Troubleshooting Neptune full-text search - Amazon Neptune

Troubleshooting Neptune full-text search


If you have enabled fine-grained access control on your OpenSearch cluster, you need to enable IAM authentication in your Neptune database as well.

To diagnose issues with replication from Neptune to OpenSearch, consult the CloudWatch Logs for your poller Lambda function. These logs provide details about the number of records read from the stream and the number of records replicated successfully to OpenSearch.

You can also change the LOGGING level for your Lambda function by changing the LoggingLevelenvironment variable.


With LoggingLevel set to DEBUG, you can view additional details, such as dropped stream records and the reason why each was dropped, while replicating data by StreamPoller from Neptune to OpenSearch. This can be useful if you find you are missing records.

The Neptune streams consumer application publishes two metrics on CloudWatch that can also help you diagnose problems:

  • StreamRecordsProcessed – The number of records processed by the application per unit of time. Helpful in tracking the application run rate.

  • StreamLagTime – The time difference in milliseconds between the current time and the commit time of a stream record being processed. This metric shows how much the consumer application is lagging behind.

In addition, all the metrics related to the replication process are exposed in a dashboard in CloudWatch under the same name same as the ApplicationName provided when you instantiated the application using the CloudWatch template.

You can also choose to create a CloudWatch alarm that is triggered whenever polling fails more than twice in a row. Do this by setting the CreateCloudWatchAlarm field to true when you instantiate the application. Then specify the email addresses that you want to be notified when the alarm is triggered.

Troubleshooting a process that fails while reading records from the stream

If a process fails while reading records from the stream, make sure that you have the following:

  • The stream is enabled on your cluster.

  • The Neptune stream endpoint is in the correct format:

    • For Gremlin or openCypher: https://your cluster endpoint:your cluster port/propertygraph/stream or its alias, https://your cluster endpoint:your cluster port/pg/stream

    • For SPARQL: https://your cluster endpoint:your cluster port/sparql/stream

  • The DynamoDB endpoint is configured for your VPC.

  • The monitoring endpoint is configured for your VPC subnets.

Troubleshooting a process that fails while writing data to OpenSearch

If a process fails while writing records to OpenSearch, make sure that you have the following:

  • Your Elasticsearch version is 7.1 or higher, or Opensearch 2.3 and above.

  • OpenSearch can be accessed from the poller Lambda function in your VPC.

  • The security policy attached to OpenSearch allows inbound HTTP/HTTPS requests.

Fixing out-of-sync issues between Neptune and OpenSearch on an existing replication setup

You can use the steps below to get a Neptune database and OpenSearch domain back in sync with the latest data in case of out-of-sync issues between them resulting from an ExpiredStreamException or data corruption.

Note that this approach deletes all the data in the OpenSearch domain and re-syncs it from the current state of the Neptune database, so no data needs to be reloaded in the Neptune database.

  1. Disable the replication process as described in Disabling (pausing) the stream poller process.

  2. Delete the Neptune index on the OpenSearch domain using the following command:

    curl -X DELETE "(your OpenSearch endpoint)/amazon_neptune"
  3. Create a clone of the database (see Database Cloning in Neptune).

  4. Get the latest eventID for the streams on the cloned database by executing a command of this kind against the Streams API endpoint (see Calling the Neptune Streams REST API for more information):

    curl "https://(your neptune endpoint):(port)/(propertygraph or sparql)/stream?iteratorType=LATEST"

    Make a note of the values in the commitNum and opNum fields in the lastEventId object in the response.

  5. Use the export-neptune-to-elasticsearch tool on github to perform a one-time synchronization from the cloned database to the OpenSearch domain.

  6. Go to the DynamoDB table for the replication stack. The name of the table will be the Application Name you specified in the AWS CloudFormation template (the default is NeptuneStream) with a -LeaseTable suffix. In other words, the default table name is NeptuneStream-LeaseTable.

    You can explore table rows by scanning because there should only be one row in the table. Make the following changes using the commitNum and opNum values you recorded above:

    • Change the value for the checkpoint field in the table to the value you noted for commitNum.

    • Change the value for checkpointSubSequenceNumber field in the table to the value you noted for opNum.

  7. Re-enable the replication process as described in Re-enabling the stream poller process.

  8. Delete the cloned database and the AWS CloudFormation stack created for the export-neptune-to-elasticsearch tool.