Monitor Lightsail bucket performance and usage - Amazon Lightsail

Monitor Lightsail bucket performance and usage

After you create a bucket in the Amazon Lightsail object storage service, you can view its metric graphs on the Metrics tab of the bucket's management page. Monitoring metrics is an important part of maintaining the availability, and performance of your bucket. Monitor and collect metric data from your bucket regularly so that you can upsize or downsize the storage space and network transfer quota of your bucket when you need to. For more information about metrics, see Resource metrics.

When monitoring your resources, you should establish a baseline for normal resource performance in your environment. Then you can configure alarms in the Lightsail console to notify you when your resources are performing outside of specified thresholds. For more information, see Notifications and Alarms.

Bucket metrics

The following bucket metrics are available:

  • Bucket size — The amount of data stored in a bucket. This value is calculated by summing the size of all objects in the bucket (both current and noncurrent objects), including the size of all parts for all incomplete multipart uploads to the bucket.

  • Number of objects — The total number of objects stored in a bucket. This value is calculated by counting all objects in the bucket (both current and noncurrent objects) and the total number of parts for all incomplete multipart uploads to the bucket.


Bucket metric data is not reported when your bucket is empty.

View bucket metrics in the Lightsail console

Complete the following procedure to view bucket metrics in the Lightsail console.

  1. Sign in to the Lightsail console.

  2. On the Lightsail home page, choose the Storage tab.

  3. Choose the name of the bucket for which you want to view metrics.

  4. Choose the Metrics tab on the bucket management page.

  5. Choose the metric that you want to view in the dropdown menu under the Metrics graphs heading.

    The graph displays a visual representation of the data points for the chosen metric.


    You can perform the following actions on the metrics graph:

    • Change the view of the graph to show data for 1 hour, 6 hours, 1 day, 1 week, and 2 weeks.

    • Pause your cursor on a data point to view detailed information about that data point.

    • Add an alarm for the chosen metric to be notified when the metric crosses a threshold you specify. For more information, see Alarms and Create bucket metric alarms.

Manage buckets and objects

These are the general steps to manage your Lightsail object storage bucket:

  1. Learn about objects and buckets in the Amazon Lightsail object storage service. For more information, see Object storage in Amazon Lightsail.

  2. Learn about the names that you can give your buckets in Amazon Lightsail. For more information, see Bucket naming rules in Amazon Lightsail.

  3. Get started with the Lightsail object storage service by creating a bucket. For more information, see Creating buckets in Amazon Lightsail.

  4. Learn about security best practices for buckets and the access permissions that you can configure for your bucket. You can make all objects in your bucket public or private, or you can choose to make individual objects public. You can also grant access to your bucket by creating access keys, attaching instances to your bucket, and granting access to other AWS accounts. For more information, see Security Best Practices for Amazon Lightsail object storage and Understanding bucket permissions in Amazon Lightsail.

    After learning about bucket access permissions, see the following guides to grant access to your bucket:

  5. Learn how to enable access logging for your bucket, and how to use access logs to audit the security of your bucket. For more information, see the following guides.

  6. Create an IAM policy that grants a user the ability to manage a bucket in Lightsail. For more information, see IAM policy to manage buckets in Amazon Lightsail.

  7. Learn about the way that objects in your bucket are labeled and identified. For more information, see Understanding object key names in Amazon Lightsail.

  8. Learn how to upload files and manage objects in your buckets. For more information, see the following guides.

  9. Enable object versioning to preserve, retrieve, and restore every version of every object stored in your bucket. For more information, see Enabling and suspending object versioning in a bucket in Amazon Lightsail.

  10. After enabling object versioning, you can restore previous versions of objects in your bucket. For more information, see Restoring previous versions of objects in a bucket in Amazon Lightsail.

  11. Monitor the utilization of your bucket. For more information, see Viewing metrics for your bucket in Amazon Lightsail.

  12. Configure an alarm for bucket metrics to be notified when the utilization of your bucket crosses a threshold. For more information, see Creating bucket metric alarms in Amazon Lightsail.

  13. Change the storage plan of your bucket if it's running low on storage and network transfer. For more information, see Changing the plan of your bucket in Amazon Lightsail.

  14. Learn how to connect your bucket to other resources. For more information, see the following tutorials.

  15. Delete your bucket if you're no longer using it. For more information, see Deleting buckets in Amazon Lightsail.