C++ API Reference (Version 1.10)

RTTI.h File Reference

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Header file for AZ RTTI, which is a lightweight, user-defined run-time type information (RTTI) system with which you can determine the type of an object during run time. More...




#define azdynamic_cast
Use azrtti_cast , which is the same, instead. More...
#define azrtti_cast
Casts a pointer from one polymorphic type to another. More...
#define azrtti_istypeof
Returns true if the input type is of the specified type or derived from the specified type. More...
#define azrtti_typeid
Returns the ID of the specified type. More...
#define AZ_RTTI (...)
Adds run-time type information to a class. More...

Detailed Description

Header file for AZ RTTI, which is a lightweight, user-defined run-time type information (RTTI) system with which you can determine the type of an object during run time.

This information enables you to cast a pointer from one polymorphic type to another. The functionality is similar to C++ RTTI . Like C++ RTTI, AZ_RTTI works for polymorphic types only. Unlike C++ RTTI, you assign AZ_RTTI to your classes manually to minimize the memory footprint.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define AZ_RTTI ( ... )

Adds run-time type information to a class.

AZ_RTTI uses a virtual function, so be sure to have a virtual destructor. AZ_RTTI includes the functionality of AZ_TYPE_INFO , so you don't need to declare TypeInfo if you use AZ_RTTI .

Usage: AZ_RTTI(ClassName,ClassUuid,(BaseClass1..N))

  • ClassName is the name of the class to add run-time type information to.
  • ClassUuid is a unique ID to assign to the class.
  • BaseClass1..N are 0 to N base classes with which to perform dynamic casts and queries about types.

A more complex use case is to use templates. In that case, you must group the parameters for the TypeInfo call. Example:

AZ_RTTI((ClassName,ClassUuid, Template1, ...),BaseClass1...)


#define azdynamic_cast

Use azrtti_cast , which is the same, instead.


#define azrtti_cast

Casts a pointer from one polymorphic type to another.

Only works for polymorphic types. The functionality is similar to C++ RTTI's dynamic_cast . azdynamic_cast is generally faster than dynamic_cast and offers a few extensions that are used by Lumberyard systems, such as serialization and scripting.

Usage: T azdynamic_cast<T,U>(U ptr)

  • T is the destination type.
  • U is the input type.
  • ptr is a pointer to the data to cast. Cannot be a void pointer.


#define azrtti_istypeof

Returns true if the input type is of the specified type or derived from the specified type.

This operation is safe to call for a type that does not support AZ RTTI. In that case, it returns true only if the input type fully matches the specified type.

Usage 1: bool azrtti_istypeof<T,U>(U data)

  • T is the type to check against.
  • U is the input type.
  • data is an instance of the input type.

Usage 2: azrtti_istypeof<U>(const Uuid& id, U data)

  • U is the input type.
  • data is an instance of the input type.
  • id is the ID of the type to check against. To set the ID of a type, use AZ_RTTI .


#define azrtti_typeid

Returns the ID of the specified type.

Usage 1: const Uuid& azrtti_typeid<U>()

  • U is the name of the type to get the ID for.
  • Uuid is the type ID. To set the ID of a type, use AZ_RTTI .

Usage 2: const Uuid& azrtti_typeid<U>(const U& data)

  • U is the name of the type to get the ID for.
  • Uuid is the type ID. To set the ID of a type, use AZ_RTTI .
  • data is an instance of the input type.