This section walks you through the running of a complete Java sample that connects to an Amazon Neptune DB instance and performs a SPARQL query.
Follow these instructions from an Amazon EC2 instance in the same virtual private cloud (VPC) as your Neptune DB instance.
To connect to Neptune using Java
Install Apache Maven on your EC2 instance. First, enter the following to add a repository with a Maven package:
sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/epel-apache-maven.repo
Enter the following to set the version number for the packages:
sudo sed -i s/\$releasever/6/g /etc/yum.repos.d/epel-apache-maven.repo
Then you can use yum to install Maven:
sudo yum install -y apache-maven
This example was tested with Java 8 only. Enter the following to install Java 8 on your EC2 instance:
sudo yum install java-1.8.0-devel
Enter the following to set Java 8 as the default runtime on your EC2 instance:
sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --config java
When prompted, enter the number for Java 8.
Enter the following to set Java 8 as the default compiler on your EC2 instance:
sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --config javac
When prompted, enter the number for Java 8.
In a new directory, create a
file, and then open it in a text editor. -
Copy the following into the
file and save it (you can usually adjust the version numbers to the latest stable version):<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId>com.amazonaws</groupId> <artifactId>RDFExample</artifactId> <packaging>jar</packaging> <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version> <name>RDFExample</name> <url></url> <dependencies>
<dependency> <groupId>org.eclipse.rdf4j</groupId> <artifactId>rdf4j-runtime</artifactId> <version>3.6</version> </dependency>
</dependencies> <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>exec-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.2.1</version> <configuration> <mainClass>com.amazonaws.App</mainClass> </configuration> </plugin> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <source>1.8</source> <target>1.8</target> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> </build> </project>Note
If you are modifying an existing Maven project, the required dependency is highlighted in the preceding code.
To create subdirectories for the example source code (
), enter the following at the command line:mkdir -p
In the
directory, create a file
, and then open it in a text editor. -
Copy the following into the
file. Replaceyour-neptune-endpoint
with the address of your Neptune DB instance.Note
For information about finding the hostname of your Neptune DB instance, see the Connecting to Amazon Neptune Endpoints section.
package com.amazonaws; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.repository.Repository; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.repository.http.HTTPRepository; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.repository.sparql.SPARQLRepository; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.RDF4JException; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.repository.RepositoryConnection; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.TupleQuery; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.TupleQueryResult; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.BindingSet; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.QueryLanguage; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Value; public class App { public static void main( String[] args ) { String sparqlEndpoint = "https://
/sparql"; Repository repo = new SPARQLRepository(sparqlEndpoint); repo.initialize(); try (RepositoryConnection conn = repo.getConnection()) { String queryString = "SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } limit 10"; TupleQuery tupleQuery = conn.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryString); try (TupleQueryResult result = tupleQuery.evaluate()) { while (result.hasNext()) { // iterate over the result BindingSet bindingSet =; Value s = bindingSet.getValue("s"); Value p = bindingSet.getValue("p"); Value o = bindingSet.getValue("o"); System.out.print(s); System.out.print("\t"); System.out.print(p); System.out.print("\t"); System.out.println(o); } } } } } -
Use the following Maven command to compile and run the sample:
mvn compile exec:java
The preceding example returns up to 10 of the triples (subject-predicate-object) in the
graph by using the ?s ?p ?o
query with a limit of 10. To query for something
else, replace the query with another SPARQL query.
The iteration of the results in the example prints the value of each variable returned.
The Value
object is converted to a String
and then printed. If you
change the SELECT
part of the query, you must modify the code.