AWS SAM CLI core commands - AWS Serverless Application Model

AWS SAM CLI core commands

AWS SAM CLI has some basic commands you use to create, build, test, deploy, and sync your serverless application. The table below lists these commands and provides links with more information for each.

For a complete list of AWS SAM CLI commands, see AWS SAM CLI command reference.


What it does

Related topics

sam build

Prepares an application for subsequent steps in the developer workflow, such as local testing or deploying to the AWS Cloud.

sam deploy

Deploys an application to the AWS Cloud using AWS CloudFormation.

sam init

Provides options to initialize and create a new serverless application.

sam local

Provides subcommands to test your serverless applications locally.

sam remote invoke

Provides a way to interact with supported AWS resources in the AWS Cloud.

sam remote test-event

Provides a way to access and manage shareable test events for your AWS Lambda functions.

sam sync

Provides options to quickly sync local application changes to the AWS Cloud.