。

{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Description": "EC2 ECS cluster that starts out empty, with no EC2 instances yet. An ECS capacity provider automatically launches more EC2 instances as required on the fly when you request ECS to launch services or standalone tasks.", "Parameters": { "InstanceType": { "Type": "String", "Default": "c5.xlarge", "Description": "Class of EC2 instance used to host containers. Choose t2 for testing, m5 for general purpose, c5 for CPU intensive services, and r5 for memory intensive services", "AllowedValues": [ "a1.2xlarge", "a1.4xlarge", "a1.large", "a1.medium", "a1.metal", "a1.xlarge", "c1.medium", "c1.xlarge", "c3.2xlarge", "c3.4xlarge", "c3.8xlarge", "c3.large", "c3.xlarge", "c4.2xlarge", "c4.4xlarge", "c4.8xlarge", "c4.large", "c4.xlarge", "c5.12xlarge", "c5.18xlarge", "c5.24xlarge", "c5.2xlarge", "c5.4xlarge", "c5.9xlarge", "c5.large", "c5.metal", "c5.xlarge", "c5a.12xlarge", "c5a.16xlarge", "c5a.24xlarge", "c5a.2xlarge", "c5a.4xlarge", "c5a.8xlarge", "c5a.large", "c5a.xlarge", "c5ad.12xlarge", "c5ad.16xlarge", "c5ad.24xlarge", "c5ad.2xlarge", "c5ad.4xlarge", "c5ad.8xlarge", "c5ad.large", "c5ad.xlarge", "c5d.12xlarge", "c5d.18xlarge", "c5d.24xlarge", "c5d.2xlarge", "c5d.4xlarge", "c5d.9xlarge", "c5d.large", "c5d.metal", "c5d.xlarge", "c5n.18xlarge", "c5n.2xlarge", "c5n.4xlarge", "c5n.9xlarge", "c5n.large", "c5n.metal", "c5n.xlarge", "c6a.12xlarge", "c6a.16xlarge", "c6a.24xlarge", "c6a.2xlarge", "c6a.32xlarge", "c6a.48xlarge", "c6a.4xlarge", "c6a.8xlarge", "c6a.large", "c6a.metal", "c6a.xlarge", "c6g.12xlarge", "c6g.16xlarge", "c6g.2xlarge", "c6g.4xlarge", "c6g.8xlarge", "c6g.large", "c6g.medium", "c6g.metal", "c6g.xlarge", "c6gd.12xlarge", "c6gd.16xlarge", "c6gd.2xlarge", "c6gd.4xlarge", "c6gd.8xlarge", "c6gd.large", "c6gd.medium", "c6gd.metal", "c6gd.xlarge", "c6gn.12xlarge", "c6gn.16xlarge", "c6gn.2xlarge", "c6gn.4xlarge", "c6gn.8xlarge", "c6gn.large", "c6gn.medium", "c6gn.xlarge", "c6i.12xlarge", "c6i.16xlarge", "c6i.24xlarge", "c6i.2xlarge", "c6i.32xlarge", "c6i.4xlarge", "c6i.8xlarge", "c6i.large", "c6i.metal", "c6i.xlarge", "c6id.12xlarge", "c6id.16xlarge", "c6id.24xlarge", "c6id.2xlarge", "c6id.32xlarge", "c6id.4xlarge", "c6id.8xlarge", "c6id.large", "c6id.metal", "c6id.xlarge", "c6in.12xlarge", "c6in.16xlarge", "c6in.24xlarge", "c6in.2xlarge", "c6in.32xlarge", "c6in.4xlarge", "c6in.8xlarge", "c6in.large", "c6in.metal", "c6in.xlarge", "c7g.12xlarge", "c7g.16xlarge", "c7g.2xlarge", "c7g.4xlarge", "c7g.8xlarge", "c7g.large", "c7g.medium", "c7g.metal", "c7g.xlarge", "c7gd.12xlarge", "c7gd.16xlarge", "c7gd.2xlarge", "c7gd.4xlarge", "c7gd.8xlarge", "c7gd.large", "c7gd.medium", "c7gd.xlarge", "c7gn.12xlarge", "c7gn.16xlarge", "c7gn.2xlarge", "c7gn.4xlarge", "c7gn.8xlarge", "c7gn.large", "c7gn.medium", "c7gn.xlarge", "cc2.8xlarge", "cr1.8xlarge", "d2.2xlarge", "d2.4xlarge", "d2.8xlarge", "d2.xlarge", "d3.2xlarge", "d3.4xlarge", "d3.8xlarge", "d3.xlarge", "d3en.12xlarge", "d3en.2xlarge", "d3en.4xlarge", "d3en.6xlarge", "d3en.8xlarge", "d3en.xlarge", "dl1.24xlarge", "f1.16xlarge", "f1.2xlarge", "f1.4xlarge", "g2.2xlarge", "g2.8xlarge", "g3.16xlarge", "g3.4xlarge", "g3.8xlarge", "g3s.xlarge", "g4ad.16xlarge", "g4ad.2xlarge", "g4ad.4xlarge", "g4ad.8xlarge", "g4ad.xlarge", "g4dn.12xlarge", "g4dn.16xlarge", "g4dn.2xlarge", "g4dn.4xlarge", "g4dn.8xlarge", "g4dn.metal", "g4dn.xlarge", "g5.12xlarge", "g5.16xlarge", "g5.24xlarge", "g5.2xlarge", "g5.48xlarge", "g5.4xlarge", "g5.8xlarge", "g5.xlarge", "g5g.16xlarge", "g5g.2xlarge", "g5g.4xlarge", "g5g.8xlarge", "g5g.metal", "g5g.xlarge", "h1.16xlarge", "h1.2xlarge", "h1.4xlarge", "h1.8xlarge", "hpc7g.16xlarge", "hpc7g.4xlarge", "hpc7g.8xlarge", "hs1.8xlarge", "i2.2xlarge", "i2.4xlarge", "i2.8xlarge", "i2.large", "i2.xlarge", "i3.16xlarge", "i3.2xlarge", "i3.4xlarge", "i3.8xlarge", "i3.large", "i3.metal", "i3.xlarge", "i3en.12xlarge", "i3en.24xlarge", "i3en.2xlarge", "i3en.3xlarge", "i3en.6xlarge", "i3en.large", "i3en.metal", "i3en.xlarge", "i4g.16xlarge", "i4g.2xlarge", "i4g.4xlarge", "i4g.8xlarge", "i4g.large", "i4g.xlarge", "i4i.16xlarge", "i4i.2xlarge", "i4i.32xlarge", "i4i.4xlarge", "i4i.8xlarge", "i4i.large", "i4i.metal", "i4i.xlarge", "im4gn.16xlarge", "im4gn.2xlarge", "im4gn.4xlarge", "im4gn.8xlarge", "im4gn.large", "im4gn.xlarge", "inf1.24xlarge", "inf1.2xlarge", "inf1.6xlarge", "inf1.xlarge", "inf2.24xlarge", "inf2.48xlarge", "inf2.8xlarge", "inf2.xlarge", "is4gen.2xlarge", "is4gen.4xlarge", "is4gen.8xlarge", "is4gen.large", "is4gen.medium", "is4gen.xlarge", "m1.large", "m1.medium", "m1.small", "m1.xlarge", "m2.2xlarge", "m2.4xlarge", "m2.xlarge", "m3.2xlarge", "m3.large", "m3.medium", "m3.xlarge", "m4.10xlarge", "m4.16xlarge", "m4.2xlarge", "m4.4xlarge", "m4.large", "m4.xlarge", "m5.12xlarge", "m5.16xlarge", "m5.24xlarge", "m5.2xlarge", "m5.4xlarge", "m5.8xlarge", "m5.large", "m5.metal", "m5.xlarge", "m5a.12xlarge", "m5a.16xlarge", "m5a.24xlarge", "m5a.2xlarge", "m5a.4xlarge", "m5a.8xlarge", "m5a.large", "m5a.xlarge", "m5ad.12xlarge", "m5ad.16xlarge", "m5ad.24xlarge", "m5ad.2xlarge", "m5ad.4xlarge", "m5ad.8xlarge", "m5ad.large", "m5ad.xlarge", "m5d.12xlarge", "m5d.16xlarge", "m5d.24xlarge", "m5d.2xlarge", "m5d.4xlarge", "m5d.8xlarge", "m5d.large", "m5d.metal", "m5d.xlarge", "m5dn.12xlarge", "m5dn.16xlarge", "m5dn.24xlarge", "m5dn.2xlarge", "m5dn.4xlarge", "m5dn.8xlarge", "m5dn.large", "m5dn.metal", "m5dn.xlarge", "m5n.12xlarge", "m5n.16xlarge", "m5n.24xlarge", "m5n.2xlarge", "m5n.4xlarge", "m5n.8xlarge", "m5n.large", "m5n.metal", "m5n.xlarge", "m5zn.12xlarge", "m5zn.2xlarge", "m5zn.3xlarge", "m5zn.6xlarge", "m5zn.large", "m5zn.metal", "m5zn.xlarge", "m6a.12xlarge", "m6a.16xlarge", "m6a.24xlarge", "m6a.2xlarge", "m6a.32xlarge", "m6a.48xlarge", "m6a.4xlarge", "m6a.8xlarge", "m6a.large", "m6a.metal", "m6a.xlarge", "m6g.12xlarge", "m6g.16xlarge", "m6g.2xlarge", "m6g.4xlarge", "m6g.8xlarge", "m6g.large", "m6g.medium", "m6g.metal", "m6g.xlarge", "m6gd.12xlarge", "m6gd.16xlarge", "m6gd.2xlarge", "m6gd.4xlarge", "m6gd.8xlarge", "m6gd.large", "m6gd.medium", "m6gd.metal", "m6gd.xlarge", "m6i.12xlarge", "m6i.16xlarge", "m6i.24xlarge", "m6i.2xlarge", "m6i.32xlarge", "m6i.4xlarge", "m6i.8xlarge", "m6i.large", "m6i.metal", "m6i.xlarge", "m6id.12xlarge", "m6id.16xlarge", "m6id.24xlarge", "m6id.2xlarge", "m6id.32xlarge", "m6id.4xlarge", "m6id.8xlarge", "m6id.large", "m6id.metal", "m6id.xlarge", "m6idn.12xlarge", "m6idn.16xlarge", "m6idn.24xlarge", "m6idn.2xlarge", "m6idn.32xlarge", "m6idn.4xlarge", "m6idn.8xlarge", "m6idn.large", "m6idn.metal", "m6idn.xlarge", "m6in.12xlarge", "m6in.16xlarge", "m6in.24xlarge", "m6in.2xlarge", "m6in.32xlarge", "m6in.4xlarge", "m6in.8xlarge", "m6in.large", "m6in.metal", "m6in.xlarge", "m7a.12xlarge", "m7a.16xlarge", "m7a.24xlarge", "m7a.2xlarge", "m7a.32xlarge", "m7a.48xlarge", "m7a.4xlarge", "m7a.8xlarge", "m7a.large", "m7a.medium", "m7a.metal-48xl", "m7a.xlarge", "m7g.12xlarge", "m7g.16xlarge", "m7g.2xlarge", "m7g.4xlarge", "m7g.8xlarge", "m7g.large", "m7g.medium", "m7g.metal", "m7g.xlarge", "m7gd.12xlarge", "m7gd.16xlarge", "m7gd.2xlarge", "m7gd.4xlarge", "m7gd.8xlarge", "m7gd.large", "m7gd.medium", "m7gd.xlarge", "m7i-flex.2xlarge", "m7i-flex.4xlarge", "m7i-flex.8xlarge", "m7i-flex.large", "m7i-flex.xlarge", "m7i.12xlarge", "m7i.16xlarge", "m7i.24xlarge", "m7i.2xlarge", "m7i.48xlarge", "m7i.4xlarge", "m7i.8xlarge", "m7i.large", "m7i.xlarge", "mac1.metal", "mac2.metal", "p2.16xlarge", "p2.8xlarge", "p2.xlarge", "p3.16xlarge", "p3.2xlarge", "p3.8xlarge", "p3dn.24xlarge", "p4d.24xlarge", "p4de.24xlarge", "p5.48xlarge", "r3.2xlarge", "r3.4xlarge", "r3.8xlarge", "r3.large", "r3.xlarge", "r4.16xlarge", "r4.2xlarge", "r4.4xlarge", "r4.8xlarge", "r4.large", "r4.xlarge", "r5.12xlarge", "r5.16xlarge", "r5.24xlarge", "r5.2xlarge", "r5.4xlarge", "r5.8xlarge", "r5.large", "r5.metal", "r5.xlarge", "r5a.12xlarge", "r5a.16xlarge", "r5a.24xlarge", "r5a.2xlarge", "r5a.4xlarge", "r5a.8xlarge", "r5a.large", "r5a.xlarge", "r5ad.12xlarge", "r5ad.16xlarge", "r5ad.24xlarge", "r5ad.2xlarge", "r5ad.4xlarge", "r5ad.8xlarge", "r5ad.large", "r5ad.xlarge", "r5b.12xlarge", "r5b.16xlarge", "r5b.24xlarge", "r5b.2xlarge", "r5b.4xlarge", "r5b.8xlarge", "r5b.large", "r5b.metal", "r5b.xlarge", "r5d.12xlarge", "r5d.16xlarge", "r5d.24xlarge", "r5d.2xlarge", "r5d.4xlarge", "r5d.8xlarge", "r5d.large", "r5d.metal", "r5d.xlarge", "r5dn.12xlarge", "r5dn.16xlarge", "r5dn.24xlarge", "r5dn.2xlarge", "r5dn.4xlarge", "r5dn.8xlarge", "r5dn.large", "r5dn.metal", "r5dn.xlarge", "r5n.12xlarge", "r5n.16xlarge", "r5n.24xlarge", "r5n.2xlarge", "r5n.4xlarge", "r5n.8xlarge", "r5n.large", "r5n.metal", "r5n.xlarge", "r6a.12xlarge", "r6a.16xlarge", "r6a.24xlarge", "r6a.2xlarge", "r6a.32xlarge", "r6a.48xlarge", "r6a.4xlarge", "r6a.8xlarge", "r6a.large", "r6a.metal", "r6a.xlarge", "r6g.12xlarge", "r6g.16xlarge", "r6g.2xlarge", "r6g.4xlarge", "r6g.8xlarge", "r6g.large", "r6g.medium", "r6g.metal", "r6g.xlarge", "r6gd.12xlarge", "r6gd.16xlarge", "r6gd.2xlarge", "r6gd.4xlarge", "r6gd.8xlarge", "r6gd.large", "r6gd.medium", "r6gd.metal", "r6gd.xlarge", "r6i.12xlarge", "r6i.16xlarge", "r6i.24xlarge", "r6i.2xlarge", "r6i.32xlarge", "r6i.4xlarge", "r6i.8xlarge", "r6i.large", "r6i.metal", "r6i.xlarge", "r6id.12xlarge", "r6id.16xlarge", "r6id.24xlarge", "r6id.2xlarge", "r6id.32xlarge", "r6id.4xlarge", "r6id.8xlarge", "r6id.large", "r6id.metal", "r6id.xlarge", "r6idn.12xlarge", "r6idn.16xlarge", "r6idn.24xlarge", "r6idn.2xlarge", "r6idn.32xlarge", "r6idn.4xlarge", "r6idn.8xlarge", "r6idn.large", "r6idn.metal", "r6idn.xlarge", "r6in.12xlarge", "r6in.16xlarge", "r6in.24xlarge", "r6in.2xlarge", "r6in.32xlarge", "r6in.4xlarge", "r6in.8xlarge", "r6in.large", "r6in.metal", "r6in.xlarge", "r7g.12xlarge", "r7g.16xlarge", "r7g.2xlarge", "r7g.4xlarge", "r7g.8xlarge", "r7g.large", "r7g.medium", "r7g.metal", "r7g.xlarge", "r7gd.12xlarge", "r7gd.16xlarge", "r7gd.2xlarge", "r7gd.4xlarge", "r7gd.8xlarge", "r7gd.large", "r7gd.medium", "r7gd.xlarge", "r7iz.12xlarge", "r7iz.16xlarge", "r7iz.2xlarge", "r7iz.32xlarge", "r7iz.4xlarge", "r7iz.8xlarge", "r7iz.large", "r7iz.xlarge", "t1.micro", "t2.2xlarge", "t2.large", "t2.medium", "t2.micro", "t2.nano", "t2.small", "t2.xlarge", "t3.2xlarge", "t3.large", "t3.medium", "t3.micro", "t3.nano", "t3.small", "t3.xlarge", "t3a.2xlarge", "t3a.large", "t3a.medium", "t3a.micro", "t3a.nano", "t3a.small", "t3a.xlarge", "t4g.2xlarge", "t4g.large", "t4g.medium", "t4g.micro", "t4g.nano", "t4g.small", "t4g.xlarge", "trn1.2xlarge", "trn1.32xlarge", "trn1n.32xlarge", "u-12tb1.112xlarge", "u-18tb1.112xlarge", "u-24tb1.112xlarge", "u-3tb1.56xlarge", "u-6tb1.112xlarge", "u-6tb1.56xlarge", "u-9tb1.112xlarge", "vt1.24xlarge", "vt1.3xlarge", "vt1.6xlarge", "x1.16xlarge", "x1.32xlarge", "x1e.16xlarge", "x1e.2xlarge", "x1e.32xlarge", "x1e.4xlarge", "x1e.8xlarge", "x1e.xlarge", "x2gd.12xlarge", "x2gd.16xlarge", "x2gd.2xlarge", "x2gd.4xlarge", "x2gd.8xlarge", "x2gd.large", "x2gd.medium", "x2gd.metal", "x2gd.xlarge", "x2idn.16xlarge", "x2idn.24xlarge", "x2idn.32xlarge", "x2idn.metal", "x2iedn.16xlarge", "x2iedn.24xlarge", "x2iedn.2xlarge", "x2iedn.32xlarge", "x2iedn.4xlarge", "x2iedn.8xlarge", "x2iedn.metal", "x2iedn.xlarge", "x2iezn.12xlarge", "x2iezn.2xlarge", "x2iezn.4xlarge", "x2iezn.6xlarge", "x2iezn.8xlarge", "x2iezn.metal", "z1d.12xlarge", "z1d.2xlarge", "z1d.3xlarge", "z1d.6xlarge", "z1d.large", "z1d.metal", "z1d.xlarge" ], "ConstraintDescription": "Please choose a valid instance type." }, "DesiredCapacity": { "Type": "Number", "Default": "0", "Description": "Number of EC2 instances to launch in your ECS cluster." }, "MaxSize": { "Type": "Number", "Default": "100", "Description": "Maximum number of EC2 instances that can be launched in your ECS cluster." }, "ECSAMI": { "Description": "The Amazon Machine Image ID used for the cluster", "Type": "AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<AWS::EC2::Image::Id>" "Default": "/aws/service/ecs/optimized-ami/amazon-linux-2023/recommended" }, "VpcId": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::VPC::Id", "Description": "VPC ID where the ECS cluster is launched" }, "SubnetIds": { "Type": "List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id>" "Description": "List of subnet IDs where the EC2 instances will be launched" } }, "Resources": { "ECSCluster": { "Type": "AWS::ECS::Cluster", "Properties": { "ClusterSettings": [ { "Name": "containerInsights", "Value": "enabled" } ] } }, "ECSAutoScalingGroup": { "Type": "AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup", "DependsOn": [ "ECSCluster", "EC2Role" ], "Properties": { "VPCZoneIdentifier": [ [ 0, "SubnetIds" ], [ 1, "SubnetIds" ] ], "LaunchTemplate": { "LaunchTemplateId": "ContainerInstances", "Version": "ContainerInstances.LatestVersionNumber" }, "MinSize": 0, "MaxSize": "MaxSize", "DesiredCapacity": "DesiredCapacity", "NewInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn": true }, "UpdatePolicy": { "AutoScalingReplacingUpdate": { "WillReplace": "true" } } }, "ContainerInstances": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate", "Properties": { "LaunchTemplateData": { "ImageId": "ECSAMI", "InstanceType": "InstanceType", "IamInstanceProfile": { "Name": "EC2InstanceProfile" }, "SecurityGroupIds": [ "ContainerHostSecurityGroup" ], "UserData": { "Fn::Base64": "[settings.ecs]\ncluster = \"${ECSCluster}\"\n" }, "MetadataOptions": { "HttpEndpoint": "enabled", "HttpTokens": "required" } } } }, "EC2InstanceProfile": { "Type": "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile", "Properties": { "Path": "/", "Roles": [ "EC2Role" ] } }, "CapacityProvider": { "Type": "AWS::ECS::CapacityProvider", "Properties": { "AutoScalingGroupProvider": { "AutoScalingGroupArn": "ECSAutoScalingGroup", "ManagedScaling": { "InstanceWarmupPeriod": 60, "MinimumScalingStepSize": 1, "MaximumScalingStepSize": 100, "Status": "ENABLED", "TargetCapacity": 100 }, "ManagedTerminationProtection": "ENABLED" } } }, "CapacityProviderAssociation": { "Type": "AWS::ECS::ClusterCapacityProviderAssociations", "Properties": { "CapacityProviders": [ "CapacityProvider" ], "Cluster": "ECSCluster", "DefaultCapacityProviderStrategy": [ { "Base": 0, "CapacityProvider": "CapacityProvider", "Weight": 1 } ] } }, "ContainerHostSecurityGroup": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup", "Properties": { "GroupDescription": "Access to the EC2 hosts that run containers", "VpcId": "VpcId" } }, "EC2Role": { "Type": "AWS::IAM::Role", "Properties": { "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": [ "" ] }, "Action": [ "sts:AssumeRole" ] } ] }, "Path": "/", "ManagedPolicyArns": [ "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role", "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore" ] } }, "ECSTaskExecutionRole": { "Type": "AWS::IAM::Role", "Properties": { "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": [ "" ] }, "Action": [ "sts:AssumeRole" ], "Condition": { "ArnLike": { "aws:SourceArn": "arn:aws:ecs:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:*" }, "StringEquals": { "aws:SourceAccount": "AWS::AccountId" } } } ] }, "Path": "/", "ManagedPolicyArns": [ "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy" ] } } }, "Outputs": { "ClusterName": { "Description": "The ECS cluster into which to launch resources", "Value": "ECSCluster" }, "ECSTaskExecutionRole": { "Description": "The role used to start up a task", "Value": "ECSTaskExecutionRole" }, "CapacityProvider": { "Description": "The cluster capacity provider that the service should use to request capacity when it wants to start up a task", "Value": "CapacityProvider" } } }
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: EC2 ECS cluster that starts out empty, with no EC2 instances yet. An ECS capacity provider automatically launches more EC2 instances as required on the fly when you request ECS to launch services or standalone tasks. Parameters: InstanceType: Type: String Description: EC2 instance type Default: "t2.medium" AllowedValues: - t1.micro - t2.2xlarge - t2.large - t2.medium - t2.micro - t2.nano - t2.small - t2.xlarge - t3.2xlarge - t3.large - t3.medium - t3.micro - t3.nano - t3.small - t3.xlarge DesiredCapacity: Type: Number Default: "0" Description: Number of EC2 instances to launch in your ECS cluster. MaxSize: Type: Number Default: "100" Description: Maximum number of EC2 instances that can be launched in your ECS cluster. ECSAMI: Description: The Amazon Machine Image ID used for the cluster Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<AWS::EC2::Image::Id> Default: /aws/service/ecs/optimized-ami/amazon-linux-2023/recommended/image_id VpcId: Type: AWS::EC2::VPC::Id Description: VPC ID where the ECS cluster is launched Default: vpc-1234567890abcdef0 SubnetIds: Type: List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id> Description: List of subnet IDs where the EC2 instances will be launched Default: "subnet-021345abcdef67890" Resources: # This is authorizes ECS to manage resources on your # account on your behalf. This role is likely already created on your account # ECSRole: # Type: AWS::IAM::ServiceLinkedRole # Properties: # AWSServiceName: '' # ECS Resources ECSCluster: Type: AWS::ECS::Cluster Properties: ClusterSettings: - Name: containerInsights Value: enabled # Autoscaling group. This launches the actual EC2 instances that will register # themselves as members of the cluster, and run the docker containers. ECSAutoScalingGroup: Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup DependsOn: # This is to ensure that the ASG gets deleted first before these # resources, when it comes to stack teardown. - ECSCluster - EC2Role Properties: VPCZoneIdentifier: Ref: SubnetIds LaunchTemplate: LaunchTemplateId: !Ref ContainerInstances Version: !GetAtt ContainerInstances.LatestVersionNumber MinSize: 0 MaxSize: Ref: MaxSize DesiredCapacity: Ref: DesiredCapacity NewInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn: true UpdatePolicy: AutoScalingReplacingUpdate: WillReplace: "true" # The config for each instance that is added to the cluster ContainerInstances: Type: AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate Properties: LaunchTemplateName: "asg-launch-template" LaunchTemplateData: ImageId: Ref: ECSAMI InstanceType: Ref: InstanceType IamInstanceProfile: Name: !Ref EC2InstanceProfile SecurityGroupIds: - !Ref ContainerHostSecurityGroup # This injected configuration file is how the EC2 instance # knows which ECS cluster on your AWS account it should be joining UserData: Fn::Base64: !Sub | #!/bin/bash -xe echo ECS_CLUSTER=${ECSCluster} >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config yum install -y aws-cfn-bootstrap /opt/aws/bin/cfn-init -v --stack ${AWS::StackId} --resource ContainerInstances --configsets full_install --region ${AWS::Region} & # Disable IMDSv1, and require IMDSv2 MetadataOptions: HttpEndpoint: enabled HttpTokens: required EC2InstanceProfile: Type: AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile Properties: Path: / Roles: - !Ref EC2Role # Create an ECS capacity provider to attach the ASG to the ECS cluster # so that it autoscales as we launch more containers CapacityProvider: Type: AWS::ECS::CapacityProvider Properties: AutoScalingGroupProvider: AutoScalingGroupArn: !Ref ECSAutoScalingGroup ManagedScaling: InstanceWarmupPeriod: 60 MinimumScalingStepSize: 1 MaximumScalingStepSize: 100 Status: ENABLED # Percentage of cluster reservation to try to maintain TargetCapacity: 100 ManagedTerminationProtection: ENABLED # Create a cluster capacity provider assocation so that the cluster # will use the capacity provider CapacityProviderAssociation: Type: AWS::ECS::ClusterCapacityProviderAssociations Properties: CapacityProviders: - !Ref CapacityProvider Cluster: !Ref ECSCluster DefaultCapacityProviderStrategy: - Base: 0 CapacityProvider: !Ref CapacityProvider Weight: 1 # A security group for the EC2 hosts that will run the containers. # This can be used to limit incoming traffic to or outgoing traffic # from the container's host EC2 instance. ContainerHostSecurityGroup: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Properties: GroupDescription: Access to the EC2 hosts that run containers VpcId: Ref: VpcId # Role for the EC2 hosts. This allows the ECS agent on the EC2 hosts # to communciate with the ECS control plane, as well as download the docker # images from ECR to run on your host. EC2Role: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - Action: - sts:AssumeRole Path: / ManagedPolicyArns: # See reference: - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role # This managed policy allows us to connect to the instance using SSM - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore # This is a role which is used within Fargate to allow the Fargate agent # to download images, and upload logs. ECSTaskExecutionRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - Action: - sts:AssumeRole Condition: ArnLike: aws:SourceArn: !Sub arn:${AWS::Partition}:ecs:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:* StringEquals: aws:SourceAccount: AWS::AccountId Path: / # This role enables all features of ECS. See reference: # ManagedPolicyArns: - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy Outputs: ClusterName: Description: The ECS cluster into which to launch resources Value: ECSCluster ECSTaskExecutionRole: Description: The role used to start up a task Value: ECSTaskExecutionRole CapacityProvider: Description: The cluster capacity provider that the service should use to request capacity when it wants to start up a task Value: CapacityProvider


次のテンプレートは、キャパシティープロバイダーを使用して AL2023 キャパシティーの実行をリクエストするサービスを定義しています。コンテナは、オンラインになると AL2023 インスタンスで起動します。

{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Description": "An example service that deploys in AWS VPC networking mode on EC2 capacity. Service uses a capacity provider to request EC2 instances to run on. Service runs with networking in private subnets, but still accessible to the internet via a load balancer hosted in public subnets.", "Parameters": { "VpcId": { "Type": "String", "Description": "The VPC that the service is running inside of" }, "PublicSubnetIds": { "Type": "List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id>", "Description": "List of public subnet ID's to put the load balancer in" }, "PrivateSubnetIds": { "Type": "List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id>", "Description": "List of private subnet ID's that the AWS VPC tasks are in" }, "ClusterName": { "Type": "String", "Description": "The name of the ECS cluster into which to launch capacity." }, "ECSTaskExecutionRole": { "Type": "String", "Description": "The role used to start up an ECS task" }, "CapacityProvider": { "Type": "String", "Description": "The cluster capacity provider that the service should use to request capacity when it wants to start up a task" }, "ServiceName": { "Type": "String", "Default": "web", "Description": "A name for the service" }, "ImageUrl": { "Type": "String", "Default": "", "Description": "The url of a docker image that contains the application process that will handle the traffic for this service" }, "ContainerCpu": { "Type": "Number", "Default": 256, "Description": "How much CPU to give the container. 1024 is 1 CPU" }, "ContainerMemory": { "Type": "Number", "Default": 512, "Description": "How much memory in megabytes to give the container" }, "ContainerPort": { "Type": "Number", "Default": 80, "Description": "What port that the application expects traffic on" }, "DesiredCount": { "Type": "Number", "Default": 2, "Description": "How many copies of the service task to run" } }, "Resources": { "TaskDefinition": { "Type": "AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition", "Properties": { "Family": "ServiceName", "Cpu": "ContainerCpu", "Memory": "ContainerMemory", "NetworkMode": "awsvpc", "RequiresCompatibilities": [ "EC2" ], "ExecutionRoleArn": "ECSTaskExecutionRole", "ContainerDefinitions": [ { "Name": "ServiceName", "Cpu": "ContainerCpu", "Memory": "ContainerMemory", "Image": "ImageUrl", "PortMappings": [ { "ContainerPort": "ContainerPort", "HostPort": "ContainerPort" } ], "LogConfiguration": { "LogDriver": "awslogs", "Options": { "mode": "non-blocking", "max-buffer-size": "25m", "awslogs-group": "LogGroup", "awslogs-region": "AWS::Region", "awslogs-stream-prefix": "ServiceName" } } } ] } }, "Service": { "Type": "AWS::ECS::Service", "DependsOn": "PublicLoadBalancerListener", "Properties": { "ServiceName": "ServiceName", "Cluster": "ClusterName", "PlacementStrategies": [ { "Field": "attribute:ecs.availability-zone", "Type": "spread" }, { "Field": "cpu", "Type": "binpack" } ], "CapacityProviderStrategy": [ { "Base": 0, "CapacityProvider": "CapacityProvider", "Weight": 1 } ], "NetworkConfiguration": { "AwsvpcConfiguration": { "SecurityGroups": [ "ServiceSecurityGroup" ], "Subnets": "PrivateSubnetIds" } }, "DeploymentConfiguration": { "MaximumPercent": 200, "MinimumHealthyPercent": 75 }, "DesiredCount": "DesiredCount", "TaskDefinition": "TaskDefinition", "LoadBalancers": [ { "ContainerName": "ServiceName", "ContainerPort": "ContainerPort", "TargetGroupArn": "ServiceTargetGroup" } ] } }, "ServiceSecurityGroup": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup", "Properties": { "GroupDescription": "Security group for service", "VpcId": "VpcId" } }, "ServiceTargetGroup": { "Type": "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup", "Properties": { "HealthCheckIntervalSeconds": 6, "HealthCheckPath": "/", "HealthCheckProtocol": "HTTP", "HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds": 5, "HealthyThresholdCount": 2, "TargetType": "ip", "Port": "ContainerPort", "Protocol": "HTTP", "UnhealthyThresholdCount": 10, "VpcId": "VpcId", "TargetGroupAttributes": [ { "Key": "deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds", "Value": 0 } ] } }, "PublicLoadBalancerSG": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup", "Properties": { "GroupDescription": "Access to the public facing load balancer", "VpcId": "VpcId", "SecurityGroupIngress": [ { "CidrIp": "", "IpProtocol": -1 } ] } }, "PublicLoadBalancer": { "Type": "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer", "Properties": { "Scheme": "internet-facing", "LoadBalancerAttributes": [ { "Key": "idle_timeout.timeout_seconds", "Value": "30" } ], "Subnets": "PublicSubnetIds", "SecurityGroups": [ "PublicLoadBalancerSG" ] } }, "PublicLoadBalancerListener": { "Type": "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener", "Properties": { "DefaultActions": [ { "Type": "forward", "ForwardConfig": { "TargetGroups": [ { "TargetGroupArn": "ServiceTargetGroup", "Weight": 100 } ] } } ], "LoadBalancerArn": "PublicLoadBalancer", "Port": 80, "Protocol": "HTTP" } }, "ServiceIngressfromLoadBalancer": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress", "Properties": { "Description": "Ingress from the public ALB", "GroupId": "ServiceSecurityGroup", "IpProtocol": -1, "SourceSecurityGroupId": "PublicLoadBalancerSG" } }, "LogGroup": { "Type": "AWS::Logs::LogGroup" } } }
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: >- An example service that deploys in AWS VPC networking mode on EC2 capacity. Service uses a capacity provider to request EC2 instances to run on. Service runs with networking in private subnets, but still accessible to the internet via a load balancer hosted in public subnets. Parameters: VpcId: Type: String Description: The VPC that the service is running inside of PublicSubnetIds: Type: 'List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id>' Description: List of public subnet ID's to put the load balancer in PrivateSubnetIds: Type: 'List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id>' Description: List of private subnet ID's that the AWS VPC tasks are in ClusterName: Type: String Description: The name of the ECS cluster into which to launch capacity. ECSTaskExecutionRole: Type: String Description: The role used to start up an ECS task CapacityProvider: Type: String Description: >- The cluster capacity provider that the service should use to request capacity when it wants to start up a task ServiceName: Type: String Default: web Description: A name for the service ImageUrl: Type: String Default: '' Description: >- The url of a docker image that contains the application process that will handle the traffic for this service ContainerCpu: Type: Number Default: 256 Description: How much CPU to give the container. 1024 is 1 CPU ContainerMemory: Type: Number Default: 512 Description: How much memory in megabytes to give the container ContainerPort: Type: Number Default: 80 Description: What port that the application expects traffic on DesiredCount: Type: Number Default: 2 Description: How many copies of the service task to run Resources: TaskDefinition: Type: 'AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition' Properties: Family: !Ref ServiceName Cpu: !Ref ContainerCpu Memory: !Ref ContainerMemory NetworkMode: awsvpc RequiresCompatibilities: - EC2 ExecutionRoleArn: !Ref ECSTaskExecutionRole ContainerDefinitions: - Name: !Ref ServiceName Cpu: !Ref ContainerCpu Memory: !Ref ContainerMemory Image: !Ref ImageUrl PortMappings: - ContainerPort: !Ref ContainerPort HostPort: !Ref ContainerPort LogConfiguration: LogDriver: awslogs Options: mode: non-blocking max-buffer-size: 25m awslogs-group: !Ref LogGroup awslogs-region: !Ref AWS::Region awslogs-stream-prefix: !Ref ServiceName Service: Type: AWS::ECS::Service DependsOn: PublicLoadBalancerListener Properties: ServiceName: !Ref ServiceName Cluster: !Ref ClusterName PlacementStrategies: - Field: 'attribute:ecs.availability-zone' Type: spread - Field: cpu Type: binpack CapacityProviderStrategy: - Base: 0 CapacityProvider: !Ref CapacityProvider Weight: 1 NetworkConfiguration: AwsvpcConfiguration: SecurityGroups: - !Ref ServiceSecurityGroup Subnets: !Ref PrivateSubnetIds DeploymentConfiguration: MaximumPercent: 200 MinimumHealthyPercent: 75 DesiredCount: !Ref DesiredCount TaskDefinition: !Ref TaskDefinition LoadBalancers: - ContainerName: !Ref ServiceName ContainerPort: !Ref ContainerPort TargetGroupArn: !Ref ServiceTargetGroup ServiceSecurityGroup: Type: 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup' Properties: GroupDescription: Security group for service VpcId: !Ref VpcId ServiceTargetGroup: Type: 'AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup' Properties: HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 6 HealthCheckPath: / HealthCheckProtocol: HTTP HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds: 5 HealthyThresholdCount: 2 TargetType: ip Port: !Ref ContainerPort Protocol: HTTP UnhealthyThresholdCount: 10 VpcId: !Ref VpcId TargetGroupAttributes: - Key: deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds Value: 0 PublicLoadBalancerSG: Type: 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup' Properties: GroupDescription: Access to the public facing load balancer VpcId: !Ref VpcId SecurityGroupIngress: - CidrIp: IpProtocol: -1 PublicLoadBalancer: Type: 'AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer' Properties: Scheme: internet-facing LoadBalancerAttributes: - Key: idle_timeout.timeout_seconds Value: '30' Subnets: !Ref PublicSubnetIds SecurityGroups: - !Ref PublicLoadBalancerSG PublicLoadBalancerListener: Type: 'AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener' Properties: DefaultActions: - Type: forward ForwardConfig: TargetGroups: - TargetGroupArn: !Ref ServiceTargetGroup Weight: 100 LoadBalancerArn: !Ref PublicLoadBalancer Port: 80 Protocol: HTTP ServiceIngressfromLoadBalancer: Type: 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress' Properties: Description: Ingress from the public ALB GroupId: !Ref ServiceSecurityGroup IpProtocol: -1 SourceSecurityGroupId: !Ref PublicLoadBalancerSG LogGroup: Type: 'AWS::Logs::LogGroup'

1 つのスタックに複数の Amazon ECS リソースを作成する

以下のサンプルテンプレートを使用して、1 つのスタックに複数の Amazon ECS リソースを作成できます。テンプレートは、CFNCluster という名前の Amazon ECS クラスターを作成します。クラスターには、Web サーバーをセットアップする Linux Fargate タスク定義が含まれています。このテンプレートは、タスク定義で定義されたタスクを起動して維持する、cfn-service という名前のサービスも作成します。このテンプレートを使用する前に、サービスの NetworkConfiguration のサブネット ID とセキュリティグループ ID がすべて同じ VPC に属していること、およびセキュリティグループに必要なルールがあることを確認してください。セキュリティグループのルールの詳細については、Amazon VPC ユーザーガイドの「セキュリティグループのルール」を参照してください。

{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Resources": { "ECSCluster": { "Type": "AWS::ECS::Cluster", "Properties": { "ClusterName": "CFNCluster" } }, "ECSTaskDefinition": { "Type": "AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition", "Properties": { "ContainerDefinitions": [ { "Command": [ "/bin/sh -c \"echo '<html> <head> <title>Amazon ECS Sample App</title> <style>body {margin-top: 40px; background-color: #333;} </style> </head><body> <div style=color:white;text-align:center> <h1>Amazon ECS Sample App</h1> <h2>Congratulations!</h2> <p>Your application is now running on a container in Amazon ECS.</p> </div></body></html>' > /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/index.html && httpd-foreground\"" ], "EntryPoint": [ "sh", "-c" ], "Essential": true, "Image": "httpd:2.4", "LogConfiguration": { "LogDriver": "awslogs", "Options": { "awslogs-group": "/ecs/fargate-task-definition", "awslogs-region": "us-east-1", "awslogs-stream-prefix": "ecs" } }, "Name": "sample-fargate-app", "PortMappings": [ { "ContainerPort": 80, "HostPort": 80, "Protocol": "tcp" } ] } ], "Cpu": 256, "ExecutionRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::aws_account_id::role/ecsTaskExecutionRole", "Family": "task-definition-cfn", "Memory": 512, "NetworkMode": "awsvpc", "RequiresCompatibilities": [ "FARGATE" ], "RuntimePlatform": { "OperatingSystemFamily": "LINUX" } } }, "ECSService": { "Type": "AWS::ECS::Service", "Properties": { "ServiceName": "cfn-service", "Cluster": { "Ref": "ECSCluster" }, "DesiredCount": 1, "LaunchType": "FARGATE", "NetworkConfiguration": { "AwsvpcConfiguration": { "AssignPublicIp": "ENABLED", "SecurityGroups": [ "sg-abcdef01234567890" ], "Subnets": [ "subnet-abcdef01234567890" ] } }, "TaskDefinition": { "Ref": "ECSTaskDefinition" } } } } }
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Resources: ECSCluster: Type: 'AWS::ECS::Cluster' Properties: ClusterName: CFNCluster ECSTaskDefinition: Type: 'AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition' Properties: ContainerDefinitions: - Command: - >- /bin/sh -c "echo '<html> <head> <title>Amazon ECS Sample App</title> <style>body {margin-top: 40px; background-color: #333;} </style> </head><body> <div style=color:white;text-align:center> <h1>Amazon ECS Sample App</h1> <h2>Congratulations!</h2> <p>Your application is now running on a container in Amazon ECS.</p> </div></body></html>' > /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/index.html && httpd-foreground" EntryPoint: - sh - '-c' Essential: true Image: 'httpd:2.4' LogConfiguration: LogDriver: awslogs Options: awslogs-group: /ecs/fargate-task-definition awslogs-region: us-east-1 awslogs-stream-prefix: ecs Name: sample-fargate-app PortMappings: - ContainerPort: 80 HostPort: 80 Protocol: tcp Cpu: 256 ExecutionRoleArn: 'arn:aws:iam::aws_account_id:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole' Family: task-definition-cfn Memory: 512 NetworkMode: awsvpc RequiresCompatibilities: - FARGATE RuntimePlatform: OperatingSystemFamily: LINUX ECSService: Type: 'AWS::ECS::Service' Properties: ServiceName: cfn-service Cluster: !Ref ECSCluster DesiredCount: 1 LaunchType: FARGATE NetworkConfiguration: AwsvpcConfiguration: AssignPublicIp: ENABLED SecurityGroups: - sg-abcdef01234567890 Subnets: - subnet-abcdef01234567890 TaskDefinition: !Ref ECSTaskDefinition

AWS CLI を使用してテンプレートからリソースを作成する

以下のコマンドを実行すると、ecs-template-body.json という名前のテンプレート本文ファイルを使用する、ecs-stack というスタックが作成されます。テンプレート本文ファイルが JSON または YAML 形式であることを確認します。ファイルの場所は、--template-body パラメータで指定されます。この場合、テンプレート本文ファイルは現在のディレクトリにあります。

aws cloudformation create-stack \ --stack-name ecs-stack \ --template-body file://ecs-template-body.json

リソースが正しく作成されていることを確認するには、Amazon ECS コンソールを確認するか、次のコマンドを使用します。

  • 次のコマンドを実行すると、すべてのタスク定義が一覧表示されます。

    aws ecs list-task-definitions
  • 次のコマンドを実行すると、すべてのクラスターが一覧表示されます。

    aws ecs list-clusters
  • 次のコマンドを実行すると、クラスター CFNCluster で定義されたすべてのサービスが一覧表示されます。CFNCluster を、サービスを作成するクラスター名に置換します。

    aws ecs list-services \ --cluster CFNCluster

AWS CloudFormation の詳細はこちら

AWS CloudFormation の詳細については、以下のリソースを参照してください。