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Configuring a ServiceNow plugin for Amazon Q Business

Configuring a ServiceNow plugin for Amazon Q Business - Amazon Q Business
このページはお客様の言語に翻訳されていません。 翻訳のリクエスト

ServiceNow provides a cloud-based service management system to create and manage organization-level workflows, such as IT services, ticketing systems, and support. ServiceNow uses incidents (tickets) to track issues. If you’re a ServiceNow user, you can create an Amazon Q Business plugin to allow your end users to create ServiceNow cases from within their web experience chat.

To create a ServiceNow plugin, you need configuration information from your ServiceNow instance to set up a connection between Amazon Q and ServiceNow and allow Amazon Q to perform actions in ServiceNow.

For more information on how to use plugins during your web experience chat, see Using plugins.


Before you configure your Amazon Q ServiceNow plugin, you must do the following:

  • As an admin, set up a new user in your ServiceNow instance with scoped permissions for performing actions in Amazon Q.

  • Note your ServiceNow username and ServiceNow password. You will need this basic authentication information for creating an AWS Secrets Manager secret during the plugin configuration process.

  • Note the base URL of your ServiceNow instance. For example:

Service access roles

To successfully connect Amazon Q to ServiceNow, you need to give Amazon Q the following permission to access your Secrets Manager secret to get your ServiceNow credentials. Amazon Q assumes this role to access your ServiceNow credentials.

The following is the service access IAM role required:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "secretsmanager:GetSecretValue" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:secretsmanager:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:secret:[[secret-id]]" ] } ] }

To allow Amazon Q to assume a role, use the following trust policy:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "QBusinessApplicationTrustPolicy", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "aws:SourceAccount": "{{source_account}}" }, "ArnLike": { "aws:SourceArn":"arn:aws:qbusiness:{{your-region}}:{{source_account}}:application/{{application_id}}" } } } ] }

If you use the console and choose to create a new IAM role, Amazon Q creates the role for you. If you use the console and choose to use an existing secret, or you use the API, make sure your IAM role contains these permissions.

Creating a plugin

To create a ServiceNow plugin for your web experience chat, you can use the AWS Management Console or the CreatePlugin API operation. The following tabs provide a procedure for creating a ServiceNow plugin using the console and code examples for the AWS CLI.


To create a ServiceNow plugin

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Q console at

  2. From the Amazon Q console, in Applications, select the name of your application from the list of applications.

  3. From the left navigation menu, choose Actions, and then choose Plugins.

  4. For Plugins, choose Add plugin.

  5. For Add plugins, choose ServiceNow.

  6. For ServiceNow, enter the following information:

    1. Name, for Plugin name – A name for your Amazon Q plugin. The name can include hyphens (-), but not spaces, and can have a maximum of 1,000 alphanumeric characters.

    2. Service access – Choose Create and add a new service role or Use an existing service role. Make sure tha your service role has the necessary permissions.

    3. URL – The base URL of your ServiceNow instance. For example:

    4. Authentication – Choose Create and add a new secret or Use an existing one. Your secret must contain the following information:

      1. Secret name – A name for your Secrets Manager secret.

      2. ServiceNow username – The username for your ServiceNow user.

      3. ServiceNow password – The password for your ServiceNow user.

  7. Tags – optional – An optional tag to track your plugin.

  8. Choose Save.


To create a ServiceNow plugin

aws qbusiness create-plugin \ --application-id application-id \ --display-name display-name \ --type SERVICE-NOW \ --server-url // \ --auth-configuration basicAuthConfiguration="{secretArn=<secret-arn>,roleArn=<role-arn>}"

To create a ServiceNow plugin

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Q console at

  2. From the Amazon Q console, in Applications, select the name of your application from the list of applications.

  3. From the left navigation menu, choose Actions, and then choose Plugins.

  4. For Plugins, choose Add plugin.

  5. For Add plugins, choose ServiceNow.

  6. For ServiceNow, enter the following information:

    1. Name, for Plugin name – A name for your Amazon Q plugin. The name can include hyphens (-), but not spaces, and can have a maximum of 1,000 alphanumeric characters.

    2. Service access – Choose Create and add a new service role or Use an existing service role. Make sure tha your service role has the necessary permissions.

    3. URL – The base URL of your ServiceNow instance. For example:

    4. Authentication – Choose Create and add a new secret or Use an existing one. Your secret must contain the following information:

      1. Secret name – A name for your Secrets Manager secret.

      2. ServiceNow username – The username for your ServiceNow user.

      3. ServiceNow password – The password for your ServiceNow user.

  7. Tags – optional – An optional tag to track your plugin.

  8. Choose Save.


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