In this section, you can find a list of functions available in Amazon QuickSight. To view a list of functions sorted by category, with brief definitions, see Functions by category.
- addDateTime
- addWorkDays
- Abs
- Ceil
- Coalesce
- Concat
- contains
- decimalToInt
- dateDiff
- endsWith
- epochDate
- Exp
- Extract
- Floor
- formatDate
- Ifelse
- in
- intToDecimal
- isNotNull
- isNull
- isWorkDay
- Left
- Locate
- Log
- Ln
- Ltrim
- Mod
- netWorkDays
- Now
- notIn
- nullIf
- parseDate
- parseDecimal
- parseInt
- parseJson
- Replace
- Right
- Round
- Rtrim
- Split
- Sqrt
- startsWith
- Strlen
- Substring
- switch
- toLower
- toString
- toUpper
- trim
- truncDate