키의 주요 상태 AWS KMS - AWS Key Management Service

기계 번역으로 제공되는 번역입니다. 제공된 번역과 원본 영어의 내용이 상충하는 경우에는 영어 버전이 우선합니다.

키의 주요 상태 AWS KMS

An에는 AWS KMS key 항상 키 상태가 있습니다. KMS 키 및 해당 환경에 대한 작업은 일시적으로 또는 다른 작업이 해당 키 상태를 변경할 때까지 해당 키 상태를 변경할 수 있습니다.

이 섹션의 표는 키 상태가 AWS KMS API 작업 호출에 미치는 영향을 보여줍니다. 키 상태의 결과로 KMS 키에 대한 작업은 성공(), 실패(X) 또는 특정 조건에서만 성공(?)할 것으로 예상됩니다. 결과는 종종 가져온 키 구성 요소가 있는 KMS 키에 따라 다릅니다.

이 테이블에는 기존 KMS 키를 사용하는 API 작업만 포함됩니다. CreateKeyListKeys같은 기타 작업은 생략됩니다.

키 상태 및 KMS 키 유형

KMS 키의 유형에 따라 키가 가질 수 있는 상태가 결정됩니다.

  • 모든 KMS 키는 Enabled, Disabled, 및 PendingDeletion 상태일 수 있습니다.

  • 대부분의 KMS 키는 Enabled 상태에서 생성됩니다. 가져온 키 자료가 있는 키는 PendingImport 상태에서 생성됩니다.

  • PendingImport 상태는 가져온 키 구성 요소가 있는 KMS 키에만 적용됩니다.

  • Unavailable 상태는 사용자 지정 키 스토어의 KMS 키에만 적용됩니다. 키 스토어의 KMS 키는 사용자 지정 AWS CloudHSM 키 스토어가 클러스터에서 의도적으로 연결이 끊긴 Unavailable 경우입니다. AWS CloudHSM 외부 키 스토어외부 키 스토어 프록시에서 의도적으로 연결 해제된 경우 외부 키 스토어의 KMS 키는 Unavailable입니다. 사용할 수 없는 KMS 키를 확인 및 관리할 수 있지만, 암호화 작업에서 이들을 사용할 수 없습니다.

    사용자 지정 키 스토어에 있는 KMS 키의 키 상태는 백업 키가 변경되어도 영향을 받지 않습니다. 키 스토어의 KMS 키는 클러스터의 관련 AWS CloudHSM 키 구성 요소가 변경되어도 영향을 받지 않습니다. AWS CloudHSM 외부 키 스토어의 KMS 키는 외부 키 관리자의 외부 키가 변경되어도 영향을 받지 않습니다. 백업 키가 비활성화되거나 삭제된 경우 KMS 키 상태는 변경되지 않지만 KMS 키를 사용한 암호화 작업은 실패합니다.

  • Creating, UpdatingPendingReplicaDeletion 키 상태는 다중 리전 키에만 적용됩니다.

    • 다중 리전 복제 키는 생성되는 동안 일시적인 Creating 키 상태에 있습니다. ReplicateKey작업이 완료되더라도 이 프로세스는 아직 진행 중일 수 있습니다. 복제 프로세스가 완료되면 복제 키는Enabled 또 는PendingImport 상태입니다.

    • 다중 리전 키는 일시적인 Updating 키 상태를 유지하며 기본 리전을 업데이트할 수 있습니다. UpdatePrimaryRegion작업이 완료되어도 이 프로세스가 아직 진행 중일 수 있습니다. 업데이트 프로세스가 완료되면 기본 키와 복제본 키가 Enabled 키 상태를 재개합니다.

    • 복제 키가 있는 다중 리전 기본 키의 삭제를 예약하면 모든 복제 키가 삭제될 때까지 기본 키는 PendingReplicaDeletion 상태입니다. 그런 다음 키 상태가 PendingDeletion로 변경됩니다. 자세한 내용은 다중 리전 키 삭제 섹션을 참조하십시오.

키 상태 테이블

다음 표에서는 KMS 키의 키 상태가 AWS KMS 작업에 미치는 영향을 보여줍니다.

번호가 매겨진 각주에 대한 설명([n])은 이 주제의 끝 부분에 있습니다.


이 테이블의 모든 데이터를 보려면 가로 또는 세로로 스크롤해야 할 수도 있습니다.

API 활성화됨 Disabled(비활성)

삭제 보류 중

복제본 삭제 보류 중

가져오기 보류 중 Unavailable [생성 중] 업데이트 중
CancelKeyDeletion No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[4], [13]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


CreateAlias Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
CreateGrant Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] 또는 [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
Decrypt Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] 또는 [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
DeleteAlias Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
DeleteImportedKeyMaterial Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.

(효과 없음)

N/A No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


DescribeKey Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
DisableKey Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


DisableKeyRotation Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[1] 또는 [7]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[3] 또는 [7]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


EnableKey Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


EnableKeyRotation Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[1] 또는 [7]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[3] 또는 [7]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


암호화 Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] 또는 [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
GenerateDataKey Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] 또는 [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
GenerateDataKeyPair Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] 또는 [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
GenerateDataKeyPairWithoutPlaintext Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] 또는 [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] 또는 [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
GenerateMac Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] 또는 [3]

N/A N/A No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
GetKeyPolicy Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
GetKeyRotationStatus Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


GetParametersForImport Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[8] 또는 [9]

Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


GetPublicKey Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] 또는 [3]

N/A N/A No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
ImportKeyMaterial Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[8] 또는 [9]

Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
ListAliases Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
ListGrants Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
ListKeyPolicies Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
ListKeyRotations Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


ListResourceTags Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
PutKeyPolicy Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
ReEncrypt Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] 또는 [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
ReplicateKey Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] 또는 [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


N/A No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


RetireGrant Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
RevokeGrant Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
RotateKeyOnDemand Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[1] 또는 [7]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[3] 또는 [7]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


ScheduleKeyDeletion Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Sign Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] 또는 [3]

N/A N/A No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
TagResource Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
UntagResource Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
UpdateAlias Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
UpdateKeyDescription Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
UpdatePrimaryRegion Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] 또는 [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


N/A No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
확인 Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] 또는 [3]

N/A N/A No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
VerifyMac Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] 또는 [3]

N/A N/A No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.

테이블 세부 정보

  • [1] DisabledException: <key ARN> is disabled.

  • [2] DisabledException: <key ARN> is pending deletion (or pending replica deletion).

  • [3] KMSInvalidStateException: <key ARN> is pending deletion (or pending replica deletion).

  • [4] KMSInvalidStateException: <key ARN> is not pending deletion (or pending replica deletion).

  • [5] KMSInvalidStateException: <key ARN> is pending import.

  • [6] UnsupportedOperationException: <key ARN> origin is EXTERNAL which is not valid for this operation.

  • [7] KMS 키가 키 구성 요소를 가져왔고 사용자 지정 키 스토어에 있는 경우: UnsupportedOperationException.

  • [8] KMS 키에 가져온 키 구성 요소가 있는 경우: KMSInvalidStateException.

  • [9] KMS 키에 키 구성 요소를 가져올 수 없거나 가져오지 않은 경우: UnsupportedOperationException.

  • [10] 소스 KMS 키가 삭제 보류 중인 경우 명령이 성공합니다. 대상 KMS 키가 삭제 보류 중인 경우 명령은 오류와 함께 실패합니다. KMSInvalidStateException : <key ARN> is pending deletion.

  • [11] KMSInvalidStateException: <key ARN> is unavailable. 사용할 수 없는 KMS 키에서 이 작업을 수행할 수 없습니다.

  • [12] 작업이 성공하지만, KMS 키의 키 상태는 사용 가능한 상태가 될 때까지 변경되지 않습니다.

  • [13] 사용자 지정 키 스토어의 KMS 키에서 삭제가 보류 중인 동안 KMS 키가 사용 불가능한 상태더라도 키 상태는 PendingDeletion으로 유지됩니다. 따라서 대기 시간 동안 언제라도 KMS 키의 삭제를 취소할 수 있습니다.

  • [14] 에서 다중 지역 키 () 를 복제하는 동안 이 KMSInvalidStateException: <key ARN> is creating. AWS KMS 예외가 발생합니다. ReplicateKey

  • [15] 다중 지역 키 () 의 기본 지역을 업데이트하는 동안 이 KMSInvalidStateException: <key ARN> is updating. AWS KMS 예외가 발생합니다. UpdatePrimaryRegion