Additional configuration for Neptune Serverless DB clusters and instances - Amazon Neptune

Additional configuration for Neptune Serverless DB clusters and instances

In addition to setting minimum and maximum capacity for your Neptune Serverless DB cluster, there are a few other configuration choices to consider.

Combining serverless and provisioned instances in a DB cluster

A DB cluster doesn't have to be serverless only— you can create a combination of serverless and provisioned instances (a mixed configuration).

For example, suppose that you need more write capacity than is available in a serverless instance. In that case, you can set up the cluster with a very large provisioned writer and still use serverless instances for the readers.

Or, suppose that the write workload on your cluster varies but the read workload is steady. In that case, you could set up your cluster with a serverless writer and one or more provisioned readers.

See Using Amazon Neptune Serverless for information about how to create a mixed-configuration DB cluster.

Setting the promotion tiers for Neptune Serverless instances

For clusters containing multiple serverless instances, or a mixture of provisioned and serverless instances, pay attention to the promotion tier setting for each serverless instance. This setting controls more behavior for serverless instances than for provisioned DB instances.

In the AWS Management Console, you specify this setting using the Failover priority under Additional configuration on the Create database, Modify instance, and Add reader pages. You see this property for existing instances in the optional Priority tier column on the Databases page. You can also see this property on the details page for a DB cluster or instance.

For provisioned instances, the choice of tier 0–15 determines only the order in which Neptune chooses which reader instance to promote to the writer during a failover operation. For Neptune Serverless reader instances, the tier number also determines whether the instance scales up to match the capacity of the writer instance or scales independently of it based only on its own workload.

Neptune Serverless reader instances in tier 0 or 1 are kept at a minimum capacity at least as high as the writer instance so that they are ready to take over from the writer in case of failover. If the writer is a provisioned instance, Neptune estimates the equivalent serverless capacity and uses that estimate as the minimum capacity for the serverless reader instance.

Neptune Serverless reader instances in tiers 2–15 don't have the same constraint on their minimum capacity, and scale independently of the writer. When they are idle, they scale down to the minimum NCU value specified in the cluster's capacity range. This can cause problems, however, if the read workload spikes rapidly.

Keeping reader capacity aligned to writer capacity

One important thing to keep in mind is that you want to make sure your reader instances can keep up with your writer instance, to prevent excessive replication lag. This is particularly a concern in two situations, where serverless reader instances do not automatically scale in sync with the writer instance:

  • When your writer is provisioned, and your readers are serverless.

  • When your writer is serverless, and your serverless readers are in promotion tiers 2-15.

In both of those cases, set the minimum serverless capacity to match that of the expected writer capacity, to ensure that reader operations don't time out and potentially cause restarts. In the case of a provisioned writer instance, set the minimum capacity to match that of the provisioned instance. In the case of a serverless writer, the optimal setting may be harder to predict.

Because the instance capacity range is set at the cluster level, all serverless instances are controlled by the same minimum and maximum capacity settings. Reader instances in tiers 0 and 1 scale in sync with the writer instance, but instances in promotion tiers 2-15 scale independently of each other and of the writer instance, depending on their workload. If you set the minimum capacity too low, idle instances in tiers 2 to 15 can scale down too low to scale back up fast enough to handle a sudden burst in writer activity.

Avoid setting the timeout value too high

It is possible to incur unexpected costs if you set the query timeout value too high on a serverless instance.

Without a reasonable timeout setting, you may inadvertently issue a query that requires a powerful, expensive instance type and that keeps running for a very long time, incurring costs you never anticipated. You can avoid that situation by using a query timeout value which accomodates most of your queries and only causes unexpectedly long-running ones to time out.

This is true both for general query timeout values set using parameters and for per-query timeout values set using query hints.

Optimizing your Neptune Serverless configuration

If your Neptune Serverless DB cluster is not tuned to the workload it is running, you may notice that it doesn't run optimally. You can adjust the minimum and/or maximum capacity setting so that it can scale without encountering memory problems.

  • Increase the minimum capacity setting for the cluster. This can correct the situation where an idle instance scales back to a capacity that has less memory than your application and enabled features need.

  • Increase the maximum capacity setting for the cluster. This can correct the situation where a busy database can't scale up to a capacity with enough memory to handle the workload and any memory-intensive features that are enabled.

  • Change the workload on the instance in question. For example, you can add reader instances to the cluster to spread the read load across more instances.

  • Tune your application's queries so that they use fewer resources.

  • Try using a provisioned instance that is larger than the maximum NCUs available within Neptune Serverless, to see if it is a better fit for the memory and CPU requirements of the workload.