Using the HTTPS REST endpoint to connect to a Neptune DB instance - Amazon Neptune

Using the HTTPS REST endpoint to connect to a Neptune DB instance

Amazon Neptune provides an HTTPS endpoint for Gremlin queries. The REST interface is compatible with whatever Gremlin version your DB cluster is using (see the engine release page of the Neptune engine version you are running to determine which Gremlin release it supports).


As discussed in Encrypting connections to your Amazon Neptune database with SSL/HTTPS, Neptune now requires that you connect using HTTPS instead of HTTP.

The following instructions walk you through connecting to the Gremlin endpoint using the curl command and HTTPS. You must follow these instructions from an Amazon EC2 instance in the same virtual private cloud (VPC) as your Neptune DB instance.

The HTTPS endpoint for Gremlin queries to a Neptune DB instance is https://your-neptune-endpoint:port/gremlin.


For information about finding the hostname of your Neptune DB instance, see Connecting to Amazon Neptune Endpoints.

To connect to Neptune using the HTTP REST endpoint

The following example uses curl to submit a Gremlin query through HTTP POST. The query is submitted in JSON format in the body of the post as the gremlin property.

curl -X POST -d '{"gremlin":"g.V().limit(1)"}' https://your-neptune-endpoint:port/gremlin

This example returns the first vertex in the graph by using the g.V().limit(1) traversal. You can query for something else by replacing it with another Gremlin traversal.


By default, the REST endpoint returns all results in a single JSON result set. If this result set is too large, an OutOfMemoryError exception can occur on the Neptune DB instance.

You can avoid this by enabling chunked responses (results returned in a series of separate responses). See Use optional HTTP trailing headers to enable multi-part Gremlin responses.

Although HTTP POST requests are recommended for sending Gremlin queries, it is also possible to use HTTP GET requests:

curl -G "https://your-neptune-endpoint:port?gremlin=g.V().count()"

Neptune does not support the bindings property.