Using the descriptive bot builder - Amazon Lex

Using the descriptive bot builder


Before you can take advantage of the generative AI features, you must fulfill the following prerequisites

  1. Navigate to the Amazon Bedrock console and sign up for access to the Anthropic Claude model you intend to use (for more information, see Model access). For information about pricing for using Amazon Bedrock, see Amazon Bedrock pricing.

  2. Turn on the generative AI capabilities for your bot locale. To do so, follow the steps at Optimize bot creation and performance with generative AI.

The descriptive bot builder lets you take advantage of Amazon Bedrock's access to large language models to improve the efficiency of the bot creation process. You provide a prompt using natural language that includes the purpose of the bot and the actions that it should perform. Amazon Lex V2 harnesses Amazon Bedrock's capabilities to generate relevant intents and slot types for your bot based on your description. Once you choose the intents and slot types that you want to keep, you can then iterate upon the bot to modify it to your specific use-case. The descriptive bot builder saves you time by letting you avoid having to manually create intents and slot types for the bot.

The descriptive bot builder is available in the English locales (see the locales that begin with en_ in the table in Languages and locales supported by Amazon Lex V2).

Before you create your bot, do the following.

  1. Check that your role has the correct permissions by reviewing the steps at Permissions needed to create a bot with natural language description.

  2. Decide on the description to use. You can refer to Example bot descriptions for sample bot descriptions.

Create a bot by using natural language to describe what the bot should be able to do. Amazon Lex V2 invoke Amazon Bedrock models to generate intents and slot types that fit your bot's use case. You can create the bot with either the console or the API.


Create a bot using the descriptive bot builder

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Lex V2 console at

  2. In the Bots page, select Create bot.

  3. For the Creation method, choose Descriptive Bot Builder - GenAI.

  4. Give your bot a name and optional description, configure the IAM permissions, and choose whether your bot is subject to COPPA or not. Then select Next.

  5. Select a language to create the bot in, a voice for the bot, and a confidence threshold for intent classification (for more information, see Using intent confidence scores.

  6. Under Descriptive Bot Builder - GenAI, provide a description for the bot you want to create. Your description should be both detailed and precise to help generate appropriate and sufficient intents for your bot. Include a list of actions to improve the intent creation process.

  7. Select a model provider and model under Select model.

  8. To create the bot in another locale, choose Add another language. When you are finished adding languages, select Done. Amazon Lex V2 creates your bot and the descriptive bot builder generates intents and slots for it. When the locale has been generated, the banner turns from blue to green. Select Review to see the generated intents and slot types.


    The descriptive bot builder is currently only available in English locales. However, you can copy a bot to a non-English locale after creating it.

Review the generated intents and slot types and add them to your bot

  1. If there are enough intents and slot types that are applicable for your bot's use-case, you can review the generated intents.

    1. Review the Generated intents.

      1. Choose a checkbox next to an intent to remove it from the list of intents to add to the bot.

      2. Choose an intent name to view the Sample utterances and Slots generated for the intent.

      3. By default, all the utterances and slots are selected. Choose a checkbox to remove that item from the intent. Select Add to selection to keep the checked items in the intent.

    2. Review the Generated slot types.

      1. Choose a checkbox next to a slot type to remove it from the list of intents to add to the bot.

      2. You can add values to a slot type after you have added it to the bot

  2. When you're satisfied with your intents and slot types, select Add intents and slot types at the top of the page to add the intents and slot types to your bot.

  3. When the resources are finished being added, a green success banner appears. Go to Intents and Slot types to edit the generated ones and to add more values.

  4. If the Generated intents and Generated slot types are mostly inapplicable to the bot you want to create, carry out the following steps.

    1. Select New generation in the Descriptive bot builder details section.

    2. Rewrite the prompt and select Re-generate to generate new intents and slot types. The results differ if you use a different model.


      There is no guarantee that the same intents and slots will be generated. You are charged each time you regenerate the intents and slot types.


Create the bot using natural language description

When you use the descriptive bot builder through the API, it creates a bot definition in a .zip file in an Amazon S3 bucket. You download this file and import the bot definition into Amazon Lex V2 to create your bot.

  1. Send a CreateBot request to create a new bot. Then send a CreateBotLocale request to create a locale for the bot.

  2. Send a StartBotResourceGeneration request, specifying the ID, version, and locale of the bot. You can use DRAFT for the bot version. Provide your prompt in the generationInputPrompt field. Your description should be both detailed and precise to help generate appropriate and sufficient intents for your bot. Include a list of actions to improve the intent creation process.

  3. Take note of the generationId in the response.

  4. Send a DescribeBotResourceGeneration request using the generationId you received in the StartBotResourceGeneration response. Include the bot ID, version, and locale.

  5. If the generationStatus in the DescribeBotResourceGeneration response is Complete, the generatedBotLocaleUrl field will also be populated. Use this Amazon S3 URI to download the bot definition by following the steps at Downloading an object.

Check the generated bot definition and import it

  1. Use the Amazon S3 URI from the generationStatus in the DescribeBotResourceGeneration response to download the bot definition by following the steps at Downloading an object.

  2. You can directly modify the generated content for your bot's specific use-case by editing the file. You can also send another StartBotResourceGeneration request to regenerate intents and slots.


    There is no guarantee that the same intents and slots will be generated. You are charged each time you regenerate the intents and slot types.

  3. To import the bot definition, follow the steps at Importing.

  4. After importing, you can modify the generated intents and slots by using the UpdateIntent, UpdateSlot, and UpdateSlotType operations.

To list metadata about all the generated items for a bot locale, use the ListBotResourceGenerations operation. Use any of the returned generationId values in a DescribeBotResourcGeneration request to retrieve the Amazon S3 URI for a generated bot definition.