Amazon GameLift server SDK 4.x for C#: Actions - Amazon GameLift

Amazon GameLift server SDK 4.x for C#: Actions

Use the Amazon GameLift C# server SDK reference to integrate your multiplayer game for hosting with Amazon GameLift. For guidance about the integration process, see Add Amazon GameLift to your game server.


This reference is for an earlier version of the Amazon GameLift server SDK. For the latest version, see Amazon GameLift server SDK 5.x for C# and Unity: Actions.

Amazon GameLift server SDK 4.x for C#: Data types


Notifies the Amazon GameLift service that a player with the specified player session ID has connected to the server process and needs validation. Amazon GameLift verifies that the player session ID is valid—that is, that the player ID has reserved a player slot in the game session. Once validated, Amazon GameLift changes the status of the player slot from RESERVED to ACTIVE.


GenericOutcome AcceptPlayerSession(String playerSessionId)



Unique ID issued by Amazon GameLift when a new player session is created. A player session ID is specified in a PlayerSession object, which is returned in response to a client call to the GameLift API actions StartGameSessionPlacement, CreateGameSession, DescribeGameSessionPlacement, or DescribePlayerSessions.

Type: String

Required: Yes

Return value

Returns a generic outcome consisting of success or failure with an error message.


This example illustrates a function for handling a connection request, including validating and rejecting invalid player session IDs.

void ReceiveConnectingPlayerSessionID (Connection connection, String playerSessionId){ var acceptPlayerSessionOutcome = GameLiftServerAPI.AcceptPlayerSession(playerSessionId); if(acceptPlayerSessionOutcome.Success) { connectionToSessionMap.emplace(connection, playerSessionId); connection.Accept(); } else { connection.Reject(acceptPlayerSessionOutcome.Error.ErrorMessage); } }


Notifies the Amazon GameLift service that the server process has activated a game session and is now ready to receive player connections. This action should be called as part of the onStartGameSession() callback function, after all game session initialization has been completed.


GenericOutcome ActivateGameSession()


This action has no parameters.

Return value

Returns a generic outcome consisting of success or failure with an error message.


This example shows ActivateGameSession() being called as part of the onStartGameSession() delegate function.

void OnStartGameSession(GameSession gameSession) { // game-specific tasks when starting a new game session, such as loading map // When ready to receive players var activateGameSessionOutcome = GameLiftServerAPI.ActivateGameSession(); }


Retrieves player session data, including settings, session metadata, and player data. Use this action to get information for a single player session, for all player sessions in a game session, or for all player sessions associated with a single player ID.


DescribePlayerSessionsOutcome DescribePlayerSessions(DescribePlayerSessionsRequest describePlayerSessionsRequest)



A DescribePlayerSessionsRequest object describing which player sessions to retrieve.

Required: Yes

Return value

If successful, returns a DescribePlayerSessionsOutcome object containing a set of player session objects that fit the request parameters. Player session objects have a structure identical to the AWS SDK Amazon GameLift API PlayerSession data type.


This example illustrates a request for all player sessions actively connected to a specified game session. By omitting NextToken and setting the Limit value to 10, Amazon GameLift will return the first 10 player sessions records matching the request.

// Set request parameters var describePlayerSessionsRequest = new Aws.GameLift.Server.Model.DescribePlayerSessionsRequest() { GameSessionId = GameLiftServerAPI.GetGameSessionId().Result, //gets the ID for the current game session Limit = 10, PlayerSessionStatusFilter = PlayerSessionStatusMapper.GetNameForPlayerSessionStatus(PlayerSessionStatus.ACTIVE) }; // Call DescribePlayerSessions Aws::GameLift::DescribePlayerSessionsOutcome playerSessionsOutcome = Aws::GameLift::Server::Model::DescribePlayerSessions(describePlayerSessionRequest);


Retrieves the ID of the game session currently being hosted by the server process, if the server process is active.

For idle process that are not yet activated with a game session, the call returns Success=True and GameSessionId="" (an empty string).


AwsStringOutcome GetGameSessionId()


This action has no parameters.

Return value

If successful, returns the game session ID as an AwsStringOutcome object. If not successful, returns an error message.


var getGameSessionIdOutcome = GameLiftServerAPI.GetGameSessionId();


Retrieves the file location of a pem-encoded TLS certificate that is associated with the fleet and its instances. AWS Certificate Manager generates this certificate when you create a new fleet with the certificate configuration set to GENERATED. Use this certificate to establish a secure connection with a game client and to encrypt client/server communication.


GetInstanceCertificateOutcome GetInstanceCertificate();


This action has no parameters.

Return value

If successful, returns a GetInstanceCertificateOutcome object containing the location of the fleet's TLS certificate file and certificate chain, which are stored on the instance. A root certificate file, extracted from the certificate chain, is also stored on the instance. If not successful, returns an error message.

For more information about the certificate and certificate chain data, see GetCertificate Response Elements in the AWS Certificate Manager API Reference.


var getInstanceCertificateOutcome = GameLiftServerAPI.GetInstanceCertificate();


Returns the current version number of the SDK built into the server process.


AwsStringOutcome GetSdkVersion()


This action has no parameters.

Return value

If successful, returns the current SDK version as an AwsStringOutcome object. The returned string includes the version number only (ex. "3.1.5"). If not successful, returns an error message.


var getSdkVersionOutcome = GameLiftServerAPI.GetSdkVersion();


Returns the time that a server process is scheduled to be shut down, if a termination time is available. A server process takes this action after receiving an onProcessTerminate() callback from the Amazon GameLift service. Amazon GameLift may call onProcessTerminate() for the following reasons: (1) for poor health (the server process has reported port health or has not responded to Amazon GameLift, (2) when terminating the instance during a scale-down event, or (3) when an instance is being terminated due to a spot-instance interruption.

If the process has received an onProcessTerminate() callback, the value returned is the estimated termination time. If the process has not received an onProcessTerminate() callback, an error message is returned. Learn more about shutting down a server process.


AwsDateTimeOutcome GetTerminationTime()


This action has no parameters.

Return value

If successful, returns the termination time as an AwsDateTimeOutcome object. The value is the termination time, expressed in elapsed ticks since 0001 00:00:00. For example, the date time value 2020-09-13 12:26:40 -000Z is equal to 637355968000000000 ticks. If no termination time is available, returns an error message.


var getTerminationTimeOutcome = GameLiftServerAPI.GetTerminationTime();


Initializes the Amazon GameLift SDK. This method should be called on launch, before any other Amazon GameLift-related initialization occurs.


InitSDKOutcome InitSDK()


This action has no parameters.

Return value

If successful, returns an InitSdkOutcome object indicating that the server process is ready to call ProcessReady().


var initSDKOutcome = GameLiftServerAPI.InitSDK();


Notifies the Amazon GameLift service that the server process is shutting down. This method should be called after all other cleanup tasks, including shutting down all active game sessions. This method should exit with an exit code of 0; a non-zero exit code results in an event message that the process did not exit cleanly.

Once the method exits with a code of 0, you can terminate the process with a successful exit code. You can also exit the process with an error code. If you exit with an error code, the fleet event will indicated the process terminated abnormally (SERVER_PROCESS_TERMINATED_UNHEALTHY).


GenericOutcome ProcessEnding()


This action has no parameters.

Return value

Returns a generic outcome consisting of success or failure with an error message.


var processEndingOutcome = GameLiftServerAPI.ProcessEnding(); if (processReadyOutcome.Success) Environment.Exit(0); // otherwise, exit with error code Environment.Exit(errorCode);


Notifies the Amazon GameLift service that the server process is ready to host game sessions. Call this method after successfully invoking InitSDK() and completing setup tasks that are required before the server process can host a game session. This method should be called only once per process.


GenericOutcome ProcessReady(ProcessParameters processParameters)



A ProcessParameters object communicating the following information about the server process:

  • Names of callback methods, implemented in the game server code, that the Amazon GameLift service invokes to communicate with the server process.

  • Port number that the server process is listening on.

  • Path to any game session-specific files that you want Amazon GameLift to capture and store.

Required: Yes

Return value

Returns a generic outcome consisting of success or failure with an error message.


This example illustrates both the ProcessReady() call and delegate function implementations.

// Set parameters and call ProcessReady var processParams = new ProcessParameters( this.OnGameSession, this.OnProcessTerminate, this.OnHealthCheck, this.OnGameSessionUpdate, port, new LogParameters(new List<string>() // Examples of log and error files written by the game server { "C:\\game\\logs", "C:\\game\\error" }) ); var processReadyOutcome = GameLiftServerAPI.ProcessReady(processParams); // Implement callback functions void OnGameSession(GameSession gameSession) { // game-specific tasks when starting a new game session, such as loading map // When ready to receive players var activateGameSessionOutcome = GameLiftServerAPI.ActivateGameSession(); } void OnProcessTerminate() { // game-specific tasks required to gracefully shut down a game session, // such as notifying players, preserving game state data, and other cleanup var ProcessEndingOutcome = GameLiftServerAPI.ProcessEnding(); } bool OnHealthCheck() { bool isHealthy; // complete health evaluation within 60 seconds and set health return isHealthy; }


Notifies the Amazon GameLift service that a player with the specified player session ID has disconnected from the server process. In response, Amazon GameLift changes the player slot to available, which allows it to be assigned to a new player.


GenericOutcome RemovePlayerSession(String playerSessionId)



Unique ID issued by Amazon GameLift when a new player session is created. A player session ID is specified in a PlayerSession object, which is returned in response to a client call to the GameLift API actions StartGameSessionPlacement, CreateGameSession, DescribeGameSessionPlacement, or DescribePlayerSessions.

Type: String

Required: Yes

Return value

Returns a generic outcome consisting of success or failure with an error message.


Aws::GameLift::GenericOutcome disconnectOutcome = Aws::GameLift::Server::RemovePlayerSession(playerSessionId);


Sends a request to find new players for open slots in a game session created with FlexMatch. See also the AWS SDK action StartMatchBackfill(). With this action, match backfill requests can be initiated by a game server process that is hosting the game session. Learn more about the FlexMatch backfill feature.

This action is asynchronous. If new players are successfully matched, the Amazon GameLift service delivers updated matchmaker data using the callback function OnUpdateGameSession().

A server process can have only one active match backfill request at a time. To send a new request, first call StopMatchBackfill() to cancel the original request.


StartMatchBackfillOutcome StartMatchBackfill (StartMatchBackfillRequest startBackfillRequest);



A StartMatchBackfillRequest object that communicates the following information:

  • A ticket ID to assign to the backfill request. This information is optional; if no ID is provided, Amazon GameLift will autogenerate one.

  • The matchmaker to send the request to. The full configuration ARN is required. This value can be acquired from the game session's matchmaker data.

  • The ID of the game session that is being backfilled.

  • Available matchmaking data for the game session's current players.

Required: Yes

Return value

Returns a StartMatchBackfillOutcome object with the match backfill ticket ID or failure with an error message.


// Build a backfill request var startBackfillRequest = new AWS.GameLift.Server.Model.StartMatchBackfillRequest() { TicketId = "a ticket ID", //optional MatchmakingConfigurationArn = "the matchmaker configuration ARN", GameSessionId = GameLiftServerAPI.GetGameSessionId().Result, // gets ID for current game session //get player data for all currently connected players MatchmakerData matchmakerData = MatchmakerData.FromJson(gameSession.MatchmakerData); // gets matchmaker data for current players // get matchmakerData.Players // remove data for players who are no longer connected Players = ListOfPlayersRemainingInTheGame }; // Send backfill request var startBackfillOutcome = GameLiftServerAPI.StartMatchBackfill(startBackfillRequest); // Implement callback function for backfill void OnUpdateGameSession(GameSession myGameSession) { // game-specific tasks to prepare for the newly matched players and update matchmaker data as needed }


Cancels an active match backfill request that was created with StartMatchBackfill(). See also the AWS SDK action StopMatchmaking(). Learn more about the FlexMatch backfill feature.


GenericOutcome StopMatchBackfill (StopMatchBackfillRequest stopBackfillRequest);



A StopMatchBackfillRequest object identifying the matchmaking ticket to cancel:

  • ticket ID assigned to the backfill request being canceled

  • matchmaker the backfill request was sent to

  • game session associated with the backfill request

Required: Yes

Return value

Returns a generic outcome consisting of success or failure with an error message.


// Set backfill stop request parameters var stopBackfillRequest = new AWS.GameLift.Server.Model.StopMatchBackfillRequest() { TicketId = "a ticket ID", //optional, if not provided one is autogenerated MatchmakingConfigurationArn = "the matchmaker configuration ARN", //from the game session matchmaker data GameSessionId = GameLiftServerAPI.GetGameSessionId().Result //gets the ID for the current game session }; var stopBackfillOutcome = GameLiftServerAPI.StopMatchBackfillRequest(stopBackfillRequest);


This method is deprecated with version 4.0.1. Instead, the server process should call ProcessEnding() after a game session has ended.

Notifies the Amazon GameLift service that the server process has ended the current game session. This action is called when the server process will remain active and ready to host a new game session. It should be called only after your game session termination procedure is complete, because it signals to Amazon GameLift that the server process is immediately available to host a new game session.

This action is not called if the server process will be shut down after the game session stops. Instead, call ProcessEnding() to signal that both the game session and the server process are ending.


GenericOutcome TerminateGameSession()


This action has no parameters.

Return value

Returns a generic outcome consisting of success or failure with an error message.


This example illustrates a server process at the end of a game session.

// game-specific tasks required to gracefully shut down a game session, // such as notifying players, preserving game state data, and other cleanup var terminateGameSessionOutcome = GameLiftServerAPI.TerminateGameSession(); var processReadyOutcome = GameLiftServerAPI.ProcessReady(processParams);


Updates the current game session's ability to accept new player sessions. A game session can be set to either accept or deny all new player sessions. (See also the UpdateGameSession() action in the Amazon GameLift Service API Reference).


GenericOutcome UpdatePlayerSessionCreationPolicy(PlayerSessionCreationPolicy playerSessionPolicy)



String value indicating whether the game session accepts new players.

Type: PlayerSessionCreationPolicy enum. Valid values include:

  • ACCEPT_ALL – Accept all new player sessions.

  • DENY_ALL – Deny all new player sessions.

Required: Yes

Return value

Returns a generic outcome consisting of success or failure with an error message.


This example sets the current game session's join policy to accept all players.

var updatePlayerSessionCreationPolicyOutcomex = GameLiftServerAPI.UpdatePlayerSessionCreationPolicy(PlayerSessionCreationPolicy.ACCEPT_ALL);