Changing pipeline redundancy in an existing channel - MediaLive

Changing pipeline redundancy in an existing channel

To enable or disable pipeline redundancy on an existing MediaLive channel, you must update the channel class.

Changing the channel to a single-pipeline channel

You can change a standard channel to single-pipeline, to remove one of the pipelines in the channel and to remove pipeline redundancy.

To change the channel class, the channel must be idle (not running).

To change the channel class to a single-pipeline channel
  1. On the Channels page, choose the channel. (Don't choose the channel name.)

  2. On the menu, choose Actions, then choose Other channel actions, then choose Update channel class to SINGLE_PIPELINE.

  3. In the dialog box, choose Confirm. MediaLive performs the following actions:

    • It removes the second pipeline (pipeline 1) in the channel.

    • It removes the second destination address in each output group.

    • It doesn't remove the second endpoint on the inputs. The inputs aren't changed in any way. Instead, when you restart the channel, MediaLive simply ignores the second endpoint.

    While MediaLive is performing these actions, the channel has a status of UPDATING. When the update is completed, the status changes to IDLE.

  4. You might want to notify the upstream system for each push input that it no longer needs to push input to the second endpoint. You also might want to notify the downstream system for each output group that it should no longer expect output at its second destination.

Changing the channel class to standard – option A

You can change a single-pipeline channel to a standard channel. Follow this procedure if you originally set up the single-pipeline channel with standard-class inputs and upgrade potential.

Perform these steps:

  1. Arrange with your upstream systems to start sending two instances of the source content.

  2. Stop the channel.

  3. Change the channel class to standard class. See the steps after this list.

    You have now upgraded the channel from a single-pipeline channel with standard-class inputs to a standard channel with standard-class inputs.

  4. Restart the channel.

To change the channel class
  1. Obtain a second destination address for each output group. Each address is at the downstream system of each output group.

    For example, if the channel has an HLS output group (with an HTTPS server as its downstream system) and an Archive output group (with an Amazon S3 bucket as its downstream system), you must enter the URL to a new destination address at the HTTPS server, and the URL to a new folder in the Amazon S3 bucket.

    Plan these destinations now, in the same way as you planned the destination addresses when you originally set up the channel. For more information, see Setup: Creating output groups and outputs, and read the information about coordinating for the type of output group that you are creating.

  2. On the Channels page, choose the channel. (Don't choose the channel name.)

  3. On the menu, choose Actions, Other channel actions, Update channel class to STANDARD.

  4. In the dialog box, choose Confirm.

  5. On the Update channel class to Standard page, enter the destination addresses that you identified in step 1. There is one field for each output group in the channel.

  6. Choose Submit. MediaLive updates the channel and creates a new pipeline called pipeline 1. The source for this pipeline is the previously dormant URL. When you start the channel, MediaLive ingests content from that URL, produces output, and sends the output to the new destinations in every output group.

Changing the class—option B

When you originally created the channel, might have been sure that you wouldn't need to convert the channel, to a standard channel. Therefore, you set up the channel as a single-pipeline channel with single-class inputs.

You might now decide that you do need to change the channel to a standard channel. You can do so, but notice that the procedure involves detaching, upgrading, and edit the inputs, as well as upgrading the channel.

Perform these steps:

  1. Arrange with your upstream systems to start sending two instances of the source content.

  2. Stop the channel.

  3. Detach each single-class input. To detach the inputs, you must edit the channel and remove the attached inputs.

  4. Edit each input to convert it to standard class, and to add a second source.

  5. Edit the channel to change the channel class to standard class. See the steps after this list.

  6. Edit the channel to reattach each input.

    You have now upgraded the channel from a single-pipeline channel with single-class inputs to a standard channel with standard-class inputs.

  7. Restart the channel.

To change the channel class
  1. Obtain a second destination address for each output group. Each address is at the downstream systems of each output group.

    For example, if the channel has an HLS output group (with an HTTPS server as its downstream system) and an Archive output group (with an Amazon S3 bucket as its downstream system), you must enter the URL to a new destination address at the HTTPS server, and the URL to a new folder in the Amazon S3 bucket.

    Plan these destinations now, in the same way as you planned the destination addresses when you originally set up the channel. You might need to contact the owner of each downstream system.

  2. Edit the URLs in every single-class input to include a second URL, for the second source that will provide content to the newly added pipeline.

    • For a push input, edit the input to include an address for the second input source. Give that address to the owner of the upstream system, so that they can push source content to that address. You should also find out from the upstream system the address that the new source will be pushed from. Make sure that this address is covered by the input security group for the channel.

    • For a pull input, obtain a new address from the owner of the downstream system. Edit the input to include that address. After the second pipeline is created, MediaLive will be able to pull the second source content (for the second pipeline).

  3. On the Channels page, choose the channel. (Don't choose the channel name.)

  4. On the menu, choose Actions, Other channel actions, Update channel class to STANDARD.

  5. In the dialog box, choose Confirm.

  6. On the Update channel class to STANDARD page, enter the destination addresses that you identified in step 1. There is one field for each output group in the channel.

  7. Choose Submit. MediaLive updates the channel and creates a new pipeline called pipeline 1. When you start the channel, MediaLive sends the output from this pipeline to the new destinations in every output group.