Create a CMAF Ingest output group - MediaLive

Create a CMAF Ingest output group

You create the output group and its outputs when you create or edit a MediaLive channel.

  1. On the Create channel or Edit channel page, in Output groups, choose Add.

  2. In the Add output group section, choose CMAF Ingest, and then choose Confirm. More sections appear:

    • CMAF Ingest destination – This section contains fields for the destination of the outputs. You should have obtained the URLs to enter when you planned the destinations for the CMAF Ingest output group. The URL looks like this:

      Leave the Credentials section empty. You don't need to enter credentials to authenticate with MediaPackage.

    • CMAF Ingest settings – This section contains fields for configuring how segments are delivered and for configuring how various features behave. See later in this section.

    • CMAF Ingest outputs – This section shows the single output that is added by default. You can add more outputs, and you can add video, audio, and captions encodes in each output. See later in this section.

Fields in CMAF Ingest settings section

Field Description
Name A name for the output group. This name is internal to MediaLive. It doesn't appear in the output. For example, Sports Curling.
SCTE35 Type To pass through SCTE 35 messages in the output group, choose SCTE_35_WITHOUT_SEGMENTATION.

The WITHOUT_SEGMENTATION wording indicates that each inserted SCTE 35 message will result in a new IDR in the video, but it won't result in a new segment. This handling is standard for CMAF Ingest

For more information about setting up for SCTE 35, see Processing SCTE 35 messages.

Segment Length, Segment Length Units

Enter the preferred duration of segments (in milliseconds or seconds). The segments will end on the next keyframe after the specified duration, so the actual segment duration might be longer. If the units are seconds, the duration might be a fraction of the seconds.

Send Delay Msec

Number of milliseconds to delay the output from pipeline 1, when the channel starts or unpauses. (This field applies only to standard channels. The value is ignored in a single-pipeline channel.)

Some packagers always ingest the first pipeline that they receive. You can therefore set a value here to ensure that pipeline 0 always arrives at the packager first.

Nielsen ID3 Behavior For information about this feature, see Converting Nielsen watermarks to ID3.

Fields for the video, audio, and captions streams (encodes)

  1. In CMAF Ingest outputs, choose Add output to add the appropriate number of outputs to the list of outputs.

  2. Choose the first Settings link to view the first output. Each output has two sections: Output settings and Stream settings.

  3. Complete Output settings:

    • Output name: Change the randomly generated name to a meaningful name. This name is internal to MediaLive; it doesn't appear in the output.

    • Name modifier: MediaLive assigns a sequential modifier to each output in the output group: _1, _2, and so on. Change the name if you want.

  4. Complete Stream settings. This section contains fields for the output encodes (the video, audio, and captions) to create in the output. For information about creating encodes, see the following sections: