Neptune Lab Mode
You can use Amazon Neptune lab mode to enable new features that are in the current Neptune engine release, but that aren't yet ready for production use and aren't enabled by default. This lets you try out these features in your development and test environments.
This feature is available starting with Release (2019-10-15).
Using Neptune Lab Mode
Use the neptune_lab_mode
DB cluster parameter to enable or disable features.
You do this by including
or (feature name)
in the value of the
(feature name)
parameter in the DB Cluster Parameter group.
For example, in this engine release you might set the neptune_lab_mode
parameter to Streams=disabled, ReadWriteConflictDetection=enabled
For information about how to edit the DB cluster parameter group for your database,
see Editing a Parameter Group.
Note that you cannot edit the default DB cluster parameter group; if you are using the default
group, you must create a new DB cluster parameter group before you can set the
When you make a change to a static DB cluster parameter such as neptune_lab_mode
you must re-start the primary (writer) instance of the cluster for the change to take effect.
Before Release: (2022-07-21),
all the read-replicas in a DB cluster would then automatically be rebooted when the primary
instance restarted.
Beginning with Release: (2022-07-21), restarting the primary instance does not cause any of the replicas to restart. This means that you must restart each instance separately to pick up a DB cluster parameter change (see Parameter groups).
At present, if you supply the wrong lab-mode parameters or your request fails for another reason, you may not be notified of the failure. You should always verify that a lab-mode change request has succeeded by calling the status API as shown below:
curl -G https://
The status results include lab-mode information which will show whether or not the changes you requested were made:
{ "status":"healthy", "startTime":"Wed Dec 29 02:29:24 UTC 2021", "dbEngineVersion":"development", "role":"writer", "dfeQueryEngine":"viaQueryHint", "gremlin":{"version":"tinkerpop-3.5.2"}, "sparql":{"version":"sparql-1.1"}, "opencypher":{"version":"Neptune-9.0.20190305-1.0"}, "labMode":{ "ObjectIndex":"disabled", "ReadWriteConflictDetection":"enabled" }, "features":{ "LookupCache":{"status":"Available"}, "ResultCache":{"status":"disabled"}, "IAMAuthentication":"disabled", "Streams":"disabled", "AuditLog":"disabled" }, "settings":{"clusterQueryTimeoutInMs":"120000"} }
The following features are currently accessed using lab mode:
The OSGP index
Neptune can now maintain a fourth index, namely the OSGP index, which is useful for data sets having a large number of predicates (see Enabling an OSGP Index).
This feature is available starting in Neptune engine release
You can enable an OSGP index in a new, empty Neptune DB cluster by setting
in the neptune_lab_mode
DB cluster
parameter. An OSGP index can only be enabled in
a new, empty DB cluster.
By default, the OSGP index is disabled.
After setting the neptune_lab_mode
DB cluster parameter so as
to enable the OSGP index, you must restart the writer instance of the cluster for the
change to take effect.
If you disable an enabled OSGP index by setting ObjectIndex=disabled
and then later re-enable it after adding more data, the index will not build correctly.
On-demand rebuilding of the index is not supported, so you should only enable the OSGP
index when the database is empty.
Formalized Transaction Semantics
Neptune has updated the formal semantics for concurrent transactions (see Transaction Semantics in Neptune).
Use ReadWriteConflictDetection
as the name in the neptune_lab_mode
parameter that enables or disables formalized transaction semantics.
By default, formalized transaction semantics are already enabled. If you want
to revert to the earlier behavior, include ReadWriteConflictDetection=disabled
in the value set for the DB Cluster neptune_lab_mode
Extended datetime support
Neptune has extended support for the datetime functionality. To enable datetime with extended formats, include
in the value set for the DB Cluster neptune_lab_mode