AWS SDKs and Tools Reference Guide - AWS SDKs and Tools

AWS SDKs and Tools Reference Guide

Many SDKs and tools share some common functionality, either through shared design specifications or through a shared library.

This guide includes information regarding:

  • Configuration – How to use the shared config and credentials files or environment variables to configure your AWS SDKs and tools.

  • Authentication and access – Establish how your code or tool authenticates with AWS when you develop with AWS services.

  • Settings reference – Reference for all standardized settings available for authentication and configuration.

  • AWS Common Runtime (CRT) libraries – Overview of the shared AWS Common Runtime (CRT) libraries that are available to almost all SDKs.

  • AWS SDKs and Tools maintenance policy covers the maintenance policy and versioning for AWS Software Development Kits (SDKs) and tools, including Mobile and Internet of Things (IoT) SDKs, and their underlying dependencies.

This AWS SDKs and Tools Reference Guide is intended to be a base of information that is applicable to multiple SDKs and tools. The specific guide for the SDK or tool that you are using should be used in addition to any information presented here. The following are the SDK and tools which have relevant sections of material in this guide:

Developer resources

Amazon CodeWhisperer is a machine learning (ML)–powered service that helps improve developer productivity by generating code recommendations based on both code comments and code in the integrated development environment (IDE). To learn more about which languages and IDEs are supported, as well as how to sign up for free preview, see Amazon CodeWhisperer.