Adding documents directly to an index with batch upload - Amazon Kendra

Adding documents directly to an index with batch upload

You can add documents directly to an index using the BatchPutDocument API. You can't add documents directly using the console. If you use the console, you connect to a data source to add documents to your index. Documents can be added from an S3 bucket or supplied as binary data. For a list of document types supported by Amazon Kendra see Types of documents.

Adding documents to an index using BatchPutDocument is an asynchronous operation. After you call the BatchPutDocument API, you use the BatchGetDocumentStatus API to monitor the progress of indexing your documents. When you call the BatchGetDocumentStatus API with a list of document IDs, it returns the status of the document. When the status of the document is INDEXED or FAILED, processing of the document is complete. When the status is FAILED, the BatchGetDocumentStatus API returns the reason that the document couldn't be indexed.

If you want to alter your content and document metadata fields or attributes during the document ingestion process, see Amazon Kendra Custom Document Enrichment. If you want to use a custom data source, each document you submit using the BatchPutDocument API requires a data source ID and execution ID as attributes or fields. For more information, see Required attributes for custom data sources.


Each document ID must be unique per index. You cannot create a data source to index your documents with their unique IDs and then use the BatchPutDocument API to index the same documents, or vice versa. You can delete a data source and then use the BatchPutDocument API to index the same documents, or vice versa. Using the BatchPutDocument and BatchDeleteDocument APIs in combination with an Amazon Kendra data source connector for the same set of documents could cause inconsistencies with your data. Instead, we recommend using the Amazon Kendra custom data source connector.

The following developer guide documents show how to add documents directly to an index.

Adding documents with the BatchPutDocument API

The following example adds a blob of text to an index by calling BatchPutDocument. You can use the BatchPutDocument API to add documents directly to your index. For a list of document types supported by Amazon Kendra see Types of documents.

For an example of creating an index using the AWS CLI and SDKs, see Creating an index. To set up the CLI and SDKs, see Setting up Amazon Kendra.


Files added to the index must be in a UTF-8 encoded byte stream.

In the following examples, UTF-8 encoded text is added to the index.


In the AWS Command Line Interface, use the following command. The command is formatted for Linux and macOS. If you are using Windows, replace the Unix line continuation character (\) with a caret (^).

aws kendra batch-put-document \ --index-id index-id \ --documents '{"Id":"doc-id-1", "Blob":" is an online retailer.", "ContentType":"PLAIN_TEXT", "Title":"Information about"}'
import boto3 kendra = boto3.client("kendra") # Provide the index ID index_id = "index-id" # Provide the title and text title = "Information about" text = " is an online retailer." document = { "Id": "1", "Blob": text, "ContentType": "PLAIN_TEXT", "Title": title } documents = [ document ] result = kendra.batch_put_document( IndexId = index_id, Documents = documents ) print(result)
package com.amazonaws.kendra; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class AddDocumentsViaAPIExample { public static void main(String[] args) { KendraClient kendra = KendraClient.builder().build(); String indexId = "yourIndexId"; Document testDoc = Document .builder() .title("The title of your document") .id("a_doc_id") .blob(SdkBytes.fromUtf8String("your text content")) .contentType(ContentType.PLAIN_TEXT) .build(); BatchPutDocumentRequest batchPutDocumentRequest = BatchPutDocumentRequest .builder() .indexId(indexId) .documents(testDoc) .build(); BatchPutDocumentResponse result = kendra.batchPutDocument(batchPutDocumentRequest); System.out.println(String.format("BatchPutDocument Result: %s", result)); } }

Adding documents from an S3 bucket

You can add documents directly to your index from an Amazon S3 bucket using the BatchPutDocument API. You can add up to 10 documents in the same call. When you use an S3 bucket, you must provide an IAM role with permission to access the bucket that contains your documents. You specify the role in the RoleArn parameter.

Using the BatchPutDocument API to add documents from an Amazon S3 bucket is a one-time operation. To keep an index synchronized with the contents of a bucket, create an Amazon S3 data source. For more information, see Amazon S3 data source.

For an example of creating an index using the AWS CLI and SDKs, see Creating an index. To set up the CLI and SDKs, see Setting up Amazon Kendra. For information on creating an S3 bucket, see Amazon Simple Storage Service documentation.

In the following example, two Microsoft Word documents are added to the index using the BatchPutDocument API.

import boto3 kendra = boto3.client("kendra") # Provide the index ID index_id = "index-id" # Provide the IAM role ARN required to index documents in an S3 bucket role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::${acccountID}:policy/${roleName}" doc1_s3_file_data = { "Bucket": "bucket-name", "Key": "document1.docx" } doc1_document = { "S3Path": doc1_s3_file_data, "Title": "Document 1 title", "Id": "doc_1" } doc2_s3_file_data = { "Bucket": "bucket-name", "Key": "document2.docx" } doc2_document = { "S3Path": doc2_s3_file_data, "Title": "Document 2 title", "Id": "doc_2" } documents = [ doc1_document, doc2_document ] result = kendra.batch_put_document( Documents = documents, IndexId = index_id, RoleArn = role_arn ) print(result)
package com.amazonaws.kendra; import; import; import; import; import; public class AddFilesFromS3Example { public static void main(String[] args) { KendraClient kendra = KendraClient.builder().build(); String indexId = "yourIndexId"; String roleArn = "yourIndexRoleArn"; Document pollyDoc = Document .builder() .s3Path( S3Path.builder() .bucket("an-aws-kendra-amzn-s3-demo-bucket") .key("What is Amazon Polly.docx") .build()) .title("What is Amazon Polly") .id("polly_doc_1") .build(); Document rekognitionDoc = Document .builder() .s3Path( S3Path.builder() .bucket("an-aws-kendra-amzn-s3-demo-bucket") .key("What is Amazon Rekognition.docx") .build()) .title("What is Amazon rekognition") .id("rekognition_doc_1") .build(); BatchPutDocumentRequest batchPutDocumentRequest = BatchPutDocumentRequest .builder() .indexId(indexId) .roleArn(roleArn) .documents(pollyDoc, rekognitionDoc) .build(); BatchPutDocumentResponse result = kendra.batchPutDocument(batchPutDocumentRequest); System.out.println(String.format("BatchPutDocument result: %s", result)); } }