Claims an available phone number to your Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group. You can call this API only in the same Amazon Web Services Region where the Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group was created.
For more information about how to use this operation, see
Claim a phone number in your country and
Claim phone numbers to traffic distribution groups in the
Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
You can call the SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers API for available phone numbers that you can claim. Call the DescribePhoneNumber API to verify the status of a previous ClaimPhoneNumber operation. If you plan to claim and release numbers frequently, contact us for a service quota exception. Otherwise, it is possible you will be blocked from claiming and releasing any more numbers until up to 180 days past the oldest number released has expired.
By default you can claim and release up to 200% of your maximum number of active phone numbers. If you claim and release phone numbers using the UI or API during a rolling 180 day cycle that exceeds 200% of your phone number service level quota, you will be blocked from claiming any more numbers until 180 days past the oldest number released has expired.
For example, if you already have 99 claimed numbers and a service level quota of 99 phone numbers, and in any 180 day period you release 99, claim 99, and then release 99, you will have exceeded the 200% limit. At that point you are blocked from claiming any more numbers until you open an Amazon Web Services support ticket.